Example #1
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var util = require("adapter/util"),
        descriptor = require("adapter/ps/descriptor"),
        toolLib = require("adapter/lib/tool"),
        Tool = require("js/models/tool");

     * @implements {Tool}
     * @constructor
    var TypeTool = function () {
        var resetObj = toolLib.resetTypeTool("left", "Myriad Pro", 16, [0, 0, 0]),
            firstLaunch = true;
        var selectHandler = function () {
            if (firstLaunch) {
                firstLaunch = false;
                return descriptor.batchPlayObjects([resetObj]);

        Tool.call(this, "typeCreateOrEdit", "Type", "typeCreateOrEditTool", selectHandler);

        this.activationKey = "t";
        this.hideTransformControls = true;
    util.inherits(TypeTool, Tool);

    module.exports = TypeTool;
Example #2
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var util = require("adapter/util"),
        descriptor = require("adapter/ps/descriptor"),
        OS = require("adapter/os"),
        UI = require("adapter/ps/ui");
    var Tool = require("js/models/tool"),
        EventPolicy = require("js/models/eventpolicy"),
        KeyboardEventPolicy = EventPolicy.KeyboardEventPolicy;

    var _selectHandler = function () {
        var flux = this.flux,
            toolStore = flux.store("tool");

        descriptor.once("set", function (event) {
            if (event.null._ref === "textLayer" && event.to._obj === "textLayer") {

     * @implements {Tool}
     * @constructor
    var SuperSelectTypeTool = function () {
        Tool.call(this, "superselectType", "Superselect-Type", "typeCreateOrEditTool");
        this.icon = "typeCreateOrEdit";

        var escapeKeyPolicy = new KeyboardEventPolicy(UI.policyAction.NEVER_PROPAGATE,
                OS.eventKind.KEY_DOWN, null, OS.eventKeyCode.ESCAPE);
        this.keyboardPolicyList = [escapeKeyPolicy];
        this.selectHandler = _selectHandler;
        this.hideTransformOverlay = true;
        this.isMainTool = false;
    util.inherits(SuperSelectTypeTool, Tool);

     * Handler for key down events
     * Escape switches back to super select tool
     * @param  {KeyboardEvent} event
    SuperSelectTypeTool.prototype.onKeyDown = function (event) {
        var flux = this.getFlux(),
            toolStore = flux.store("tool");

        if (event.detail.keyCode === 27) { // Escape

    module.exports = SuperSelectTypeTool;
Example #3
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var util = require("adapter/util"),
        Tool = require("js/models/tool");

     * @implements {Tool}
     * @constructor
    var EyedropperTool = function () {
        Tool.call(this, "eyedropper", "Eyedropper", "eyedropperTool");

        this.activationKey = "i";
    util.inherits(EyedropperTool, Tool);

    module.exports = EyedropperTool;
Example #4
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var Promise = require("bluebird");
    var util = require("adapter/util"),
        PS = require("adapter/ps"),
        OS = require("adapter/os"),
        UI = require("adapter/ps/ui"),
        toolLib = require("adapter/lib/tool"),
        descriptor = require("adapter/ps/descriptor");

    var Tool = require("js/models/tool"),
        shortcuts = require("js/actions/shortcuts"),
        EventPolicy = require("js/models/eventpolicy"),
        KeyboardEventPolicy = EventPolicy.KeyboardEventPolicy;

    var _CLEAR_PATH = 106;

     * @implements {Tool}
     * @constructor
    var PenTool = function () {
        Tool.call(this, "pen", "Pen", "penTool");

        var selectHandler = function () {
            var deleteFn = function (event) {

                return PS.performMenuCommand(_CLEAR_PATH)
                    .catch(function () {
                        // Silence the errors here
            // Reset the mode of the pen tool to "shape"
            var resetObj = toolLib.resetShapeTool(),
                backspacePromise = this.transfer(shortcuts.addShortcut,
                    OS.eventKeyCode.BACKSPACE, {}, deleteFn, "penBackspace", true),
                deletePromise = this.transfer(shortcuts.addShortcut,
                    OS.eventKeyCode.DELETE, {}, deleteFn, "penDelete", true),
                resetPromise = descriptor.playObject(resetObj);

