Example #1
 var includeFiles = extns.map(function(extn) {
   if (options.includeSubdirs) {
     return path.join(options.jadeDir, '**', extn);
   } else {
     return path.join(options.jadeDir, extn);
        .each(function(doc) {

          if (doc.docType === 'directive') {
            //dash-case for directives
            doc.humanName = doc.name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1) {
              return '-'+$1.toLowerCase();
          } else if (doc.docType === 'readme') {
            doc.content = doc.content.replace(/<code>/g, '<code ng-non-bindable>');
            doc.humanName = component.name;
          } else {
            doc.humanName = doc.name;

          var repository = config.get('buildConfig').repository;
          doc.githubUrl = repository + '/tree/master/' +
            path.relative(config.basePath, doc.file);
          doc.githubEditUrl = repository + '/edit/master/' + 
            path.relative(config.basePath, doc.file);

          doc.url = path.join(component.url, doc.docType, doc.name);
          doc.outputPath = path.join(
            _.template(docOutputFolder, {
              component: component, doc: doc
Example #3
var Installer = function(conf){
	var c = ['jquery','angular','angular-animate',

	this.config = {
		userJs:conf.defaultDeployment?(conf.defaultDeployment.scripts ||[]):[],
		userFonts:conf.defaultDeployment?(conf.defaultDeployment.fonts ||[]):[],
		userCss:conf.defaultDeployment?(conf.defaultDeployment.stylesheets ||[]):[],
		userMisc:conf.defaultDeployment?(conf.defaultDeployment.misc ||[]):[],
	this.config.packages = (conf && conf.packages)? [].concat(conf.packages,c):c;
Example #4
 var gpaths = config.files.map(function(fileName) {
   fileName = fileName.trim();
   if (fileName.substr(0,1) == '!') {
     return "!" + path.join(basePath, fileName.substr(1));
   } else {
     return path.join(basePath, fileName);
Example #5
 let gpaths = json.files.map((fileName) => {
   fileName = fileName.trim();
   if (fileName.substr(0, 1) === '!') {
     return '!' + path.join(exampleDirName, fileName.substr(1));
   } else {
     return path.join(exampleDirName, fileName);
Example #6
 options.styles = _.map(options.styles, function(file) {
     var fileName = path.normalize(file);
   if (/^((https?:)?\/\/)/.test(file)) {
     return file;
   } else {
     fstreams.push(streamFile(file, path.join('css', path.dirname(fileName)), fakeDest));
     return path.join('css', fileName);
Example #7
.config(function(readFilesProcessor, writeFilesProcessor, checkAnchorLinksProcessor) {
  readFilesProcessor.basePath = path.join(projectPath, 'dist');
  readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = ['angular-material.js'];

  writeFilesProcessor.outputFolder = path.join(projectPath, 'dist/docs');

  // Don't use checkAnchorLinksProcessor
  checkAnchorLinksProcessor.checkDoc = function() { return false; };
Example #8
 var gpaths = config.files.map(function(fileName) {
   fileName = fileName.trim();
   if (fileName.substr(0,1) == '!') {
     return "!" + path.join(basePath, fileName.substr(1));
   } else {
     includeSpec = includeSpec || /.*\.spec.(ts|js)$/.test(fileName);
     return path.join(basePath, fileName);
	create: function(config) {
		var currentVersion = config.get('currentVersion');

		var docsBase = path.join(config.get('basePath'), config.get('rendering.outputFolder'), 'docs');
		var versionDir = path.join(docsBase, currentVersion);

		// create the folders for the current version
Example #10
  function getLinkInfoImpl(url, title, currentDoc) {
    var linkInfo = {url: url, type: 'url', valid: true, title: title || url};

    if (!url) {
      throw new Error('Invalid url');

    var docs = getDocFromAlias(url, currentDoc);

