Example #1
async function showPredictions() {
  const testExamples = 100;
  const batch = data.nextTestBatch(testExamples);

  // Code wrapped in a tf.tidy() function callback will have their tensors freed
  // from GPU memory after execution without having to call dispose().
  // The tf.tidy callback runs synchronously.
  tf.tidy(() => {
    const output = model.predict(batch.xs.reshape([-1, 28, 28, 1]));

    // tf.argMax() returns the indices of the maximum values in the tensor along
    // a specific axis. Categorical classification tasks like this one often
    // represent classes as one-hot vectors. One-hot vectors are 1D vectors with
    // one element for each output class. All values in the vector are 0
    // except for one, which has a value of 1 (e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]). The
    // output from model.predict() will be a probability distribution, so we use
    // argMax to get the index of the vector element that has the highest
    // probability. This is our prediction.
    // (e.g. argmax([0.07, 0.1, 0.03, 0.75, 0.05]) == 3)
    // dataSync() synchronously downloads the tf.tensor values from the GPU so
    // that we can use them in our normal CPU JavaScript code
    // (for a non-blocking version of this function, use data()).
    const axis = 1;
    const labels = Array.from(batch.labels.argMax(axis).dataSync());
    const predictions = Array.from(output.argMax(axis).dataSync());

    ui.showTestResults(batch, predictions, labels);
  recordCost() {
    const cost = tf.tidy(() => {
      const guesses = this.features.matMul(this.weights).softmax();

      const termOne = this.labels
            .add(1e-7) // add to avoid log(0)

      const termTwo = this.labels
            .add(1e-7) // add to avoid log(0)

      return termOne.add(termTwo)
        .get(0, 0);
Example #3
 * Given an image element, makes a prediction through mobilenet returning the
 * probabilities of the top K classes.
async function predict(imgElement) {

  const startTime = performance.now();
  const logits = tf.tidy(() => {
    // tf.fromPixels() returns a Tensor from an image element.
    const img = tf.fromPixels(imgElement).toFloat();

    const offset = tf.scalar(127.5);
    // Normalize the image from [0, 255] to [-1, 1].
    const normalized = img.sub(offset).div(offset);

    // Reshape to a single-element batch so we can pass it to predict.
    const batched = normalized.reshape([1, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3]);

    // Make a prediction through mobilenet.
    return mobilenet.predict(batched);

  // Convert logits to probabilities and class names.
  const classes = await getTopKClasses(logits, TOPK_PREDICTIONS);
  const totalTime = performance.now() - startTime;
  status(`Done in ${Math.floor(totalTime)}ms`);

  // Show the classes in the DOM.
  showResults(imgElement, classes);
Example #4
  async loadModel() {
    this.mobilenet = await tf.loadModel(this.modelPath);
    const layer = this.mobilenet.getLayer('conv_pw_13_relu');

    if (this.videoReady && this.video) {
      tf.tidy(() => this.mobilenet.predict(imgToTensor(this.video))); // Warm up

    return tf.model({ inputs: this.mobilenet.inputs, outputs: layer.output });
Example #5
async function train() {

  // We'll keep a buffer of loss and accuracy values over time.
  const lossValues = [];
  const accuracyValues = [];

  // Iteratively train our model on mini-batches of data.
  for (let i = 0; i < TRAIN_BATCHES; i++) {
    const [batch, validationData] = tf.tidy(() => {
      const batch = data.nextTrainBatch(BATCH_SIZE);
      batch.xs = batch.xs.reshape([BATCH_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]);

      let validationData;
      // Every few batches test the accuracy of the model.
      if (i % TEST_ITERATION_FREQUENCY === 0) {
        const testBatch = data.nextTestBatch(TEST_BATCH_SIZE);
        validationData = [
          // Reshape the training data from [64, 28x28] to [64, 28, 28, 1] so
          // that we can feed it to our convolutional neural net.
          testBatch.xs.reshape([TEST_BATCH_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]), testBatch.labels
      return [batch, validationData];

