it("falls back to patch bumps for non-bumping commit types", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("independent");
      const [pkg1, pkg2] = await getPackages(cwd);
      const opts = {
        // sometimes presets return null for the level, with no actual releaseType...
        changelogPreset: path.resolve(__dirname, "__fixtures__/fixed/scripts/null-preset.js"),

      // make a change in package-1 and package-2
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await pkg2.set("changed", 2).serialize();

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix: changed 1");

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg2.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "chore: changed 2");

      const [bump1, bump2] = await Promise.all([
        recommendVersion(pkg1, "independent", opts),
        recommendVersion(pkg2, "independent", opts),
 recommend = async (commitMessage, { initVersion } = {}) => {
   if (initVersion) {
     await pkg.set("version", initVersion).serialize();
     await gitAdd(cwd, pkg.manifestLocation);
     await gitCommit(cwd, commitMessage);
   await pkg.set("changed", (value += 1)).serialize();
   await gitAdd(cwd, pkg.manifestLocation);
   await gitCommit(cwd, commitMessage);
   return recommendVersion(pkg, "independent", Object.assign(opts, { prereleaseId: "beta" }));
    it("supports legacy callback presets", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");

      await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");

      const [, pkg2] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-2
      await pkg2.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg2.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix(pkg2): A commit using a legacy callback preset");

      // update version
      await pkg2.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();

      const leafChangelog = await updateChangelog(pkg2, "fixed", {
        changelogPreset: "./scripts/legacy-callback-preset",

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## <small>1.0.1 (YYYY-MM-DD)</small>
* fix(pkg2): A commit using a legacy callback preset

    it("supports custom tagPrefix in fixed mode", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");

      await gitTag(cwd, "dragons-are-awesome1.0.0");

      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix: A second commit for our CHANGELOG");

      // update version
      await pkg1.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();

      const leafChangelog = await updateChangelog(pkg1, "fixed", {
        tagPrefix: "dragons-are-awesome",

## [1.0.1](/compare/dragons-are-awesome1.0.0...1.0.1) (YYYY-MM-DD)

### Bug Fixes

* A second commit for our CHANGELOG ([SHA](
    it("updates fixed changelogs", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");
      const rootPkg = {
        // no name
        location: cwd,

      await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");

      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix: A second commit for our CHANGELOG");

      // update version
      await pkg1.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();

      const [leafChangelogContent, rootChangelogContent] = await Promise.all([
        updateChangelog(pkg1, "fixed", /* default preset */ {}).then(getFileContent),
        updateChangelog(rootPkg, "root", { version: "1.0.1" }).then(getFileContent),

    it("creates files if they do not exist", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("changelog-missing");

      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);
      const rootPkg = {
        name: "root",
        location: cwd,

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: I should be placed in the CHANGELOG");

      // update version
      await pkg1.set("version", "1.1.0").serialize();

      const [leafChangelog, rootChangelog] = await Promise.all([
        updateChangelog(pkg1, "fixed", { changelogPreset: "angular" }),
        updateChangelog(rootPkg, "root", { version: "1.1.0" }),

      expect(leafChangelog.logPath).toBe(path.join(pkg1.location, ""));
      expect(rootChangelog.logPath).toBe(path.join(rootPkg.location, ""));

      const [leafChangelogContent, rootChangelogContent] = await Promise.all([

    it("supports old preset API", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");

      await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");

      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix(pkg1): A commit using the old preset API");

      // update version
      await pkg1.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();

      const leafChangelog = await updateChangelog(pkg1, "fixed", {
        changelogPreset: "./scripts/old-api-preset",

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## <small>1.0.1 (YYYY-MM-DD)</small>
* fix(pkg1): A commit using the old preset API

    it("appends version bump message if no commits have been recorded", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");

      await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");

      const [pkg1, pkg2] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix(pkg1): A dependency-triggered bump");

      // update version
      await pkg2.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();

      const leafChangelog = await updateChangelog(pkg2, "fixed", {
        changelogPreset: "./scripts/local-preset",

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## <small>1.0.1 (YYYY-MM-DD)</small>

**Note:** Version bump only for package package-2
    it("updates independent changelogs", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("independent");

      await gitTag(cwd, "package-1@1.0.0");
      await gitTag(cwd, "package-2@1.0.0");

      const [pkg1, pkg2] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1 and package-2
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await pkg2.set("changed", 2).serialize();

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix(stuff): changed");

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg2.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "feat(thing): added");