    // Give each disambiguator a chance to reduce the number of ambiguous docs
    docs = getLinkInfoImpl.disambiguators.reduce(function(docs, disambiguator) {
      return disambiguator(url, title, currentDoc, docs);
    }, docs);

    if (!getLinkInfoImpl.useFirstAmbiguousLink && docs.length > 1) {
      linkInfo.valid = false;
      linkInfo.errorType = 'ambiguous';
      linkInfo.error = 'Ambiguous link: "' + url + '".\n' + docs.reduce(function(msg, doc) {
        return msg + '\n  "' + doc.id + '" (' + doc.docType + ') : (' + doc.path + ' / ' +
            doc.fileInfo.relativePath + ')';
      }, 'Matching docs: ');

    } else if (docs.length >= 1) {
      linkInfo.url = docs[0].path;
      linkInfo.title = title || encodeCodeBlock(docs[0].name, true);
      linkInfo.type = 'doc';

      if (getLinkInfoImpl.relativeLinks && currentDoc && currentDoc.path) {
        var currentFolder = path.dirname(currentDoc.path);
        var docFolder = path.dirname(linkInfo.url);
        var relativeFolder =
            path.relative(path.join('/', currentFolder), path.join('/', docFolder));
        linkInfo.url = path.join(relativeFolder, path.basename(linkInfo.url));
        log.debug(currentDoc.path, docs[0].path, linkInfo.url);

    } else if (url.indexOf('#') > 0) {
      var pathAndHash = url.split('#');
      linkInfo = getLinkInfoImpl(pathAndHash[0], title, currentDoc);
      linkInfo.url = linkInfo.url + '#' + pathAndHash[1];
      return linkInfo;

    } else if (url.indexOf('/') === -1 && url.indexOf('#') !== 0) {
      linkInfo.valid = false;
      linkInfo.errorType = 'missing';
      linkInfo.error = 'Invalid link (does not match any doc): "' + url + '"';

    } else {
      linkInfo.title =
          title || ((url.indexOf('#') === 0) ? url.substring(1) : path.basename(url, '.html'));

    return linkInfo;
Example #11
    _.each(jsPaths, function(jsPath){
      var libPath = path.join(nodeModules, jsPath),
          flattenedLibPath = path.join(flattenedNodeModules, jsPath);

      if (fs.existsSync(libPath)) {
      } else if (fs.existsSync(flattenedLibPath)) {
      } else {
        console.error('Could not find ' + jsPath);
Example #12
   // this hack is here because on OSX angular.module and angular.Module map to the same file.
   var id = doc.id.replace('angular.Module', 'angular.IModule').replace(':', '.'),
       file = path.join(fakeDest, 'partials', doc.section, id + '.html'),
       dir = path.join(fakeDest, 'partials', doc.section);
   docsStream.push(new File({
     base: fakeDest,
     cwd: fakeDest,
     path: file,
     contents: new Buffer(doc.html(), 'utf8')
 process: function(doc, originatingDoc, title) {
   var url;
   if (doc && doc.path) {
     title = title || doc.name;
     if (originatingDoc && originatingDoc.path) {
       url = path.relative(path.join('/', originatingDoc.path), path.join('/', doc.path));
     } else {
       url = doc.path;
     return '<a href="' + url + '">' + title + '</a>';
   } else {
     return doc;
  return function getLinkInfoImpl(url, title, currentDoc) {
    var linkInfo = {
      url: url,
      type: 'url',
      valid: true,
      title: title || url

    if ( !url ) {
      throw new Error('Invalid url');

    var docs = getDocFromAlias(url, currentDoc);

    if ( docs.length > 1 ) {

      linkInfo.valid = false;
      linkInfo.error = 'Ambiguous link: "' + url + '".\n' +
        docs.reduce(function(msg, doc) { return msg + '\n  "' + doc.id + '" ('+ doc.docType + ') : (' + doc.area + ')'; }, 'Matching docs: ');

    } else if ( docs.length === 1 ) {

      linkInfo.url = docs[0].path;
      linkInfo.title = title || encodeCodeBlock(docs[0].name, true);
      linkInfo.type = 'doc';

      if ( getLinkInfoImpl.relativeLinks && currentDoc && currentDoc.path ) {
        linkInfo.url = path.relative(path.join('/', currentDoc.path), path.join('/', linkInfo.url));

