Example #1
function parseCommandLine() {
    cli.enable('version', 'status');

    return {
        args:       cli.args,
        options:    cli.options,
Example #2
      interpret: function(args) {
        debug('Beep bop beep .. starting up..')
        cli.options = {}

        cli.enable('version', 'glob', 'help')
        cli.setApp(path.resolve(__dirname + '/../package.json'))

        var opts = cli.parse(options)

Example #3
 function setupHelp(languages) {
     cli.enable('help', 'status', 'version');
     cli.setApp('mphfgen', '0.0.1');
             language: ['l', 'Language to target', languages, 'c'],
             hashfunc: ['a', 'Hash function to use', ['djb2', 'sdbm'], 'djb2'],
Example #4
exports.parse = function() {
	var cli = require('cli');

	cli.setApp($cm.name, $cm.version);

	var options = cli.parse( {
		file : [ 'f', 'Spec file', 'path', './spec.js' ],
		targets : [ false, 'Target in comma seperated list', 'string', 'all' ]

Example #5
casper.test.begin('parsing an empty argument list', 8, function(test) {
    var parsed = cli.parse(['--&é"à=42===42']);
    // clean
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, { '&é"à': "42===42" }, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('&é"à'), "42===42", 'parse() handles options with exotic names');
    test.assert(parsed.has('&é"à'), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    // raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional raw args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, { '&é"à': "42===42" }, 'parse() returns expected options raw object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('&é"à'), "42===42", 'parse() handles raw options with exotic names');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.has('&é"à'), 'has() checks if a raw option is set');
Example #6
casper.test.begin('parsing an empty argument list', 12, function(test) {
    var parsed = cli.parse([]);
    // clean
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get(0), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant positional arg');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('blah'), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant option');
    test.assert(!parsed.has(0), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    test.assert(!parsed.has('blah'), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    // raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get(0), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant positional arg');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('blah'), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant option');
    test.assert(!parsed.raw.has(0), 'has() checks if a raw arg is set');
    test.assert(!parsed.raw.has('blah'), 'has() checks if a raw option is set');
Example #7
casper.test.begin('parsing some options', 12, function(test) {
    var parsed = cli.parse(['--foo=bar', '--baz']);
    // clean
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, {foo: 'bar', baz: true}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('foo'), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve an option value');
    test.assert(parsed.get('baz'), 'parse() retrieve boolean option flag');
    test.assert(parsed.has("foo"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has("baz"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    // raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional raw args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, {foo: 'bar', baz: true}, 'parse() returns expected options raw object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('foo'), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve an option raw value');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.get('baz'), 'parse() retrieve boolean raw option flag');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.has("foo"), 'has() checks if a raw option is set');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.has("baz"), 'has() checks if a raw option is set');
Example #8
casper.test.begin('parsing an basic argument list', 14, function(test) {
    var parsed = cli.parse(['foo', 'bar']);
    // clean
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, ['foo', 'bar'], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get(0), 'foo', 'parse() retrieve first positional arg');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get(1), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve second positional arg');
    test.assert(parsed.has(0), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has(1), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    test.assert(!parsed.has(2), 'has() checks if an arg is not set');
    // raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, ['foo', 'bar'], 'parse() returns expected positional raw args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected raw options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get(0), 'foo', 'parse() retrieve first positional raw arg');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get(1), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve second positional raw arg');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.has(0), 'has() checks if a arw arg is set');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.has(1), 'has() checks if a arw arg is set');
    test.assert(!parsed.raw.has(2), 'has() checks if a arw arg is not set');
Example #9
	interpret: function (args) {
		cli.options = {};

		cli.enable("version", "glob", "help");
		cli.setApp(path.resolve(__dirname + "/../package.json"));

		var options = cli.parse(OPTIONS);
		// Use config file if specified
		var config;
		if (options.config) {
			config = exports.loadConfig(options.config);

		switch (true) {
		// JSLint reporter
		case options.reporter === "jslint":
		case options["jslint-reporter"]:
			options.reporter = "./reporters/jslint_xml.js";

