Example #1
Gl.notepad.createList = function (opt) {
	* 	@param
	*	aid: article's aid
	*	title: article's title
	*	ct: article's creating time
	opt = opt || {};

	var aid = opt.aid || $("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid"),
		title = opt.title || $("#notepadTitle").val(),
		ct = opt.ct ? (opt.ct >= 2147483647 ? parseInt(opt.ct) : opt.ct * 1000) : time.getTime().getTime(), // Check the create time format is in seconds or millisecond
		date = new Date(parseInt(ct)),
		currentAid = $("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid"),
		list; // List object which need to be created
	date = time.getForm(date);
	ct = helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, date);
	list = $(helper.replaceTpl(listTpl, {aid: aid, title: title, ct: ct}));

	// Add active status when the article is the current one.
	if (aid == currentAid) {
		$("#notepadList li").removeClass("active");

	return list; // Return the list object
Example #2
Gl.notepad.add = function (opt) {
	* 	@param
	*	title: article's title
	*	content: article's content
	opt = opt || {};
	var that = this,
		date = createTime || time.getTime(),
		ct = helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(new Date(date))),
		title = opt.title || "",
		content = opt.content || "";

	createTime = date;

	// that.createList({title:"", ct: date.getTime()});
	$("#notepadList li").removeClass("active");
	$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(content); // Focus on the textarea
	// Reset save button
	$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", "").text(_conf.saveBtn);
	that.inputStatus(); // Start to check input status
Example #3
File: pray.js Project: 2zyun/fis3
		formPrayData = function(dateStr){
			var data = requestData[dateStr],
				dateArr = dateStr.split("-"),
			curDate = uniform(Gl.serverNow);
			curForm =time.getForm(curDate);
			curTime = curDate.getTime();
			//get 6 pray time
			for(var i=0,td;td=data[i];i++){
				curPrayTimeData = data[i].split(":");
				prayTimeMsArr[i] = new Date(parseInt(dateArr[0]),parseInt(dateArr[1],10)-1,parseInt(dateArr[2],10)).setHours(curPrayTimeData[0],curPrayTimeData[1],0,curDate.getMilliseconds());
					prayTimeMsArr[i] += 3600000*24;
				timeGap[i] = prayTimeMsArr[i] - curTime;
				trParams[i] = {};
				// 增加对时间补零操作
				tmpTime = (curPrayTimeData[0].length > 1 ? curPrayTimeData[0] : "0" + curPrayTimeData[0]) + ":" + (curPrayTimeData[1].length > 1 ? curPrayTimeData[1] : "0" + curPrayTimeData[1]);
				if(conf.pray.prayClock.hourClock == "12"){
					trParams[i].praytime = to12Hour(tmpTime,conf.pray.prayClock.localText);
					trParams[i].praytime = tmpTime;
Example #4
			success: function (data) {
				data = $.parseJSON(data).data;
				if (data) {
					var date = new Date(data.ct >= 2147483647 ? parseInt(data.ct) : data.ct * 1000); // Check the create time format is in seconds or millisecond
					date = helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(date));
					$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(data.content); // Focus on the textarea
					// Bind article info with $.data
					listEle.data("data", {aid: aid, title: data.title, content: data.content, ct: date});
				} else {
					$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(""); // Focus on the textarea
					// Bind article info with $.data
					listEle.data("data", {aid: aid, title: "", content: "", ct: ""});
				$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", aid);
				that.inputStatus(); // Check the input status
Example #5
VnLotteryBase.prototype._initDatePicker = function(){
	var self = this;
		showOtherMonths: true,
		selectOtherMonths: true,
		showOn: "both",
		buttonText: "<i></i>",
		showAnim: "slideDown",
		showOptions: {direction: "down"},
		dateFormat:  self._conf.lottery.dateFormat,
		minDate:  self._conf.lottery.minDate,
		maxDate:  self._conf.lottery.maxDate,
		hideIfNoPrevNext: true
	if(time.getForm().hh >= parseInt(self._conf.lottery.changeHour,10)){
		self._$datePicker.datepicker("setDate", "0");//超过设置的小时数,此时默认今日数据已经可用,取今日数据
		self._$datePicker.datepicker("setDate", "-1");//否则取昨日数据