    } else if ( url.indexOf('#') > 0 ) {
      var pathAndHash = url.split('#');
      linkInfo = getLinkInfoImpl(pathAndHash[0], title, currentDoc);
      linkInfo.url = linkInfo.url + '#' + pathAndHash[1];
      return linkInfo;

    } else if ( url.indexOf('/') === -1 && url.indexOf('#') !== 0 ) {

      linkInfo.valid = false;
      linkInfo.error = 'Invalid link (does not match any doc): "' + url + '"';

    } else {

      linkInfo.title = title || (( url.indexOf('#') === 0 ) ? url.substring(1) : path.basename(url, '.html'));


    return linkInfo;
Example #15
  grunt.registerTask('update-bower-json', function () {
    var currentTag = semver.clean( util.getVersion() );

    var taggedReleaseDir = path.join(path.resolve(process.cwd()), 'dist', 'release', currentTag);

    // Get the list of files from the release directory
    var releaseFiles = fs.readdirSync(taggedReleaseDir)
      // Filter out the bower.json and package.json file, if it's there already
      .filter(function (f) {
      	return !/^bower\.json$/.test(f)
          && !/^package\.json$/.test(f);

    // Copy a README file
    copyIntoRelease(taggedReleaseDir, 'misc/publish/README.md');

    // Copy a CHANGELOG file
    copyIntoRelease(taggedReleaseDir, 'CHANGELOG.md');

    // Copy a index.js file
    copyIntoRelease(taggedReleaseDir, 'misc/publish/index.js');

    var bowerJsonFile = path.join(taggedReleaseDir, 'bower.json');
    var pkgJsonFile = path.join(taggedReleaseDir, 'package.json');

    var json = {
      'name': 'angular-ui-grid',
      'description': pkg.description,
      'main': bwr.main,
      'ignore': [],
      'dependencies': {
        'angular': '>=1.4.0 1.7.x'
      'repository': pkg.repository,
      'homepage': 'http://ui-grid.info',
      'bugs': { url : 'https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid/issues' },
      'keywords': pkg.keywords,
      'license': pkg.license

    fs.writeFileSync(bowerJsonFile, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));

    // For package.json
    json.version = currentTag;
    json.main = pkg.main;
    json.files = releaseFiles;

    fs.writeFileSync(pkgJsonFile, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
Example #16
function resolveShredOptions(shredOptions) {
  var DOCS_FOLDER = '../../public/docs';
  var so =  _.defaults({}, shredOptions, {
    // read files from any subdir under here
    examplesDir: path.join(DOCS_FOLDER, "_examples"),
    // shredded files get copied here with same subdir structure.
    fragmentsDir: path.join(DOCS_FOLDER, "_fragments"),
    // whether to include subdirectories when shredding.
    includeSubdirs: true

  so.examplesDir = path.resolve(so.examplesDir);
  so.fragmentsDir = path.resolve(so.fragmentsDir);
  return so;
 exec('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', function (error, stdout, stderror) {
   if (error) {
     log(colors.yellow('Using \'master\' ' + 
       'branch as branch could not be determined.'));
   } else {
     gitBranch = stdout.trim();
   if (argv['include-git-branch']) {
     var cwd = process.cwd().split('/').pop();
     pathPrefix = path.join(cwd, gitBranch) + '/';
     outputFolder = path.join(outputFolder, pathPrefix);
Example #18
 getPath: function(doc) {
   var docPath = path.dirname(doc.fileInfo.relativePath);
   if (doc.fileInfo.baseName !== 'index') {
     docPath = path.join(docPath, doc.fileInfo.baseName);
   return docPath;
    }).then(function() {
      var mdOvrPath = path.join(_shredOptions.fragmentsDir, '**/*.ovr.*');
      var fileNames = globby.sync([mdOvrPath], { ignore: ["**/node_modules/**"] });
      var errs = [];
      fileNames.forEach(function(fileName) {
        console.log('comparing: ' + fileName);
        var origFileName = fileName.replace('.ovr.', '.');
        var origSource = fs.readFileSync(origFileName, 'utf8').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
        var expectedSource = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
        var diffs = JsDiff.diffLines(expectedSource, origSource);
        errs = [];
        diffs.forEach(function(diff) {
          if (diff.added) {
            errs.add('  added:  --->' + diff.value);
          } else if (diff.removed) {
            errs.add('  removed: -->' + diff.value);
        if (errs.length) {
          errs.unshift('File: ' + origFileName + '\n');

