Example #1
function* uploadImage({
    payload: { file, dataUrl, filename = 'image.txt', progress },
}) {
    const _progress = progress;
    progress = msg => {
        // console.log('Upload image progress', msg)

    const stateUser = yield select(state => state.user);
    const username = stateUser.getIn(['current', 'username']);
    const d = stateUser.getIn(['current', 'private_keys', 'posting_private']);
    if (!username) {
        progress({ error: 'Please login first.' });
    if (!d) {
        progress({ error: 'Login with your posting key' });

    if (!file && !dataUrl) {
        console.error('uploadImage required: file or dataUrl');

    let data, dataBs64;
    if (file) {
        // drag and drop
        const reader = new FileReader();
        data = yield new Promise(resolve => {
            reader.addEventListener('load', () => {
                const result = new Buffer(reader.result, 'binary');
    } else {
        // recover from preview
        const commaIdx = dataUrl.indexOf(',');
        dataBs64 = dataUrl.substring(commaIdx + 1);
        data = new Buffer(dataBs64, 'base64');

    // The challenge needs to be prefixed with a constant (both on the server and checked on the client) to make sure the server can't easily make the client sign a transaction doing something else.
    const prefix = new Buffer('ImageSigningChallenge');
    const bufSha = hash.sha256(Buffer.concat([prefix, data]));

    const formData = new FormData();
    if (file) {
        formData.append('file', file);
    } else {
        // formData.append('file', file, filename) <- Failed to add filename=xxx to Content-Disposition
        // Can't easily make this look like a file so this relies on the server supporting: filename and filebinary
        formData.append('filename', filename);
        formData.append('filebase64', dataBs64);

    const sig = Signature.signBufferSha256(bufSha, d);
    const postUrl = `${$STM_Config.upload_image}/${username}/${sig.toHex()}`;

    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.open('POST', postUrl);
    xhr.onload = function() {
        console.log(xhr.status, xhr.responseText);
        const res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
        const { error } = res;
        if (error) {
            progress({ error: 'Error: ' + error });
        const { url } = res;
        progress({ url });
    xhr.onerror = function(error) {
        console.error(filename, error);
        progress({ error: 'Unable to contact the server.' });
    xhr.upload.onprogress = function(event) {
        if (event.lengthComputable) {
            const percent = Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 100);
            progress({ message: `Uploading ${percent}%` });
            // console.log('Upload', percent)
Example #2
 const sign = (role, d) => {
     if (!d) return;
     const sig = Signature.signBufferSha256(bufSha, d);
     signatures[role] = sig.toHex();