		// CheckStyle (XML) reporter
		case options.reporter === "checkstyle":
		case options["checkstyle-reporter"]:
			options.reporter = "./reporters/checkstyle.js";

		// Reporter that displays additional JSHint data
		case options["show-non-errors"]:
			options.reporter = "./reporters/non_error.js";

		// Custom reporter
		case options.reporter !== undefined:
			options.reporter = path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.reporter);

		var reporter;
		if (options.reporter) {
			reporter = loadReporter(options.reporter);

			if (reporter === null) {
				cli.error("Can't load reporter file: " + options.reporter);

		// This is a hack. exports.run is both sync and async function
		// because I needed stdin support (and cli.withStdin is async)
		// and was too lazy to change tests.

		function done(passed) {
			/*jshint eqnull:true */

			if (passed == null)

			// Patch as per https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha/issues/333
			// fixes issues with piped output on Windows.
			// Root issue is here https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/3584
			function exit() { process.exit(passed ? 0 : 2); }
			try {
				if (exports.getBufferSize()) {
					process.stdout.once('drain', exit);
				} else {
			} catch (err) {

			args:       cli.args,
			config:     config,
			reporter:   reporter,
			ignores:    loadIgnores(options.exclude, options["exclude-path"]),
			extensions: options["extra-ext"],
			verbose:    options.verbose,
			extract:    options.extract,
			useStdin:   {"-": true, "/dev/stdin": true}[args[args.length - 1]]
		}, done));
Example #10
    message: "Name for key file",
    default: "key.pem"
    type: "input",
    name: "certFile",
    message: "Name for certificate file",
    default: "cert.der"

var cliOptions = cli.parse({
  // To test against the demo instance, pass --newReg "https://www.letsencrypt-demo.org/acme/new-reg"
  // To get a cert from the demo instance, you must be publicly reachable on
  // port 443 under the DNS name you are trying to get, and run test.js as root.
  newReg:  ["new-reg", "New Registration URL", "string", "http://localhost:4000/acme/new-reg"],
  certKeyFile:  ["certKey", "File for cert key (created if not exists)", "path", "cert-key.pem"],
  certFile:  ["cert", "Path to output certificate (DER format)", "path", "cert.pem"],
  email:  ["email", "Email address", "string", null],
  agreeTerms:  ["agree", "Agree to terms of service", "boolean", null],
  domains:  ["domains", "Domain name(s) for which to request a certificate (comma-separated)", "string", null],

var state = {
  certPrivateKey: null,
  accountPrivateKey: null,

  newRegistrationURL: cliOptions.newReg,
  registrationURL: "",

  termsRequired: false,
  termsAgreed: null,
Example #11
var colors = require('colors');
var cli = require('cli');
var app = require('./app');

cli.parse(null, ['run', 'about']);

switch(cli.command) {
  case 'run':
  case 'about':
Example #12
#!/usr/bin/env node

  cli = require('cli'),
  chokidar = require('chokidar'),
  devsync = require('../')

  options = cli.parse({
    cwd: ['c', 'Path to the library', 'file', './'],
    target: ['t', 'Path to the package(s) which has dependency', 'file', '../'],
    watch: ['w', 'Watch the library'],
    silent: ['s', 'Be quiet']

if (options.watch) {
  chokidar.watch(options.cwd, {
    ignored: [] // TODO: ignore some files
  }).on('all', (e, p) => {
    console.log(`Update detected: ${ p }`)
} else {
var merge = require('merge');
var MessageSender = require('./MessageSender.js');

var defaultOptions = {
    host: 'services.local.com',
    user: '******',
    password: '******',
    frameMax: 0,
    vhost: 'test',
    exchange: 'audit',
    messagesPerMinute: 60

    host: ['h', 'RabbitMQ host', 'string', defaultOptions.host],
    user: ['u', 'RabbitMQ user', 'string', defaultOptions.user],
    password: ['p', 'RabbitMQ password', 'string', defaultOptions.password],
    vhost: ['v', 'RabbitMQ VHost', 'string', defaultOptions.vhost],
    exchange: ['q', 'Destination exchange that will receive messages', 'string', defaultOptions.exchange],
    template: ['t', 'Message template', 'string'],
    messagesPerMinute: ['m', 'Messages per minute', 'string', defaultOptions.messagesPerMinute]

cli.main(function(args, options) {
    var sender = new MessageSender(merge(defaultOptions, options), cli);
    cli.spinner('Sending message ' + (sender.options.template === null ? 'Hello World' : sender.options.template) + ' at rate ' + sender.options.messagesPerMinute + '/min ');

