Example #1
 * Recursively convert an `obj`'s dates to new values.
 * @param {Object} obj
 * @param {Function} convert
 * @return {Object}
function convertDates(obj, convert) {
  obj = clone(obj);
  each(function(val, key) {
    if (type(val) === 'date') {
      obj[key] = convert(val);
    if (type(val) === 'object' || type(val) === 'array') {
      obj[key] = convertDates(val, convert);
  }, obj);
  return obj;
Example #2
Analytics.prototype.page = function(category, name, properties, options, fn) {
  // Argument reshuffling.
  /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions, no-sequences */
  if (is.fn(options)) (fn = options), (options = null);
  if (is.fn(properties)) (fn = properties), (options = properties = null);
  if (is.fn(name)) (fn = name), (options = properties = name = null);
  if (type(category) === 'object')
    (options = name), (properties = category), (name = category = null);
  if (type(name) === 'object')
    (options = properties), (properties = name), (name = null);
  if (type(category) === 'string' && type(name) !== 'string')
    (name = category), (category = null);
  /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions, no-sequences */

  properties = clone(properties) || {};
  if (name) properties.name = name;
  if (category) properties.category = category;

  // Ensure properties has baseline spec properties.
  // TODO: Eventually move these entirely to `options.context.page`
  var defs = pageDefaults();
  defaults(properties, defs);

  // Mirror user overrides to `options.context.page` (but exclude custom properties)
  // (Any page defaults get applied in `this.normalize` for consistency.)
  // Weird, yeah--moving special props to `context.page` will fix this in the long term.
  var overrides = pick(keys(defs), properties);
  if (!is.empty(overrides)) {
    options = options || {};
    options.context = options.context || {};
    options.context.page = overrides;

  var msg = this.normalize({
    properties: properties,
    category: category,
    options: options,
    name: name

  // Add the initialize integrations so the server-side ones can be disabled too
  if (this.options.integrations) {
    defaults(msg.integrations, this.options.integrations);

  this._invoke('page', new Page(msg));

  this.emit('page', category, name, properties, options);
  return this;
 this.client.setGlobalProperties(function() {
   // Clone the props so the Keen Client can't manipulate the ref
   return clone(props);
Example #4
Entity.prototype._getTraits = function() {
  var ret = this._options.persist
    ? store.get(this._options.localStorage.key)
    : this._traits;
  return ret ? isodateTraverse(clone(ret)) : {};