        expect(errs.length).toEqual(0, '\n' + errs.join(''));
Example #20
// config has
//   files: [] - optional array of globs - defaults to all js, ts, html, json, css and md files (with certain files removed)
//   description: optional string - description of this plunker - defaults to the title in the index.html page.
//   tags: [] - optional array of strings
//   main: string - filename of what will become index.html in the plunker - defaults to index.html
function buildPlunkerFrom(configFileName, basePath, destPath) {
  // replace ending 'plnkr.json' with 'plnkr.no-link.html' to create output file name;
  var outputFileName = configFileName.substr(0, configFileName.length - 'plnkr.json'.length) + 'plnkr.no-link.html';
  var altFileName;
  if (destPath && destPath.length > 0) {
    var partPath = path.dirname(path.relative(basePath, outputFileName));
    var altFileName = path.join(destPath, partPath, path.basename(outputFileName)).replace('.no-link.', '.');
  try {
    var config = initConfigAndCollectFileNames(configFileName);
    var postData = createPostData(config);
    addPlunkerFiles(config, postData);
    var html = createPlunkerHtml(postData);
    fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, html, 'utf-8');
    if (altFileName) {
      var altDirName = path.dirname(altFileName);
      if (!fs.existsSync(altDirName)) {
      fs.writeFileSync(altFileName, html, 'utf-8');
  } catch (e) {
    // if we fail delete the outputFile if it exists because it is an old one.
    if (existsSync(outputFileName)) {
    if (altFileName && existsSync(altFileName)) {
    throw e;
Example #21
gulp.task('demos', function(done) {
  var demoVersion = argv['demo-version'] || 'nightly';
  if (demoVersion != 'nightly' && !semver.valid(demoVersion)) {
    console.log('Usage: gulp docs --doc-version=(nightly|versionName)');
    return process.exit(1);

  var config = dgeni.loadConfig(path.join(__dirname, '/config/demos/demos.config.js'));
  config.set('currentVersion', demoVersion);
  config.set('dist', buildConfig.dist);
    argv.dist ? argv.dist : path.resolve(__dirname, buildConfig.dist, 'ionic-demo')

  dgeni.generator(config)().then(function() {
    gutil.log('Demos for', gutil.colors.cyan(demoVersion), 'generated!');
    gutil.log('Building ionic into demo folder...');
    cp.spawn('gulp', [
      IS_RELEASE_BUILD ? '--release' : '--no-release',
      '--dist=' + config.rendering.outputFolder + '/' +
        config.rendering.contentsFolder + '/ionic'
    .on('exit', done);
Example #22
module.exports = function(config) {
  config.set('currentVersion', process.env.DOC_VERSION || 'nightly');

  config = basePackage(config);

  config.set('logging.level', 'info');

  config.prepend('rendering.templateFolders', [
    path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates')

  config.set('basePath', __dirname);
  config.set('source.projectPath', '.');
  config.set('rendering.outputFolder', '../tmp/ionic-site');

  var versionData = require('./generate-versions')(config);
  config.set('versionData', versionData);
  config.set('rendering.contentsFolder', path.join('docs', versionData.current.folder));

  config.set('processing.api-docs', {
    outputPath: 'api/${docType}/${name}/index.md',
    path: 'api/${docType}/${name}',
    moduleOutputPath: 'api/module/${name}/index.md',
    modulePath: 'api/module/${name}'

  config.append('rendering.filters', [

  config.set('source.files', [
    { pattern: 'js/**/*.js', basePath: basePath }

  config.append('processing.inlineTagDefinitions', [

  config.append('processing.tagDefinitions', require('./tag-defs'));