Example #14
"use strict";

const cli = require( 'cli' ),
      yargs = require( 'yargs' ),
      chalk = require( 'chalk' ),
      express = require( 'express' ),
      gulp = require( 'gulp' ),
      handleIo = require( './utils/io-output' ),
      path = require( 'path' ),
      patternguide = require( './main' );

// option flags
  cwd: [ 'Current Working Directory', 'string' ],
  requestProxy: [ 'rp', 'Request Proxy', 'string' ]

cli.main(function ( args, opts ) {
  // consider making this dynamic off of file structure reads
  // but for now just keep it simple in an array.
  let definedModes = [ 'init', 'server' ];

  cli.ok( 'Welcome to PatternGuide\'s Front-end Devlopment Workflow' );

  // every mode class should have a `start` method
  args.map(function ( mode ) {
    if ( definedModes.indexOf( mode ) != -1 ) {
      let Module = require( path.join( __dirname, 'modes', mode ) );
      new Module().start();
Example #15
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';

process.title = 'mongodb-backup';
var VERSION = require('../package.json').version;
var cli = require('cli');

  verbose: [ false, ' Save internal reporting into a logfile', 'file' ],
  host: [ false, ' Specifies a resolvable hostname for the mongod', 'string' ],
  parser: [ 'p', ' Data parser (bson, json)', 'string', 'bson' ],
  out: [ 'o', ' Specifies the directory where saves the output', 'string',
    'dump/' ],
  tar: [ 't', ' Pack files into a .tar file', 'string' ],
  collections: [ 'c', 'Specifies a collection to backup', 'string' ],
  query: [ 'q', 'Query that optionally limits the documents included', 'string' ],
  metadata: [ 'm', 'Save metadata of collections as Index, ecc' ],
  version: [ 'v', 'Display the current version' ]

.main(function(args, options) {

  var self = this;
  if (options.version) {
    return console.log(process.title + ' v' + VERSION);
  } else if (args.length == 0 && !options.host) {
    self.fatal('Missing uri option');
Example #16

      const url = RNPLAY_APP_URL + urlToken;

const ACTION_MAP = {
  authenticate: createConfig,
  create: createGitRepo,
  open: openAppInBrowser

  authenticate: ['a', 'Authenticate to rnplay.org with a token'],
  create:       ['c', 'Create a git remote for this application'],
  open:         ['o', 'Opens the last created application in rnplay.org']

cli.main((args, options) => {
  const action = ACTION_MAP[getFirstTrueOption(options)];

  if (!action) {

    .catch((e) => {
      cli.error('Ooops, there has been an error: \n' + e.message);
      cli.info('If you are sure that you did nothing wrong, please file an issue at the rnplay-cli repo!');
Example #17
var cli = require('cli'),
    async = require('async'),
    redis = require('redis'),
    VenueUtil = require('venue-util'),
    mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    JobQueue = require('../../lib/JobQueue').JobQueue,
    Attribution = require('venue-util/lib/Attribution.js');

    env:['e', 'Environment name: development|test|production.', 'string', 'production'],
    config_path:['c', 'Config file path.', 'string', '../../etc/conf'],
    _id:['i', 'Scrape id to pair/create', 'string', 'all']

cli.main(function (args, options) {

        var conf
        try {
            conf = require(options.config_path)[options.env]
            if (!conf) {
                throw new Exception('Config file not found')
        } catch (ex) {
            cli.fatal('Config file not found. Using: ' + options.config_path)

        var redisClient = redis.createClient(conf.redis.port, conf.redis.host);
        var jobQueue = new JobQueue('insiderpagesdetails', {redisClient:redisClient})

        var ordrinMongoConnectionString = 'mongodb://' + conf.mongo.user + ':' + conf.mongo.password + '@' + conf.mongo.host + ':' + conf.mongo.port + '/' + conf.mongo.db
        var dbConn = mongoose.createConnection(ordrinMongoConnectionString);
Example #18