            // Disable target path suppression
            var disableSuppressionPromise = UI.setSuppressTargetPaths(false);

            return Promise.join(resetPromise,
                disableSuppressionPromise, backspacePromise, deletePromise);

        var deselectHandler = function () {
            var targetPathsPromise = UI.setSuppressTargetPaths(true),
                backspacePromise = this.transfer(shortcuts.removeShortcut, "penBackspace"),
                deletePromise = this.transfer(shortcuts.removeShortcut, "penDelete");

            return Promise.join(targetPathsPromise, backspacePromise, deletePromise);

        var backspaceKeyPolicy = new KeyboardEventPolicy(UI.policyAction.NEVER_PROPAGATE,
                OS.eventKind.KEY_DOWN, null, OS.eventKeyCode.BACKSPACE),
            deleteKeyPolicy = new KeyboardEventPolicy(UI.policyAction.NEVER_PROPAGATE,
                OS.eventKind.KEY_DOWN, null, OS.eventKeyCode.DELETE);
        this.keyboardPolicyList = [
        this.selectHandler = selectHandler;
        this.deselectHandler = deselectHandler;
        this.activationKey = "p";
        this.hideTransformControls = true;
        this.hideTransformOverlay = true;
    util.inherits(PenTool, Tool);

    module.exports = PenTool;
Example #5
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var Fluxxor = require("fluxxor"),
        Promise = require("bluebird"),
        EventEmitter = require("eventEmitter"),
        _ = require("lodash");

    var ps = require("adapter/ps"),
        util = require("adapter/util");

    var locks = require("./locks"),
        events = require("./events"),
        storeIndex = require("./stores/index"),
        actionIndex = require("./actions/index"),
        AsyncDependencyQueue = require("./util/async-dependency-queue"),
        synchronization = require("./util/synchronization"),
        performance = require("./util/performance"),
        log = require("./util/log"),
        global = require("./util/global");

     * @const
     * @type {string} Suffix used to name throttled actions.
    var THROTTLED_ACTION_SUFFIX = "Throttled";

     * @const
     * @type {number} Maximum delay after which reset retry will continue
     *  before failing definitively.
    var MAX_RETRY_WINDOW = 6400;

     * Priority order comparator for action modules.
     * @private
     * @param {string} moduleName1
     * @param {string} moduleName2
     * @return number
    var _actionModuleComparator = function (moduleName1, moduleName2) {
        var module1 = actionIndex[moduleName1],
            module2 = actionIndex[moduleName2],
            priority1 = module1._priority || 0,
            priority2 = module2._priority || 0;

        // sort modules in descending priority order
        return priority2 - priority1;

     * Determines whether the first array is a non-strict subset of the second.
     * @private
     * @param {Array.<*>} arr1
     * @param {Array.<*>} arr2
     * @return {boolean} True if the first array is a subset of the second.
    var _subseteq = function (arr1, arr2) {
        return _.difference(arr1, arr2).length === 0;

     * Manages the lifecycle of a Fluxxor instance.
     * @constructor
    var FluxController = function (testStores) {

        var cores = window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 8;
        this._actionQueue = new AsyncDependencyQueue(cores);

        var actions = this._synchronizeAllModules(actionIndex),
            stores = storeIndex.create(),
            allStores = _.merge(stores, testStores || {});

        this._flux = new Fluxxor.Flux(allStores, actions);
        this._resetHelper = synchronization.throttle(this._resetWithDelay, this);
        this._actionReceivers = new Map();
    util.inherits(FluxController, EventEmitter);

     * The main Fluxxor instance.
     * @private
     * @type {?Fluxxor.Flux}
    FluxController.prototype._flux = null;

     * @private
     * @type {boolean} Whether the flux instance is running
    FluxController.prototype._running = false;

     * @private
     * @type {ActionQueue} Used to synchronize flux action execution
    FluxController.prototype._actionQueue = null;

     * @private
     * @type {Map.<Action, ActionReceiver>} Per-action cache of action receivers
    FluxController.prototype._actionReceivers = null;