  //Don't conflict with the jekyll tags
  config.set('rendering.nunjucks.config.tags', {
    blockStart: '<@',
    blockEnd: '@>',
    variableStart: '<$',
    variableEnd: '$>',
    commentStart: '<#',
    commentEnd: '#>'

  config.append('processing.processors', [

  return config;
      _.forEach(docs, function(doc) {

        var linkInfo;

        // Only check specified output files
        if ( checkDoc(doc) ) {

          // Make the path to the doc relative to the webRoot
          var docPath = path.join(webRoot, doc.path);

          // Parse out all link hrefs, names and ids
          linkInfo = extractLinks(doc.renderedContent);

          linkInfo.path = docPath;
          linkInfo.outputPath = doc.outputPath;

          _.forEach(pathVariants, function(pathVariant) {
            var docPathVariant = docPath + pathVariant;

            // The straight doc path is a valid reference
            allValidReferences[docPathVariant] = true;
            // The path with a trailing hash is valid
            allValidReferences[docPathVariant + '#'] = true;
            // The path referencing each name/id in the doc is valid
            _.forEach(linkInfo.names, function(name) {
              allValidReferences[docPathVariant + '#' + name] = true;
Example #24
// globs is an array of globs
function zipExamples(sourceDirName, outputDirName) {
  var gpath = path.join(sourceDirName, '**/*zipconfig.json');
  var configFileNames = globby.sync([gpath], { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'] });
  configFileNames.forEach(function(configFileName) {
    zipExample(configFileName, sourceDirName, outputDirName);
Example #25
    function _insertExampleFragments(enclosedByName, eltId, $, div) {
        const fragDir = path.join(dartPkgConfigInfo.ngIoDartApiDocPath, '../../../_fragments/_api');
        const exList = div.find('p:contains("{@example")');
        exList.each((i, elt) => {
            const text = $(elt).text();
            log.debug(`Found example: ${enclosedByName} ${eltId}`, text);
            const matches = text.match(/{@example\s+([^\s]+)(\s+region=[\'\"]?(\w+)[\'\"]?)?\s*}/);
            if (!matches) {
                log.warn(enclosedByName, eltId, 'has an invalidly formed @example tag:', text);
                return true;
            const exRelPath = matches[1];
            const region = matches[3];

            const dir = path.dirname(exRelPath)
            const extn = path.extname(exRelPath);
            const baseName = path.basename(exRelPath, extn);
            const fileNameNoExt = baseName + (region ? `-${region}` : '')
            const exFragPath = path.resolve(fragDir, dir, `${fileNameNoExt}${extn}.md`);
            if (!fs.existsSync(exFragPath)) {
                log.warn('Fragment not found:', exFragPath);
                return true;
            const md = fs.readFileSync(exFragPath, 'utf8');
            const codeElt = _extractAndWrapInCodeTags(md);
            log.silly('Fragment code in html:', $(elt).html());
Example #26
 * Run Protractor End-to-End Tests for Doc Samples
 * Flags
 *   --filter to filter/select _example app subdir names
 *    e.g. --filter=foo  // all example apps with 'foo' in their folder names.
 *  --setup run yarn install, copy boilerplate and update webdriver
 *    e.g. --setup
 *  --local to use the locally built Angular packages, rather than versions from npm
 *    Must be used in conjunction with --setup as this is when the packages are copied.
 *    e.g. --setup --local
 *  --shard to shard the specs into groups to allow you to run them in parallel
 *    e.g. --shard=0/2 // the even specs: 0, 2, 4, etc
 *    e.g. --shard=1/2 // the odd specs: 1, 3, 5, etc
 *    e.g. --shard=1/3 // the second of every three specs: 1, 4, 7, etc
function runE2e() {
  if (argv.setup) {
    // Run setup.
    console.log('runE2e: setup boilerplate');
    const installPackagesCommand = `example-use-${argv.local ? 'local' : 'npm'}`;
    const addBoilerplateCommand = `boilerplate:add${argv.ivy ? ':ivy' : ''}`;
    shelljs.exec(`yarn ${installPackagesCommand}`, {cwd: AIO_PATH});
    shelljs.exec(`yarn ${addBoilerplateCommand}`, {cwd: AIO_PATH});