 * Set the app name and version, otherwise it defaults to the ones from the `cli` package
cli.setApp('wpa-cli', packageJson.version);

 * Enable plugins
cli.enable('version', 'status');

 * Describe the required options
cli.parse(options, commands);

cli.main(function() {

	if (!this.options.path) {

	var path = wpa.formatPath(this.options.path);

	switch (this.command) {

	case 'install':
Example #19
var cli = require("cli");

	random_stream: ["rs", "random stream", "path", "/dev/urandom"],
	csv: ["c", "csv file path", "path", "./testtable01.csv"],
	number: ["n", "number of lines", "number", 10]

cli.main(function(args, options) {
	var fs = require("fs");
	var count = 0;
	var fdR = fs.openSync(options.random_stream, "r");
	var fdW = fs.openSync(options.csv, "w");
	var buffer = new Buffer(150);
	while (count < options.number) {
		fs.readSync(fdR, buffer, 0, 150, null);
		var s = buffer.toString('base64');
		var line = (count + "," + s + "\n");
		var bufW = new Buffer(line);
		fs.writeSync(fdW, bufW, 0, bufW.length, null);
	} // end of while
}); // end of cli.main

            callback.call(cli, results);


    cli.app + ' [OPTIONS] <URL> <scenario>\n\n' +
    '\x1b[1mExample\x1b[0m:\n ' +
    ' ' + cli.app + ' --connections 100 ws://localhost:8080 myScenario.js'

    connections:     ['c', 'Single test for specified count of connections', 'int', '100'],
    connectionsList: ['l', 'Multiple tests for specified list count of connections (-l 1,10,100,1000)', 'string'],
    output:          ['o', 'File to save JSON result', 'file']

cli.main(function (args, options) {
    if (args.length !== 2) {
        cli.fatal('Wrong number of arguments. Must be exactly 2 arguments! See `' + cli.app + ' -h` for details');

    var connections;

    if (options.connectionsList) {
        connections = options.connectionsList.split(',');

        multipleTest(args[0], args[1], connections, cli, function (result) {
            if (options.output) {
Example #21
var cli = require('cli'), t = casper.test;

t.comment('parse(), get(), has()');

(function(parsed) {
    t.assertEquals(parsed.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.get(0), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant positional arg');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.get('blah'), undefined, 'parse() does not return inexistant option');
    t.assert(!parsed.has(0), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    t.assert(!parsed.has('blah'), 'has() checks if an option is set');

(function(parsed) {
    t.assertEquals(parsed.args, ['foo', 'bar'], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.options, {}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.get(0), 'foo', 'parse() retrieve first positional arg');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.get(1), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve second positional arg');
    t.assert(parsed.has(0), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    t.assert(parsed.has(1), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    t.assert(!parsed.has(2), 'has() checks if an arg is not set');
})(cli.parse(['foo', 'bar']));

(function(parsed) {
    t.assertEquals(parsed.args, [], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.options, {foo: 'bar', baz: true}, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    t.assertEquals(parsed.get('foo'), 'bar', 'parse() retrieve an option value');
    t.assert(parsed.get('baz'), 'parse() retrieve boolean option flag');
    t.assert(parsed.has("foo"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    t.assert(parsed.has("baz"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
})(cli.parse(['--foo=bar', '--baz']));
Example #22
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs          = require('fs');
var config      = require('./config.js');
var cli         = require('cli');
var prompt      = require('prompt');
var itslearning = require('./itslearning.js');

cli.setApp('its', '0.0.1');

    setup        : ['s', 'Setup credentials and driver.'],
    notifications: ['n', 'List notifications.'],
    courses      : ['c', 'List all courses with their corresponding id.'],
    inbox        : ['i', 'List messages in your inbox.'],
    message      : ['m', 'Read a specific message in the inbox.', 'number'],
    bulletins    : ['b', 'List bulletings (news) for a single course id.', 'number']

