Ejemplo n.º 1
        it("publicEncrypt_long should encrypt a 256 bytes buffer and return a encrypted buffer of 512 bytes", function () {

            var bob_public_key = read_sshkey_as_pem('bob_id_rsa.pub'); // 2048bit long key

            var initialBuffer = new Buffer(loremIpsum.substr(0, 256));
            var encryptedBuffer = crypto_utils.publicEncrypt_long(initialBuffer, bob_public_key, 256, 11);
            encryptedBuffer.length.should.eql(256 * 2);

            var bob_private_key = read_private_rsa_key('bob_id_rsa');
            var decryptedBuffer = crypto_utils.privateDecrypt_long(encryptedBuffer, bob_private_key, 256);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        it("publicEncrypt  shall produce  different encrypted string if call many times with the same input", function () {

//xx            var bob_public_key = crypto_utils.readCertificate('test/fixtures/certs/server_cert_1024.pem'); // 2048bit long key
            var bob_public_key = read_sshkey_as_pem('bob_id_rsa.pub'); // 2048bit long key
            var bob_private_key = read_private_rsa_key('bob_id_rsa');

            var initialBuffer = new Buffer(loremIpsum.substr(0, 25));
            var encryptedBuffer1 = crypto_utils.publicEncrypt_long(initialBuffer, bob_public_key, 256, 11);
            var encryptedBuffer2 = crypto_utils.publicEncrypt_long(initialBuffer, bob_public_key, 256, 11);


            var decryptedBuffer1 = crypto_utils.privateDecrypt_long(encryptedBuffer1, bob_private_key, 256);
            var decryptedBuffer2 = crypto_utils.privateDecrypt_long(encryptedBuffer2, bob_private_key, 256);
