Example #1
 * Generates a random set of (nicely selected!) colors and selects one to be returned.
 * @export
 * @return {string}
export default function getIconColor(excludedColor) {
    let scheme = new ColorScheme();

    // jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers
    // jscs:enable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers

    let colors = scheme.colors();

    // Make sure our generated colors don't contain the color
    // that's already set.
    if (excludedColor !== null) {
        // We store colors on the model with the '#' prefixed.
        let colorName = excludedColor.substr(1);
        let excludedColorIndex = colors.indexOf(colorName);

        if (excludedColorIndex >= 0) {

    let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);

    return ['#', colors[index]].join('');
Example #2
function generateColorPalette() {
    var ColorScheme = require('color-scheme');
    var Utils = require('../lib/utils');

    var scheme = new ColorScheme();
    var randomHue = Utils.randomInt(0, 360);

    return scheme.colors();
Example #3
    function graphWorkflow(workflowDefinition, workflowId, workflowName) {
        var dfd = q.defer();


        var workflowGraph = new Workflow(workflowDefinition);
        var Color = require('color');

        var graph = new joint.dia.Graph();
        var scheme = new ColorScheme();


        var colors = scheme

        var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
            width: 5000,
            height: 5000,
            gridSize: 1,
            model: graph,
            perpendicularLinks: true,

        setGrid(paper, 10, '#0A0B11');

        var paperScroller = new joint.ui.PaperScroller({
            paper: paper,
            autoResizePaper: true

        //    width: $tabs.children('div').first().width(),
        //    height: $tabs.children('div').first().height()

            width: $('#paper').width(),
            height: $('#paper').height()
        // add tabs
        var $crumbs = $('ol.crumbs');
        $crumbs.append($('<li>').append($('<a>').attr('href', '#').text(workflowName).addClass('active').data('workflow-id', workflowId)));
        $crumbs.find('li:last-child a').on('click', function () {
            var wid = $(this).data('workflow-id');
            $('#paper div').removeClass('active');
            $('.wf-' + wid).addClass('active');

        // add paper
        $('#paper div').removeClass('active');
        $('#paper div:last-child').addClass('active');
        $('#paper div:last-child').addClass('wf-' + workflowId);
        $('#paper div:last-child').on('mousewheel', function (event) {
            var wheelDelta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
            console.log(wheelDelta / 1200);
            if (wheelDelta < 0) {
                // up
                paperScroller.zoom(-1 * wheelDelta/1200, { max: 4 });
            } else {
                // down
                paperScroller.zoom(-1 * wheelDelta/1200, { min: 0.2 });

        paper.on('blank:pointerdown', paperScroller.startPanning);

        paper.on('cell:pointerdown', function(cellView, evt, x, y) { 
            if (cellView.model.attributes.node) {
                var wf = findWorkflowInQueue(cellView.model.attributes.workflowId);
                var step = findStepInGraph(wf.graph, cellView.model.attributes.node.name);
                emittable.emit('stepClicked', step);

        (function () {
            var stepsSeen = [];
            var xOffset = 0;
            var yOffset = 0;
            var currentColumn = 0;
            var columns = [];
            var links = [];

            // walks and adds each step in the workflow graph into an array
            // of columns to later be rejiggered and positioned.
            walkAndAdd(workflowGraph.getGraph(), 0);

            function walkAndAdd(node, col) {
                var rect = new joint.shapes.devs.Model2({ 
                    node: node,
                    workflowId: workflowId,
                    position: { x: xOffset, y: yOffset },
                    size: { width: 200, height: 50 + (node.out.length * 20) },
                    inPorts: ['in'],
                    outPorts: node.out.map((n) => n.name),
                    attrs: {
                        '.label': {
                            text: node.name,
                            //'ref-x': .4,
                            'font-family': 'arial, helvetica, sans-serif',
                            'font-size': 12,
                            'fill': '#CCC' // 555
                        '.body': {
                            rect: {
                                fill: '#EAEAEA', // eaeaea
                                stroke: '#222' // 222
                        '.inPorts circle': { fill: 'rgb(230,178,126)', 'stroke-width': 0 },
                        '.outPorts circle': { fill: 'rgb(178,126,230)', 'stroke-width': 0 },
                        '.inPorts .port-label': {
                            'font-family': 'arial, helvetica, sans-serif',
                            'font-size': 10,
                            fill: '#dadada', // 555
                            opacity: 0
                        '.outPorts .port-label': {
                            'font-family': 'arial, helvetica, sans-serif',
                            'font-size': 10,
                            fill: '#dadada' // 555

                if (typeof columns[col] === 'undefined') {
                    columns[col] = [];
                node.rect = rect;
                //yOffset += 80;

