Example #1
	}).then(function (values) {
		var pi_error = Math.abs(Math.PI - pi),
			jobs_per_task = capataz.statistics.stat({key:"jobs_per_task"});
		capataz.statistics.add(base.copy({key:'estimation_error'}, tags), pi_error);
		capataz.logger.info('Repetition #', repetition, ' with step ', step,
			' finished. PI = ', pi, ' (error ', pi_error, ').');
		capataz.statistics.addStatistic(jobs_per_task, base.copy({key:'task_size'}, tags));
		// Write stats file
		var statFilePath = './tests/logs/capataz-stats-'+
			base.Text.formatDate(new Date(capataz.__startTime__), 'yyyymmdd-hhnnss') +
			'-r'+ base.Text.lpad(''+ repetition, 3, '0') +'.txt';
		fs.writeFileSync(statFilePath, capataz.statistics +'\n');
		// Reset stats.
Example #2
		}, function (err) { // Ignore error.
			capataz.statistics.add(base.copy({key:'rejected_jobs', err: ''+ err }, tags), 1);
Example #3
base.Future.sequence(base.Iterable.range(CONFIG.repetitions).product(CONFIG.jobCounts, CONFIG.taskSizes), function (args) {
	var repetition = +args[0],
		jobCount = +args[1],
		taskSize = +args[2],
		step = Math.round((CONFIG.radius + 1) / jobCount),
		pi = 0,
/** Tags are used to separate the statistics of runs with different parameters.
		tags = {
			step: base.Text.lpad(''+ step, Math.ceil(Math.log(CONFIG.radius) / Math.log(10)), '0'),
			taskSize: base.Text.lpad(''+ taskSize, 3, '0')
		fulltimeStat = capataz.statistics.stat(base.copy({key:'fulltime'}, tags));
/** This function returns a future that accumulates results and accounts errors.
	function accumulate(job) {
		return job.then(function (result) {
			pi += result;
		}, function (err) { // Ignore error.
			capataz.statistics.add(base.copy({key:'rejected_jobs', err: ''+ err }, tags), 1);

/** Here all jobs are generated. Basically the range [0, CONFIG.radius) is split in `jobCount` jobs.
Each job is a call to `job_function` with a slice of the domain (left and right borders) and the
`CONFIG.radius` value. No imports are needed, and the `info` is provided to improve clients' logs.
	capataz.config.maxTaskSize = taskSize;
	return capataz.scheduleAll(base.Iterable.range(0, CONFIG.radius, step).map(function (x) {
		return {
			fun: job_function,
			args: [x, x + step, CONFIG.radius],
			info: 'x <- ['+ x + ', '+ (x + step) +')',
			tags: tags
/**	The `scheduleAll` method takes from the generator in chunks of 1000 jobs, scheduling and waiting
before dealing with the next chunk. At each scheduled job this callback is called. This allows to
work with the future of the scheduled job. In this case, only a simple aggregation of the results is
	}), 1000, function (scheduled) {
		return accumulate(scheduled, tags);
/** The future returned by `scheduleAll` is fulfilled when all jobs have been completed. Here the
estimation error is calculated, logged, and added to the run statistics. The statistic used to
adjust the task size is reset.
	}).then(function (values) {
		var pi_error = Math.abs(Math.PI - pi),
			jobs_per_task = capataz.statistics.stat({key:"jobs_per_task"});
		capataz.statistics.add(base.copy({key:'estimation_error'}, tags), pi_error);
		capataz.logger.info('Repetition #', repetition, ' with step ', step,
			' finished. PI = ', pi, ' (error ', pi_error, ').');
		capataz.statistics.addStatistic(jobs_per_task, base.copy({key:'task_size'}, tags));
		// Write stats file
		var statFilePath = './tests/logs/capataz-stats-'+
			base.Text.formatDate(new Date(capataz.__startTime__), 'yyyymmdd-hhnnss') +
			'-r'+ base.Text.lpad(''+ repetition, 3, '0') +'.txt';
		fs.writeFileSync(statFilePath, capataz.statistics +'\n');
		// Reset stats.
/** The future build by `Future.sequence` is fulfilled when all repetitions have been completed.
Here the server is shut down.
}).then(function () {