var couldNotAuthenticate = function () {
    cli.error ('Authentication failed. Check your credentials.');

var setup = function () {
    var configuration = new config();

    var setupSchema = {
        properties: {
            username: {
                description: 'It\'sLearning username',
                required: true
var cli = require('cli');
var cluster = require ('cluster');
var VoltClient = require('./lib/client');
var VoltConfiguration = require('./lib/configuration');
var VoltProcedure = require('./lib/query');
var VoltQuery = require('./lib/query');

var util = require('util');

var client = null;
var resultsProc = new VoltProcedure('Results');
var initProc = new VoltProcedure('Initialize', ['int', 'string']);
var voteProc = new VoltProcedure('Vote', ['long', 'int', 'long']);

var options = cli.parse({
    voteCount : ['c', 'Number of votes to run', 'number', 10000],
    clusterNode0 : ['h', 'VoltDB host (one of the cluster)', 'string', 'localhost']

var area_codes = [907, 205, 256, 334, 251, 870, 501, 479, 480, 602, 623, 928, 
520, 341, 764, 628, 831, 925, 909, 562, 661, 510, 650, 949, 760, 415, 951, 209,
 669, 408, 559, 626, 442, 530, 916, 627, 714, 707, 310, 323, 213, 424, 747, 
 818, 858, 935, 619, 805, 369, 720, 303, 970, 719, 860, 203, 959, 475, 202, 
 302, 689, 407, 239, 850, 727, 321, 754, 954, 927, 352, 863, 386, 904, 561, 
 772, 786, 305, 941, 813, 478, 770, 470, 404, 762, 706, 678, 912, 229, 808, 
 515, 319, 563, 641, 712, 208, 217, 872, 312, 773, 464, 708, 224, 847, 779, 
 815, 618, 309, 331, 630, 317, 765, 574, 260, 219, 812, 913, 785, 316, 620, 
 606, 859, 502, 270, 504, 985, 225, 318, 337, 774, 508, 339, 781, 857, 617, 
 978, 351, 413, 443, 410, 301, 240, 207, 517, 810, 278, 679, 313, 586, 947, 
 248, 734, 269, 989, 906, 616, 231, 612, 320, 651, 763, 952, 218, 507, 636, 
 660, 975, 816, 573, 314, 557, 417, 769, 601, 662, 228, 406, 336, 252, 984, 
 919, 980, 910, 828, 704, 701, 402, 308, 603, 908, 848, 732, 551, 201, 862, 
Example #24
casper.test.begin('parsing commands containing args and options', 30, function(test) {
    var parsed = cli.parse(['foo & bar', 'baz & boz', '--universe=42',
                            '--lap=13.37', '--chucknorris', '--oops=false']);
    // clean
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, ['foo & bar', 'baz & boz'], 'parse() returns expected positional args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, {
        universe: 42,
        lap: 13.37,
        chucknorris: true,
        oops: false }, 'parse() returns expected options object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('universe'), 42, 'parse() can cast a numeric option value');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('lap'), 13.37, 'parse() can cast a float option value');
    test.assertType(parsed.get('lap'), "number", 'parse() can cast a boolean value');
    test.assert(parsed.get('chucknorris'), 'parse() can get a flag value by its option name');
    test.assertType(parsed.get('oops'), "boolean", 'parse() can cast a boolean value');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get('oops'), false, 'parse() can cast a boolean value');
    test.assert(parsed.has(0), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has(1), 'has() checks if an arg is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has("universe"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has("lap"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has("chucknorris"), 'has() checks if an option is set');
    test.assert(parsed.has("oops"), 'has() checks if an option is set');

    // drop()
    test.assertEquals(parsed.get(0), 'baz & boz', 'drop() dropped arg');
    test.assert(!parsed.has("universe"), 'drop() dropped option');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.args, ["baz & boz"], 'drop() did not affect other args');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.options, {
        lap: 13.37,
        chucknorris: true,
        oops: false
    }, 'drop() did not affect other options');

    // raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, ['foo & bar', 'baz & boz'],
        'parse() returns expected positional raw args array');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, {
        universe: "42",
        lap: "13.37",
        chucknorris: true,
        oops: "false" }, 'parse() returns expected options raw object');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('universe'), "42", 'parse() does not a raw numeric option value');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('lap'), "13.37", 'parse() does not cast a raw float option value');
    test.assertType(parsed.raw.get('lap'), "string", 'parse() does not cast a numeric value');
    test.assert(parsed.raw.get('chucknorris'), 'parse() can get a flag value by its option name');
    test.assertType(parsed.raw.get('oops'), "string", 'parse() can cast a boolean value');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get('oops'), "false", 'parse() can cast a boolean value');

    // drop() for raw
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.get(0), 'baz & boz', 'drop() dropped raw arg');
    test.assert(!parsed.raw.has("universe"), 'drop() dropped raw option');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.args, ["baz & boz"], 'drop() did not affect other raw args');
    test.assertEquals(parsed.raw.options, {
        lap: "13.37",
        chucknorris: true,
        oops: "false"
    }, 'drop() did not affect other raw options');
Example #25
#!/usr/bin/env node --max_old_space_size=4096
var tact = require('./tact/tact.js')
var async = require('async')
var _options = require('config').Client

var cli = require('cli')
var options = cli.parse({
  sourceCorpusFile: ['s', 'source corpus file to train', 'file', './corpus/source.txt'],
  targetCorpusFile: ['t', 'target corpus file to be aligned', 'file', './corpus/target.txt'],
  sourceCorrectionsFile: ['a', 'source corrections file to train', 'file', './corrections/source.txt'],
  targetCorrectionsFile: ['b', 'target corrections file to be aligned', 'file', './corrections/target.txt']

function progress(percent) {

tact.corpus.parseFiles(options.sourceCorrectionsFile, options.targetCorrectionsFile, function(corrections) {
  // console.time('training-1')
  // console.time('correctionsTable-1')
  tact.corpus.parseFiles(options.sourceCorpusFile, options.targetCorpusFile, function(corpus) {
    // console.time('corpusTable-1')
    var training = new tact.Training(_options, corpus, corrections)
    training.train(progress, progress,
      function() {
        // console.timeEnd('correctionsTable-1')
      function() {
        // console.timeEnd('corpusTable-1')
      function() {
Example #26
const DEFAULT_REMOTE = 'origin';
const PACKAGE_PATH	 = 'package.json';

/* Enable CLI plugins */
cli.enable('help', 'version', 'status')

/* Point package.json so CLI can grab name and version */

/* Set usage string */

/* Set the available options */
	tag: 		['t', msgs.help.tag, 	 'string', 'v%@'],
	message: 	['m', msgs.help.message, 'string', 'Publish v%@'],
	force: 		['f', msgs.help.force,   'bool',   false],

/* Main Entry */
cli.main(function(args, options) {
	const util = require('./src/util')(options);

	// Check arguments and grab version
	if (args.length === 0) error.fatal('ERR_NO_VERSION');
	if (args.length > 1) error.fatal('ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGS');

	fs.readFile(PACKAGE_PATH, (err, content) => {
		if (err) error.fatal('ERR_CANT_OPEN_PACKAGE_JSON');

		// Parse the package.json
Example #27
  interpret: function(args) {
    cli.options = {};

    cli.enable("version", "glob", "help");
    cli.setApp(path.resolve(__dirname + "/../package.json"));

    var options = cli.parse(OPTIONS);
    // Use config file if specified
    var config;
    if (options.config) {
      config = exports.loadConfig(options.config);

    switch (true) {
    // JSLint reporter
    case options.reporter === "jslint":
    case options["jslint-reporter"]:
      options.reporter = "./reporters/jslint_xml.js";

    // CheckStyle (XML) reporter
    case options.reporter === "checkstyle":
    case options["checkstyle-reporter"]:
      options.reporter = "./reporters/checkstyle.js";

    // Unix reporter
    case options.reporter === "unix":
      options.reporter = "./reporters/unix.js";

    // Reporter that displays additional JSHint data
    case options["show-non-errors"]:
      options.reporter = "./reporters/non_error.js";

