_get_text : function() {
		var value;
		//if default, then create a random number to assign to the Text
		if (check.undefined(this._text_options.text)) {
			var random_integer = require('lib/util/random_integer');
			value = String(random_integer());
		//if user defined, then assign it (always a String)
		if (check.string(this._text_options.text)) {
			value = this._text_options.text;
		//if a Text object, then just return that
		if (check.instance(this._text_options.text, this._createjs.Text)) {
			return this._text_options.text;
		//...otherwise create new Text object, initialize to value
		var text = new this._createjs.Text(value);
		//...and copy options that was set in text() to the Text object
		for (text_option in this._text_options) {
			//skipping text, as we don't want to overwrite what we initialized it to
			if (text_option === 'text') continue;
			text[text_option] = this._text_options[text_option];
		return text;
	text : function(options) {
		if(!(check.object(options) || check.undefined(options))) {
			throw new TypeError("Incorrect argument type, requires Object.");
		//validated arguments: color, font, x, y, text, textAlign
		var validated_options;
		try {
			validated_options = argument_check(options);
		} catch(error) {
			throw error;
		//text handler
		//if text is set, then verify it's either a createjs Text() object or something we can String()
		if(!check.undefined(validated_options.text)) {
			if (!(check.instance(validated_options.text, this._createjs.Text))) {
				validated_options.text = String(validated_options.text);
		//append / overwrite any options passed in
		for (variable in validated_options) {
			this._text_options[variable] = validated_options[variable];