Example #6
				success: function (data) {
					data = $.parseJSON(data).data;
					if (data) {
						list.attr("data-aid", data.aid);
						if (!$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid") && $("p", $("#notepadList li").eq(0)).text() !== "") {
							$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", data.aid);
						// Bind article info with $.data
						list.data("data", {aid: data.aid, title: title, content: content, ct: helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(new Date(ct)))});
Example #7
Gl.notepad.save = function (opt) {
	* 	@param
	*	aid: article's aid
	*	title: article's title
	*	content: article's content
	*	ct: article's creating time
	*	setSaved: if the value is true, set the Save button's text as SAVED
	opt = opt || {};

	var that = this,
		aid = opt.aid || $("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid"),
		title = opt.title || $("#notepadTitle").val(),
		content = opt.content || $("#notepadArticle").val(),
		ct = opt.ct || time.getTime().getTime();

	if (titleText !== title || articleText !== content) {
		isChange = true; // Check whether user has input anything
	titleText = title;
	articleText = content;

	if (title === "" && content === "") {
		isChange = false; // It's illegal to save when the title and content are both empty
	} else if (title === "") {
		title = content.substr(0, 250); // If the title is blank, using content's substring as title

	// Can save with changing
	if (isChange) {
		// Set saved text and reset it
		if (opt.setSaved) {
			t = setTimeout(function () {
			}, _conf.savedTimeout);
		if (!aid || aid === "undefined") {
			// If the article's aid is not available, create it.
			ct = createTime ? createTime.getTime() : ct;
			createTime = ""; // reset create time
			// remove the first element while it's a new one
			if ($("#notepadList li").eq(0).attr("data-aid") === "" || $("#notepadList li").eq(0).attr("data-aid") === "undefined") {
				var list = $("#notepadList li").eq(0);
				$("p", list).text(title);
			} else {
				var list = that.createList({title: title, content: content, ct: ct});
				url: "/cloudnote/create",
				data: {
					time: Math.floor(ct / 1000), // Set create time format in seconds in case of database overflow
					title: title,
					content: content
				type: "POST",
				success: function (data) {
					data = $.parseJSON(data).data;
					if (data) {
						list.attr("data-aid", data.aid);
						if (!$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid") && $("p", $("#notepadList li").eq(0)).text() !== "") {
							$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", data.aid);
						// Bind article info with $.data
						list.data("data", {aid: data.aid, title: title, content: content, ct: helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(new Date(ct)))});
			isChange = false; // Restore changing status
		} else {
			var save = function () {				
					url: "/cloudnote/save",
					data: {
						aid: aid,
						title: title,
						content: content
					type: "POST",
					success: function () {
						canSave = true; // saving process is end
					error: function () {
						canSave = true; // saving process is end
			// If the article's aid is available, save it.
			var listEle = $("#notepadList li[data-aid='" + aid + "']");
			$("p", listEle).text(title);
			// Check save list state
			if (canSave) {
				canSave = false;
			} else {
				// Abandon the last saving process after timeout
				setTimeout(function () {
					canSave = true;
				}, _conf.saveListTimeout);
			isChange = false; // Restore changing status
			// Bind article info with $.data
			listEle.data("data", {aid: aid, title: title, content: content, ct: helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(new Date(ct)))});
Example #8
Gl.notepad.showContent = function (aid) {
	*	@params
	*	aid: the article's id which need to show
	var that = this,
		currentAid = $("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid"),
		listEle = $("#notepadList li[data-aid='" + aid + "']");

	if (currentAid == aid) return; // Do not do anything while clicking the current article

