Example #1
     * @param {PIXI.Texture} [texture=Texture.EMPTY] - The texture to use
     * @param {Float32Array} [vertices] - if you want to specify the vertices
     * @param {Float32Array} [uvs] - if you want to specify the uvs
     * @param {Uint16Array} [indices] - if you want to specify the indices
     * @param {number} [drawMode] - the drawMode, can be any of the Mesh.DRAW_MODES consts
    constructor(texture = Texture.EMPTY, vertices, uvs, indices, drawMode)
        const geometry = new MeshGeometry(vertices, uvs, indices);

        geometry.getAttribute('aVertexPosition').static = false;

        const meshMaterial = new MeshMaterial(texture);

        super(geometry, meshMaterial, null, drawMode);

         * upload vertices buffer each frame
         * @member {boolean}
        this.autoUpdate = true;
    function SimpleMesh(texture, vertices, uvs, indices, drawMode)
        if ( texture === void 0 ) texture = Texture.EMPTY;

        var geometry = new MeshGeometry(vertices, uvs, indices);

        geometry.getAttribute('aVertexPosition').static = false;

        var meshMaterial = new MeshMaterial(texture);

        Mesh$$1.call(this, geometry, meshMaterial, null, drawMode);

         * upload vertices buffer each frame
         * @member {boolean}
        this.autoUpdate = true;