    Object.defineProperties(FluxController.prototype, {
        "flux": {
            enumerable: true,
            get: function () {
                return this._flux;
        "active": {
            enumerable: true,
            get: function () {
                return this._running && !this._resetPending;

     * Construct a receiver for the given action that augments the standard
     * Fluxxor "dispatch binder" with additional action-specific helper methods.
     * @private
     * @param {object} proto Fluxxor dispatch binder
     * @param {Action} action Action definition
     * @param {string} actionName The fully qualified action name (i.e., "module.action")
     * @return {ActionReceiver}
    FluxController.prototype._makeActionReceiver = function (proto, action, actionName) {
        var currentReads = action.reads || locks.ALL_LOCKS,
            currentWrites = action.writes || locks.ALL_LOCKS,
            self = this,

        // Always interpret the set of read locks as the union of read and write locks
        currentReads = _.union(currentReads, currentWrites);

        var receiver = Object.create(proto, {
             * @type {FluxController} Provides direct controller access to actions
            controller: {
                value: self

             * @type {string} The name of this action
            actionName: {
                value: actionName

             * Safely transfer control from this action to another action, confirming
             * that that action doesn't require additional locks, and preserving the
             * receiver of that action.
             * @param {Action} nextAction
             * @return {Promise} The result of executing the next action
            transfer: {
                value: function (nextAction) {
                    if (!nextAction || !nextAction.hasOwnProperty("command")) {
                        throw new Error("Incorrect next action; passed command directly?");

                    var nextReads = _.union(nextAction.reads, nextAction.writes) || locks.ALL_LOCKS;
                    if (!_subseteq(nextReads, currentReads)) {
                        log.error("Missing read locks:", _.difference(nextReads, currentReads).join(", "));
                        throw new Error("Next action requires additional read locks");

                    var nextWrites = nextAction.writes || locks.ALL_LOCKS;
                    if (!_subseteq(nextWrites, currentWrites)) {
                        log.error("Missing write locks:", _.difference(nextWrites, currentWrites).join(", "));
                        throw new Error("Next action requires additional write locks");

                    var lockUI = nextAction.lockUI;
                    if (lockUI) {
                    var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
                    return self._applyActionCommand(nextAction, this, params);

             * Dispatch an event using the Flux dispatcher on the next tick of the event loop.
             * @param {string} event
             * @param {object=} payload
             * @return {Promise} Resolves immediately
            dispatchAsync: {
                value: function (event, payload) {
                    return resolvedPromise.then(function () {
                        this.dispatch(event, payload);

        resolvedPromise = Promise.bind(receiver);
        return receiver;

     * Get an action receiver for the given action, creating it if necessary.
     * @param {{flux: Flux: dispatch: function}} proto Fluxxor "dispatch binder",
     *  which is used as the prototype for the action receiver.
     * @param {Action} action
     * @return {ActionReceiver}
    FluxController.prototype._getActionReceiver = function (proto, action, actionName) {
        var receiver = this._actionReceivers.get(action);
        if (!receiver) {
            receiver = this._makeActionReceiver(proto, action, actionName);
            this._actionReceivers.set(action, receiver);

        return receiver;

     * Apply the given action's command, bound to the given action receiver, to
     * the given actual parameters. Verifies any postconditions defined as part
     * of the action.
     * @param {Action} action
     * @param {ActionReceiver} actionReceiver
     * @param {Array.<*>} params
     * @return {Promise}
    FluxController.prototype._applyActionCommand = function (action, actionReceiver, params) {
        var command = action.command,
            lockUI = action.lockUI,
            post = action.post,
            parentActionName = actionReceiver.actionName,
            actionName = action.name,
            actionTitle = "action " + parentActionName;

        if (parentActionName !== actionName) {
            actionTitle = "sub-action " + actionName + " of " + actionTitle;

        var actionPromise = command.apply(actionReceiver, params);
        if (!(actionPromise instanceof Promise)) {
            var valueError = new Error("Action " + actionName + " did not return a promise");
            valueError.returnValue = actionPromise;
            actionPromise = Promise.reject(valueError);