	// Reset save button
	$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", aid).text(_conf.saveBtn);

	if (listEle.data("data")) {
		// If the article has been bound with $.data, create with it
		var data = listEle.data("data");
		$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(data.content); // Focus on the textarea
		$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", aid);
		that.inputStatus(); // Check the input status
	} else if (!aid || aid === "undefined") {
		var ct = helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(new Date(createTime)));
		// If the article has no aid, then add a new one.
		$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(""); // Focus on the textarea
		// Reset save button
		$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", "");
		that.inputStatus(); // Check the input status
	} else {
			url: "/cloudnote/getcontent",
			data: {
				aid: aid
			type: "POST",
			success: function (data) {
				data = $.parseJSON(data).data;
				if (data) {
					var date = new Date(data.ct >= 2147483647 ? parseInt(data.ct) : data.ct * 1000); // Check the create time format is in seconds or millisecond
					date = helper.replaceTpl(_conf.timeTpl, time.getForm(date));
					$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(data.content); // Focus on the textarea
					// Bind article info with $.data
					listEle.data("data", {aid: aid, title: data.title, content: data.content, ct: date});
				} else {
					$("#notepadArticle").focus().val(""); // Focus on the textarea
					// Bind article info with $.data
					listEle.data("data", {aid: aid, title: "", content: "", ct: ""});
				$("#notepadSave").attr("data-aid", aid);
				that.inputStatus(); // Check the input status
Example #9
File: pray.js Project: 2zyun/fis3
		countDown = function(){
			html = "";
			var oldTimeGap,
				nearestPray = -1;

			for(var i=0,td;td=prayNameList[i];i++){
				if(timeGap[i] >= 0){//wait to start
					if(nearestPray == -1){
						nearestPray = i;
						trParams[i].prayclass = "cur";
						trParams[i].prayclass = "";
					/*hh = Math.floor(timeGap[i]/3600000);
					mm = Math.floor(timeGap[i]%3600000/60000);
					ss = Math.round(timeGap[i]%3600000%60000/1000);*/
					tmpTimeGap = new Date(timeGap[i]);
					hh = tmpTimeGap.getUTCHours();
					mm = tmpTimeGap.getUTCMinutes();
					ss = tmpTimeGap.getUTCSeconds();
					trParams[i].praycountdown = (hh<10?"0"+hh:hh)+":"+(mm<10?"0"+mm:mm)+":"+(ss<10?"0"+ss:ss);
				}else{//starting & started
					trParams[i].prayclass = "passed";
					trParams[i].praycountdown = "--:--:--";
				oldTimeGap = timeGap[i];
				trParams[i].prayname = td;
				html += helper.replaceTpl(trTpl,trParams[i]);
				//timeGap[i] -= 1000;

			if(oldTimeGap <= -3600000 * conf.pray.prayClock.overtime || oldTimeGap > curPrayTimeData[0]*3600000+curPrayTimeData[1]*60000){//如果今日祷告已过去超过指定时间,就显示明日数据
				requestTomorrow = 1;
					//formPrayData(formDateParam(new Date(curDate.getFullYear()+"-"+(curDate.getMonth()+1)+"-"+(curDate.getDate()+1))));a=new Date(curTime).setDate(curDate.getDate()+1)
					formPrayData(formDateParam(new Date(new Date(curTime).setDate(curDate.getDate()+1))));
					loadTomorrow = 1;
					/*for(var i=0,td;td=prayNameList[i];i++){
						timeGap[i] -= 1000;
					curTime += 1000;*/
				requestTomorrow = 0;
			curForm = time.getForm(new Date(curTime));
			if(conf.pray.prayClock.hourClock == "12"){//12:15=>12:15PM;24:15=>12:15AM
				if(curForm.hh > 11 && curForm.hh < 24){
					curForm.hourClock = "PM";
					curForm.hourClock = "AM";
				if(curForm.hh > 12){
					curForm.hh -= 12;
				curForm.hourClock = "";
			//curTime += 1000;