                // if this step has more than one children, bump the X offset
                if (node.out && node.out.length > 1) {
                    //xOffset += 250;
                    //yOffset = 0;
                    col += 1;

                // ignore circular references back to this step. we only want to add it to the graph once.

                // process each child step
                (node.out || []).forEach((sub) => {
                    //var canLog = false;
                    //if (sub.name==='social-login') {
                    //    canLog  =true;
                    //    logger.log('hoping to add ' + sub.name + '..................');
                    //    logger.log('parent:', node.name);
                    // can ANOTHER sibling reach the node I'm about to add?
                    // Bounce it out one column if another sibling can reach the node I'm about to add.
                    var canAdd = (node.out || [])
                        .filter((n) => n.name !== sub.name)
                        .every((sibling) => {
                            //if (canLog) {
                            //    logger.log('can ' + sibling.name + ' go to it?' + canReachNode(sibling, sub));
                            var seenDuringReachWalk = [];
                            var canReach = canReachNode(sibling, sub, seenDuringReachWalk);
                            return (!canReach || (canReach && seenDuringReachWalk.indexOf(sub.name) > -1));

                    // only those who we've not already added to the graph
                    if (stepsSeen.indexOf(sub.name) === -1 && canAdd) {
                        walkAndAdd(sub, col);


            // add all steps from the column arrays to the paper
            for (var col = 0; col < columns.length; col++ ){
                var currentY = 40;
                for (var row = 0; row < columns[col].length; row++) {
                    var rect = columns[col][row];
                    rect.attributes.position = { x: 100 + (col * 430), y: currentY };
                    logger.log('adding rect', rect);
                    currentY += rect.attributes.size.height + 60;

            // create links
            Object.keys(workflowDefinition).forEach((stepName) => {
                var current = findStepInGraph(workflowGraph.getGraph(), stepName);
                logger.log('found ' + stepName + '?', current);
                if (current) {
                    var currentPortNumber = 0;
                    (current.out || []).forEach((dest) => {
                        logger.log('linking ' + current.name + ' to ' + dest.name);
                        var color = '#' + colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];

                        current.rect.attr('.outPorts>.port' + currentPortNumber +'>.port-body/fill', Color(color).lighten(0.3).hexString());
                        current.rect.attr('.outPorts>.port' + currentPortNumber + '>.port-body/stroke', Color(color).lighten(0).hexString());
                        dest.rect.attr('.inPorts>.port0>.port-body/fill', Color(color).lighten(0.3).hexString());
                        dest.rect.attr('.inPorts>.port0>.port-body/stroke', Color(color).lighten(0).hexString());
                        //dest.rect.attr('.inPorts>.port0>.port-body/fill', '#E7E7E7');
                        //dest.rect.attr('.inPorts>.port0>.port-body/stroke', '#B0B0B0');

                        var cell = new joint.shapes.org.Arrow2({
                            source: {id: current.rect.id, port: dest.name },
                            target: {id: dest.rect.id, port: 'in' },
                            router: { name: 'metro' },
                            connector: { name: 'rounded' },
                            attrs: {
                                '.connection': {
                                    'fill': 'none',
                                    'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
                                    'stroke-width': '2',
                                    //'stroke': 'rgb(126,230,230)'//'#999'
                                    'stroke': color
                                '.marker-target': {
                                    fill: color,
                                    'stroke-width': 0,
                                    d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z'

                            from: current.name,
                            to: dest.name,
                            link: cell

                id: workflowId,
                graph: workflowGraph.getGraph(),
                links: links,
                lastStepName: null