    // The entire dataset doesn't fit into memory so we call train repeatedly
    // with batches using the fit() method.
    const history = await model.fit(
        batch.xs, batch.labels,
        {batchSize: BATCH_SIZE, validationData, epochs: 1});

    const loss = history.history.loss[0];
    const accuracy = history.history.acc[0];

    // Plot loss / accuracy.
    lossValues.push({'batch': i, 'loss': loss, 'set': 'train'});

    if (validationData != null) {
      accuracyValues.push({'batch': i, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'set': 'train'});

    // Call dispose on the training/test tensors to free their GPU memory.
    tf.dispose([batch, validationData]);

    // tf.nextFrame() returns a promise that resolves at the next call to
    // requestAnimationFrame(). By awaiting this promise we keep our model
    // training from blocking the main UI thread and freezing the browser.
    await tf.nextFrame();
Example #6
  // Add an image to retrain
  addImage(labelOrInput, labelOrCallback, cb) {
    let imgToAdd;
    let label;
    let callback;

    if (labelOrInput instanceof HTMLImageElement || labelOrInput instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
      imgToAdd = labelOrInput;
      label = labelOrCallback;
      callback = cb;
    } else {
      imgToAdd = this.video;
      label = labelOrInput;
      callback = labelOrCallback;

    if (typeof label === 'string') {
      if (!this.mapStringToIndex.includes(label)) {
        label = this.mapStringToIndex.push(label) - 1;
      } else {
        label = this.mapStringToIndex.indexOf(label);

    if (this.modelLoaded) {
      tf.tidy(() => {
        const processedImg = imgToTensor(imgToAdd);
        const prediction = this.mobilenetModified.predict(processedImg);
        const y = tf.tidy(() => tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([label], 'int32'), this.numClasses));
        if (this.xs == null) {
          this.xs = tf.keep(prediction);
          this.ys = tf.keep(y);
          this.hasAnyTrainedClass = true;
        } else {
          const oldX = this.xs;
          this.xs = tf.keep(oldX.concat(prediction, 0));
          const oldY = this.ys;
          this.ys = tf.keep(oldY.concat(y, 0));
      if (callback) {
Example #7
 tf.tidy(() => {
   const processedImg = imgToTensor(imgToAdd);
   const prediction = this.mobilenetModified.predict(processedImg);
   const y = tf.tidy(() => tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([label], 'int32'), this.numClasses));
   if (this.xs == null) {
     this.xs = tf.keep(prediction);
     this.ys = tf.keep(y);
     this.hasAnyTrainedClass = true;
   } else {
     const oldX = this.xs;
     this.xs = tf.keep(oldX.concat(prediction, 0));
     const oldY = this.ys;
     this.ys = tf.keep(oldY.concat(y, 0));
  train() {
    const { batchSize } = this.options;
    const batchCount = Math.floor(
      this.features.shape[0] / batchSize
    for (let i = 0; i < this.options.iterations ; i++) {
      for (let batch = 0; batch < batchCount ; batch++) {
        const startIndex = batch * batchSize;
        this.weights = tf.tidy(() => {