        if (lockUI) {

        return actionPromise
            .tap(function () {
                if (global.debug && post && post.length > 0) {
                    var postStart = Date.now(),
                        postTitle = post.length + " postcondition" + (post.length > 1 ? "s" : "");

                    log.debug("Verifying " + postTitle + " for " + actionTitle);

                    var postPromises = post.map(function (conjunct, index) {
                        return conjunct.apply(this)
                            .catch(function () {
                                log.error("Verification of postcondition " + index + " failed for " + actionTitle);
                    }, this);

                    return Promise.all(postPromises)
                        .then(function () {
                            var postElapsed = Date.now() - postStart;
                            log.debug("Verified " + postTitle + " for " + actionTitle +
                                " in " + postElapsed + "ms");
            .tap(function () {
                if (lockUI) {

     * Given a promise-returning method, returns a synchronized function that
     * enqueues an application of that method.
     * @private
     * @param {string} namespace
     * @param {object} module
     * @param {string} name The name of the function in the module
     * @return {function(): Promise}
    FluxController.prototype._synchronize = function (namespace, module, name) {
        var self = this,
            actionQueue = this._actionQueue,
            action = module[name],
            actionName = namespace + "." + name,
            reads = action.reads || locks.ALL_LOCKS,
            writes = action.writes || locks.ALL_LOCKS,
            modal = action.modal || false;

        action.name = actionName;

        return function () {
            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
                enqueued = Date.now();

            // The receiver of the action command, augmented to include a transfer
            // function that allows it to safely transfer control to another action
            var actionReceiver = self._getActionReceiver(this, action, actionName);

            log.debug("Enqueuing action %s; %d/%d",
                actionName, actionQueue.active(), actionQueue.pending());

            var jobPromise = actionQueue.push(function () {
                var start = Date.now(),
                    toolStore = this.flux.store("tool"),

                if (toolStore.getModalToolState() && !modal) {
                    log.debug("Killing modal state for action %s", actionName);
                    modalPromise = ps.endModalToolState(true);
                } else {
                    modalPromise = Promise.resolve();

                return modalPromise
                    .then(function () {
                        log.debug("Executing action %s after waiting %dms; %d/%d",
                            actionName, start - enqueued, actionQueue.active(), actionQueue.pending());

                        return this._applyActionCommand(action, actionReceiver, args);
                    .tap(function () {
                        var finished = Date.now(),
                            elapsed = finished - start,
                            total = finished - enqueued;

                        log.debug("Finished action %s in %dms with RTT %dms; %d/%d",
                            actionName, elapsed, total, actionQueue.active(), actionQueue.pending());

                        if (global.debug) {
                            performance.recordAction(namespace, name, enqueued, start, finished);
                    .catch(function (err) {
                        var message = err instanceof Error ? (err.stack || err.message) : err;

                        log.error("Action " + actionName + " failed:", message);

                        // Reset all action modules on failure
                        throw err;
            }.bind(self), reads, writes);

            return jobPromise;

     * Given a module, returns a copy in which the methods have been synchronized.
     * @private
     * @param {string} namespace
     * @param {object} module
     * @return {object} The synchronized module
    FluxController.prototype._synchronizeModule = function (namespace, module) {
        return Object.keys(module).reduce(function (exports, name) {
            // Ignore underscore-prefixed exports
            if (name[0] === "_") {
                exports[name] = module[name];
                return exports;

            var throttledName = name + THROTTLED_ACTION_SUFFIX,
                synchronizedAction = this._synchronize(namespace, module, name),
                throttledAction = synchronization.throttle(synchronizedAction);

            exports[name] = synchronizedAction;
            exports[throttledName] = throttledAction;

            return exports;
        }.bind(this), {});

     * Given an object of modules, returns a copy of the object in which all
     * the modules have been synchronized.
     * @private
     * @param {object} modules
     * @return {object} An object of synchronized modules
    FluxController.prototype._synchronizeAllModules = function (modules) {
        return Object.keys(modules).reduce(function (exports, moduleName) {
            var rawModule = modules[moduleName];

            exports[moduleName] = this._synchronizeModule(moduleName, rawModule);

            return exports;
        }.bind(this), {});