    // Custom reporter
    case options.reporter !== undefined:
      options.reporter = path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.reporter);

    var reporter;
    if (options.reporter) {
      reporter = loadReporter(options.reporter);

      if (reporter === null) {
        cli.error("Can't load reporter file: " + options.reporter);

    // This is a hack. exports.run is both sync and async function
    // because I needed stdin support (and cli.withStdin is async)
    // and was too lazy to change tests.

    function done(passed) {
      /*jshint eqnull:true */

      if (passed == null)

      exports.exit(passed ? 0 : 2);

      args:       cli.args,
      config:     config,
      reporter:   reporter,
      ignores:    loadIgnores({ exclude: options.exclude, excludePath: options["exclude-path"] }),
      extensions: options["extra-ext"],
      verbose:    options.verbose,
      extract:    options.extract,
      filename:   options.filename,
      useStdin:   { "-": true, "/dev/stdin": true }[args[args.length - 1]]
    }, done));
Example #28
File: cli.js Project: eleith/jshint
	interpret: function (args) {
		cli.options = {};

		cli.enable("version", "glob", "help");
		cli.setApp(path.resolve(__dirname + "/../../package.json"));

		var options = cli.parse(OPTIONS);
		var config = loadConfig(options.config || findConfig());

		switch (true) {
		// JSLint reporter
		case options.reporter === "jslint":
		case options["jslint-reporter"]:
			options.reporter = "../reporters/jslint_xml.js";

		// CheckStyle (XML) reporter
		case options.reporter === "checkstyle":
		case options["checkstyle-reporter"]:
			options.reporter = "../reporters/checkstyle.js";

		// Reporter that displays additional JSHint data
		case options["show-non-errors"]:
			options.reporter = "../reporters/non_error.js";

		// Custom reporter
		case options.reporter !== undefined:
			options.reporter = path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.reporter);

		var reporter;
		if (options.reporter) {
			reporter = loadReporter(options.reporter);

			if (reporter === null) {
				cli.error("Can't load reporter file: " + options.reporter);

		var passed = exports.run({
			args: cli.args,
			config: config,
			reporter: reporter,
			ignores: loadIgnores(),
			extensions: options["extra-ext"]

		// Avoid stdout cutoff in Node 0.4.x, also supports 0.5.x.
		// See https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/1669

		function exit() { process.exit(passed ? 0 : 2); }

		try {
			if (!process.stdout.flush()) {
				process.stdout.once("drain", exit);
			} else {
		} catch (err) {
Example #29
// A simple rethinkdb access app.  It allows for:
// - The creation of tables
// - The insertion of data
// - Showing the content of a table
// - Deletion of a table
var cli = require('cli'),
    rdb = require('rethinkdb'),
    fs = require('fs');

options = cli.parse({
    host:     [ 'h', 'RethinkDB hostname', 'string', 'localhost' ],
    port:     [ 'p', 'RethinkDB port', 'int', 28015 ],
    action:   [ 'a', 'Action to perform (create, insert, get, delete)', 'string', 'get' ],
    table:    [ 't', 'Table name', 'string', null ],
    datafile: [ 'f', 'RethinkDB datafile', 'string', null ]
const util = require('util')

var invalidcli = false;
if(options.table != null) {
    switch(options.action) {
        case 'create':
        case 'insert':
            if((options.table == null) || (options.datafile == null)) {
                invalidcli = true;
        case 'get':
        case 'delete':
Example #30
		, nowjs = require('now')
		, url = require('url')
		, nano = require('nano')
		, cli = require('cli')
		, moment = require('moment')
		, crypto = require('crypto')
		, request = require('request')

		, app
		, couch
		, db
		, logger = require('./logger')

global.config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/config.json', 'utf-8'));
cli.parse({port:['p', 'Listen on this port', 'number', 0]});

couch = nano(global.config.couchdb_url);
db = couch.use(global.config.db.logger);
app = express.createServer();
app.configure(function () {
	app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/public"));

var homepage = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/public/index.html', 'utf-8');
var homepage_graph = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/public/index_graph.html', 'utf-8');
var everyone = nowjs.initialize(app);