          const featureSlice = this.features.slice([startIndex, 0],[batchSize, -1]);
          const labelsSlice = this.labels.slice([startIndex, 0],[batchSize, -1]);
          return this.gradientDescent(featureSlice, labelsSlice);
Example #9
 transfer(input) {
   const image = tf.fromPixels(input);
   const result = tf.tidy(() => {
     const conv1 = this.convLayer(image, 1, true, 0);
     const conv2 = this.convLayer(conv1, 2, true, 3);
     const conv3 = this.convLayer(conv2, 2, true, 6);
     const res1 = this.residualBlock(conv3, 9);
     const res2 = this.residualBlock(res1, 15);
     const res3 = this.residualBlock(res2, 21);
     const res4 = this.residualBlock(res3, 27);
     const res5 = this.residualBlock(res4, 33);
     const convT1 = this.convTransposeLayer(res5, 64, 2, 39);
     const convT2 = this.convTransposeLayer(convT1, 32, 2, 42);
     const convT3 = this.convLayer(convT2, 1, false, 45);
     const outTanh = tf.tanh(convT3);
     const scaled = tf.mul(this.timesScalar, outTanh);
     const shifted = tf.add(this.plusScalar, scaled);
     const clamped = tf.clipByValue(shifted, 0, 255);
     const normalized = tf.div(clamped, tf.scalar(255.0));
     return normalized;
   return array3DToImage(result);
   * Adds an example to the controller dataset.
   * @param {Tensor} example A tensor representing the example. It can be an image,
   *     an activation, or any other type of Tensor.
   * @param {number} label The label of the example. Should be an umber.
  addExample(example, label) {
    // One-hot encode the label.
    const y = tf.tidy(
        () => tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d([label]).toInt(), this.numClasses));

    if (this.xs == null) {
      // For the first example that gets added, keep example and y so that the
      // ControllerDataset owns the memory of the inputs. This makes sure that
      // if addExample() is called in a tf.tidy(), these Tensors will not get
      // disposed.
      this.xs = tf.keep(example);
      this.ys = tf.keep(y);
    } else {
      const oldX = this.xs;
      this.xs = tf.keep(oldX.concat(example, 0));

      const oldY = this.ys;
      this.ys = tf.keep(oldY.concat(y, 0));

Example #11
/* linear predictor */
function predict(x) { return tf.tidy(function() { return a.mul(x).add(b); }); }
Example #12
  /* eslint consistent-return: 0 */
  async predict(inputNumOrCallback, numOrCallback = null, cb = null) {
    let imgToPredict = this.video;
    let numberOfClasses = 10;
    let callback;

    if (typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'function') {
      imgToPredict = this.video;
      callback = inputNumOrCallback;
    } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
      imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback;
    } else if (typeof inputNumOrCallback === 'object' && inputNumOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
      imgToPredict = inputNumOrCallback.elt;
    } else if (inputNumOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
      if (!this.video) {
        this.video = processVideo(inputNumOrCallback, this.imageSize);
      imgToPredict = this.video;
    } else if (typeof numOrCallback === 'number') {
      imgToPredict = this.video;
      numberOfClasses = inputNumOrCallback;

    if (typeof numOrCallback === 'function') {
      callback = numOrCallback;
    } else if (typeof numOrCallback === 'number') {
      numberOfClasses = numOrCallback;

    if (typeof cb === 'function') {
      callback = cb;

    if (!this.modelLoaded || !this.videoReady) {
      this.waitingPredictions.push({ imgToPredict, num: numberOfClasses || this.topKPredictions, callback });
    } else {
      // If there is no custom model, then run over the original mobilenet
      if (!this.customModel) {
        const logits = tf.tidy(() => {
          const pixels = tf.fromPixels(imgToPredict).toFloat();
          const resized = tf.image.resizeBilinear(pixels, [this.imageSize, this.imageSize]);
          const offset = tf.scalar(127.5);
          const normalized = resized.sub(offset).div(offset);
          const batched = normalized.reshape([1, this.imageSize, this.imageSize, 3]);
          return this.mobilenet.predict(batched);

        const results = await ImageClassifier.getTopKClasses(logits, numberOfClasses || this.topKPredictions, callback);
        return results;

      this.isPredicting = true;
      const predictedClass = tf.tidy(() => {
        const processedImg = imgToTensor(imgToPredict);
        const activation = this.mobilenetModified.predict(processedImg);
        const predictions = this.customModel.predict(activation);
        return predictions.as1D().argMax();

      let classId = (await predictedClass.data())[0];

      await tf.nextFrame();

      if (callback) {
        if (this.mapStringToIndex.length > 0) {
          classId = this.mapStringToIndex[classId];