      // update versions
      await pkg1.set("version", "1.0.1").serialize();
      await pkg2.set("version", "1.1.0").serialize();

      const opts = {
        changelogPreset: "conventional-changelog-angular",
      const [changelogOne, changelogTwo] = await Promise.all([
        updateChangelog(pkg1, "independent", opts),
        updateChangelog(pkg2, "independent", opts),

## [1.0.1](/compare/package-1@1.0.0...package-1@1.0.1) (YYYY-MM-DD)

### Bug Fixes

* **stuff:** changed ([SHA](
# [1.1.0](/compare/package-2@1.0.0...package-2@1.1.0) (YYYY-MM-DD)

### Features

* **thing:** added ([SHA](
 const setupGitChangesWithBranch = async (cwd, masterPaths, branchPaths) => {
   await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");
   await Promise.all( => fs.appendFileSync(path.join(cwd, fp), "1")));
   await gitAdd(cwd, "-A");
   await gitCommit(cwd, "Commit");
   // Create release branch
   await gitCheckout(cwd, ["-b", "release/v1.0.1"]);
   // Switch into release branch
   await Promise.all( => fs.appendFileSync(path.join(cwd, fp), "1")));
   await gitAdd(cwd, "-A");
   await gitCommit(cwd, "Bump");
   await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.1");
   await gitCheckout(cwd, ["master"]);
   await gitMerge(cwd, ["--no-ff", "release/v1.0.1"]);
   // Commit after merge
   await Promise.all( => fs.appendFileSync(path.join(cwd, fp), "1")));
   await gitAdd(cwd, "-A");
   await gitCommit(cwd, "Commit2");
    it("returns next version bump", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");
      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: changed 1");

      const bump = await recommendVersion(pkg1, "fixed", {});
    it("returns package-specific bumps in independent mode", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("independent");
      const [pkg1, pkg2] = await getPackages(cwd);
      const opts = { changelogPreset: "angular" };

      // make a change in package-1 and package-2
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await pkg2.set("changed", 2).serialize();

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix: changed 1");

      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg2.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: changed 2");

      const [bump1, bump2] = await Promise.all([
        recommendVersion(pkg1, "independent", opts),
        recommendVersion(pkg2, "independent", opts),
    it("supports local preset paths", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");
      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: changed 1");

      const bump = await recommendVersion(pkg1, "fixed", {
        changelogPreset: "./scripts/local-preset.js",
    it("supports custom tagPrefix in fixed mode", async () => {
      const cwd = await initFixture("fixed");

      await gitTag(cwd, "dragons-are-awesome1.0.0");

      const [pkg1] = await getPackages(cwd);

      // make a change in package-1
      await pkg1.set("changed", 1).serialize();
      await gitAdd(cwd, pkg1.manifestLocation);
      await gitCommit(cwd, "fix: changed 1");

      const bump = await recommendVersion(pkg1, "fixed", {
        tagPrefix: "dragons-are-awesome",
test("independent version prerelease does not bump on every unrelated change", async () => {
  const cwd =;
  const fixture = new Tacks(
      "lerna.json": File({
        version: "independent",
      "package.json": File({
        name: "unrelated-bumps",
      packages: Dir({
        "pkg-a": Dir({
          "package.json": File({
            name: "pkg-a",
            version: "1.0.0",
        "pkg-b": Dir({
          "package.json": File({
            name: "pkg-b",
            version: "1.0.0-bumps.1",


  await gitInit(cwd, ".");
  await gitAdd(cwd, "-A");
  await gitCommit(cwd, "init");

  // simulate choices for pkg-a then pkg-b
  prompt.mockChoices("patch", "PRERELEASE");
  prompt.input.mockImplementationOnce((msg, cfg) =>
    // the _existing_ "bumps" prerelease ID should be preserved

  await lernaVersion(cwd)();

  const first = await getCommitMessage(cwd);

 - pkg-a@1.0.1
 - pkg-b@1.0.0-bumps.2

  await fs.outputFile(path.join(cwd, "packages/pkg-a/hello.js"), "world");
  await gitAdd(cwd, ".");
  await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: hello world");

  // all of this just to say...
  await lernaVersion(cwd)();

  const second = await getCommitMessage(cwd);

 - pkg-a@1.0.2
 const setupChanges = async (cwd, pkgRoot = "packages") => {
   await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.0");
   await fs.outputFile(path.join(cwd, `${pkgRoot}/package-1/hello.js`), "world");
   await gitAdd(cwd, ".");
   await gitCommit(cwd, "setup");
const setupChanges = async cwd => {
  await gitTag(cwd, "v1.0.1-beta.3");
  await fs.outputFile(path.join(cwd, "packages/package-3/hello.js"), "world");
  await gitAdd(cwd, ".");
  await gitCommit(cwd, "feat: setup");