  const outputFile = path.join(AIO_PATH, './protractor-results.txt');

  return Promise.resolve()
      .then(() => findAndRunE2eTests(argv.filter, outputFile, argv.shard))
      .then((status) => {
        reportStatus(status, outputFile);
        if (status.failed.length > 0) {
          return Promise.reject('Some test suites failed');
      .catch(function(e) {
        process.exitCode = 1;
Example #27
Container.prototype.create = function(id, parent) {
  if (parent && id[0] == '.') {
    // resolve relative component ID
    id = path.join(path.dirname(parent.id), id);
  var psource = parent ? this._sources[parent._hs] : undefined;
  // built-ins
  switch (id) {
  case '!container':
    return new InjectedContainer(this, psource && psource.namespace);
  id = this.resolve(id, parent);
  var spec = this._specs[id];
  if (!spec) {
    // No specification is registered with the given ID.  Attempt to register
    // the specification by loading its corresponding module.
  spec = this._specs[id];
  if (!spec) {
    // After attemting auto-loading, the component ID is still unregistered,
    // which is a terminal condition.
    throw new Error('Unable to create object "' + id + '" required by: ' + (parent && parent.id || 'unknown'));
  var obj = spec.create(this);
  this.emit('create', obj, spec);
  return obj;
Example #28
 _.forEach(defaultScripts, function (script, i) {
   var fileName = path.normalize(script).split('/').pop();
   if (scriptNames.indexOf(fileName) === -1) {
     fstreams.push(streamFile(script, 'js', fakeDest));
     options.scripts.splice(i, 0, path.join('js', fileName));
Example #29
Container.prototype.create = function(id, parent) {
  if (parent && id[0] == '.') {
    // resolve relative component ID
    id = path.join(path.dirname(parent.id), id);
  // built-ins
  switch (id) {
  case '!container':
    // TODO: Get the source prefix and pass it here.   Isolate introspected specs
    //       to the prefix.
    return new InjectedContainer(this);
  id = this.resolve(id, parent && parent.id);
  var spec = this._specs[id];
  if (!spec) {
    // No specification is registered with the given ID.  Attempt to register
    // the specification by loading its corresponding module.
  spec = this._specs[id];
  if (!spec) {
    // After attemting auto-loading, the component ID is still unregistered,
    // which is a terminal condition.
    throw new Error("Unable to create object '" + id + "'");
  var obj = spec.create(this);
  this.emit('create', obj, spec);
  return obj;
Example #30
function apiEntryJadeTemplate(baseHrefDepth, $breadcrumbs, $mainDiv) {
    const baseHref = path.join(...Array(baseHrefDepth).fill('..'));
    // TODO/investigate: for some reason $breadcrumbs.html() is missing the <ol></ol>. We add it back in the template below.
    const breadcrumbs = _indentedEltHtml($breadcrumbs, 6, (line) => !line.match(/^\s*$/));
    const mainDivHtml = _indentedEltHtml($mainDiv, 4);
    // WARNING: since the following is Jade, indentation is significant.
    const result = `
extends ${baseHref}/../../../_layout-dart-api

include ${baseHref}/../_util-fns

block head-extra
  // generated Dart API page template: head-extra
  //- <base> is required because all the links in dartdoc generated pages are "pseudo-absolute"

block breadcrumbs
  // generated Dart API page template: breadcrumbs

block main-content
  // generated Dart API page template: main-content: start
  // generated Dart API page template: main-content: end
        return result;