Example #1
 * Delete all rows from given tables in series.
 * The rows must have an id sequence which will be restarted
 * @static
 * @private
 * @method deleteAndReset
 * @param {Array} tables Tables names
function deleteAndReset(tables) {
    if (tables.length === 0) return;

    var tableName = tables[0];

    return DB.knex(tableName).del()
    .then(function() {
        return DB.knex.raw("ALTER SEQUENCE \"" + tableName + "_id_seq\" RESTART");
    .then(function() {
        return deleteAndReset(tables.slice(1));
Example #2
 * Ensure empty database for testing
 * @static
 * @method clearTestDatabase
 * @return {Bluebird.Promise}
function deleteAllTickets() {
    // the chunks table has no incrementing id column
    return DB.knex("chunks").del()
    .then(function() {
        return deleteAndReset([