     * Invoke the given method, if it exists, on all action modules in priority
     * order.
     * @private
     * @param {string} methodName The method to invoke on each action module
     * @param {Object.<string,*>|*} params Either a mapping from module name
     *  to parameter value, or a constant value applied to all methods.
     * @return {Promise} Resolves once all the applied methods have resolved
    FluxController.prototype._invokeActionMethods = function (methodName, params) {
        var getParam = function (name) {
            if (typeof params === "object") {
                return params[name];
            } else {
                return params;

        var allMethodPromises = Object.keys(actionIndex)
                .filter(function (moduleName) {
                    if (this._flux.actions[moduleName].hasOwnProperty(methodName)) {
                        return true;
                }, this)
                .map(function (moduleName) {
                    var module = this._flux.actions[moduleName],
                        methodPromise = module[methodName].call(module, getParam(moduleName));

                    return Promise.all([moduleName, methodPromise]);
                }, this);

        return Promise.all(allMethodPromises)
            .reduce(function (results, result) {
                results[result[0]] = result[1];
                return results;
            }, {});

     * Start the flux instance by starting up all action modules.
     * @return {Promise} Resolves once all the action module startup routines
     *  are complete.
    FluxController.prototype.start = function () {
        if (this._running) {
            return Promise.reject(new Error("The flux instance is already running"));

        var beforeStartupPromise = this._invokeActionMethods("beforeStartup");

            .then(function (results) {
                return this._invokeActionMethods("afterStartup", results);
            .then(function () {
                this._running = true;

        return beforeStartupPromise;

     * Stop the flux instance by shutting down all action modules.
     * @return {Promise} Resolves once all the action module shutdown routines
     *  are complete.
    FluxController.prototype.stop = function () {
        if (!this._running) {
            return Promise.reject(new Error("The flux instance is not running"));

        this._running = false;

        return this._invokeActionMethods("onShutdown");

     * @private
     * @type {boolean} Whether there is a reset pending
    FluxController.prototype._resetPending = false;
     * @private
     * @const
     * @type {number} Initial reset retry delay
    FluxController.prototype._resetRetryDelayInitial = 200;

     * @private
     * @type {number} Current reset retry delay. Increases exponentially until quiescence.
    FluxController.prototype._resetRetryDelay = FluxController.prototype._resetRetryDelayInitial;

     * Invoke the reset method on all action modules with an increasing delay,
     * followed by the beforeStartup and afterStartup methods.
     * Reset the delay upon quiesence.
     * @return {Promise}
    FluxController.prototype._resetWithDelay = function () {
        var retryDelay = this._resetRetryDelay,
            flux = this._flux.dispatchBinder;

        // Double the delay for the next re-entrant reset
        this._resetRetryDelay *= 2;

        // Dispatch an event that all stores should listen to to clear their state
        flux.dispatch.call(flux, events.RESET);

        return this._invokeActionMethods("onReset")
            .then(this._invokeActionMethods.bind(this, "beforeStartup", true))
            .then(function (results) {

                return this._invokeActionMethods("afterStartup", results);
            .then(function () {
                this._resetPending = false;
            .catch(function (err) {
                var message = err instanceof Error ? (err.stack || err.message) : err;

                log.warn("Reset failed:", message);
            .then(function () {
                if (!this._resetPending) {
                    this._resetRetryDelay = this._resetRetryDelayInitial;

     * @private
     * @type {function()} Progressively throttled reset helper function
    FluxController.prototype._resetHelper = null;

     * Attempt to reset all action modules. If this is not possible, emit an
     * "error" event.
     * @private
     * @param {Error} err
    FluxController.prototype._reset = function (err) {

        if (!this._running || this._resetRetryDelay > MAX_RETRY_WINDOW) {
            this.emit("error", {
                cause: err
            this._resetPending = false;
            this._resetRetryDelay = this._resetRetryDelayInitial;

        this._resetPending = true;

    module.exports = FluxController;