Ejemplo n.º 1
exports.getAuthToken = function(details, callback) {
    if (typeof details === 'function' && typeof callback === 'undefined') {
        callback = details;
        details = { interactive: false };
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return callbackWithError('Callback function required');
    if (typeof details !== 'object') {
        return callbackWithError('TokenDetails object required', callback);
    var fail = function(msg) {
        callbackWithError(msg, callback);

    // If we have a cached token, send it along.
    if (cachedToken) {

    // Augment the callback so that it caches a received token.
    var augmentedCallback = function(token) {
        if (token) {
            cachedToken = token;

    // If we are not using chrome.runtime, check for oauth2 args in the details map
    var oauthDetails = details.oauth2 || runtime && runtime.getManifest().oauth2;

    // Use native implementation for logging into google accounts
    exec(augmentedCallback, fail, 'ChromeIdentity', 'getAuthToken', [!!details.interactive, oauthDetails]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
exports.launchWebAuthFlow = function(details, callback) {
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return callbackWithError('Callback function required');
    if (typeof details !== 'object') {
        return callbackWithError('WebAuthFlowDetails object required', callback);

    launchInAppBrowser(details.url, details.interactive, callback);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 var fail = callback && function(error) {
     var sendInfo = {
         bytesSent: 0,
         resultCode: error.resultCode
     callbackWithError(error.message, callback, sendInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            var launchWebAuthFlowCallback = function(responseUrl) {
                var token = extractToken(responseUrl);

                // If we weren't able to extract a token, error out.  Otherwise, call the callback.
                if (!token) {
                    callbackWithError('URL did not contain a token.', callback);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    var fail = function(msg) {
            console.warn('Google Play Services is unavailable; falling back to web authentication flow.');

            // Verify that oAuthDetails contains a client_id and scopes.
            // Since we're using the web auth flow as a fallback, we need the web client id.
            var manifest = runtime.getManifest();
            var webClientId = manifest && manifest.web && manifest.web.oauth2 && manifest.web.oauth2.client_id;
            if (!webClientId) {
                callbackWithError('Web client id missing from mobile manifest.', callback);
            if (!oAuthDetails.scopes) {
                callbackWithError('Scopes missing from manifest.', callback);

            // Add the appropriate URL to the `details` object.
            var scopes = encodeURIComponent(oAuthDetails.scopes.join(' '));
            details.url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=' + webClientId + '&redirect_uri=' + chrome.identity.getRedirectURL() + '&response_type=token&scope=' + scopes;

            // The callback needs to extract the access token from the returned URL and pass that on to the original callback.
            var launchWebAuthFlowCallback = function(responseUrl) {
                var token = extractToken(responseUrl);

                // If we weren't able to extract a token, error out.
                if (!token) {
                    callbackWithError('URL did not contain a token.', callback);

                // Our augmented callback expects a token data object containing the token and the account.
                // We don't know the account, so we say so.
                var tokenData = { token: token, account: UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT };

            // Launch the web auth flow!
            exports.launchWebAuthFlow(details, launchWebAuthFlowCallback);
        } else {
            callbackWithError(msg, callback);
Ejemplo n.º 6
            var launchWebAuthFlowCallback = function(responseUrl) {
                var token = extractToken(responseUrl);

                // If we weren't able to extract a token, error out.
                if (!token) {
                    callbackWithError('URL did not contain a token.', callback);

                // Our augmented callback expects a token data object containing the token and the account.
                // We don't know the account, so we say so.
                var tokenData = { token: token, account: UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT };
Ejemplo n.º 7
exports.revokeAuthToken = function(details, callback) {
    // If a token has been passed, revoke it and remove it from the cache.
    // If not, call the callback with an error.
    if (details && details.token) {
        // Revoke the token!
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open('GET', 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke?token=' + details.token);
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
                if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status > 300) {
                    console.log('Could not revoke token; status ' + xhr.status + '.');
                } else {
                    exports.removeCachedAuthToken({ token: details.token }, callback);
    } else {
        return callbackWithError('No token to revoke.', callback);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 var fail = function(msg) {
     callbackWithError(msg, callback);
Ejemplo n.º 9
exports.getAuthToken = function(details, callback) {
    if (typeof details === 'function' && typeof callback === 'undefined') {
        callback = details;
        details = { interactive: false };
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
        return callbackWithError('Callback function required');
    if (typeof details !== 'object') {
        return callbackWithError('TokenDetails object required', callback);

    // If we have a cached token, send it along.
    if (cachedToken) {
        callback(cachedToken, cachedAccount);

    // Fetch the OAuth details from either the passed-in `details` object or the manifest.
    var oAuthDetails = details.oauth2 || runtime && runtime.getManifest().oauth2;

    // Augment the callback so that it caches a received token.
    var augmentedCallback = function(tokenData) {
        if (tokenData.token) {
            cachedToken = tokenData.token;
        if (tokenData.account) {
            cachedAccount = tokenData.account;
        callback(tokenData.token, tokenData.account);

    // This function extracts a token from a given URL and returns it.
    var extractToken = function(url) {
        // This function is only used when using web authentication as a fallback from native Google authentication.
        // As a result, it's okay to search for "access_token", since that's what Google puts in the resulting URL.
        // The regular expression looks for "access_token=", followed by a lazy capturing of some string (the token).
        // This lazy capturing ends when either an ampersand (followed by more stuff) is reached or the end of the string is reached.
        var match = /\baccess_token=(.+?)(?:&.*)?$/.exec(url);
        return match && match[1];

    // If we failed because Google Play Services is unavailable, revert to the web auth flow.
    // Otherwise, just fail.
    var fail = function(msg) {
            console.warn('Google Play Services is unavailable; falling back to web authentication flow.');

            // Verify that oAuthDetails contains a client_id and scopes.
            // Since we're using the web auth flow as a fallback, we need the web client id.
            var manifest = runtime.getManifest();
            var webClientId = manifest && manifest.web && manifest.web.oauth2 && manifest.web.oauth2.client_id;
            if (!webClientId) {
                callbackWithError('Web client id missing from mobile manifest.', callback);
            if (!oAuthDetails.scopes) {
                callbackWithError('Scopes missing from manifest.', callback);

            // Add the appropriate URL to the `details` object.
            var scopes = encodeURIComponent(oAuthDetails.scopes.join(' '));
            details.url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=' + webClientId + '&redirect_uri=' + chrome.identity.getRedirectURL() + '&response_type=token&scope=' + scopes;

            // The callback needs to extract the access token from the returned URL and pass that on to the original callback.
            var launchWebAuthFlowCallback = function(responseUrl) {
                var token = extractToken(responseUrl);

                // If we weren't able to extract a token, error out.  Otherwise, call the callback.
                if (!token) {
                    callbackWithError('URL did not contain a token.', callback);

            // Launch the web auth flow!
            exports.launchWebAuthFlow(details, launchWebAuthFlowCallback);
        } else {
            callbackWithError(msg, callback);

    // Use the native implementation for logging into Google accounts.
    var args = [!!details.interactive, oAuthDetails];
    if (details.accountHint) {
    exec(augmentedCallback, fail, 'ChromeIdentity', 'getAuthToken', args);
 return callback && function(msg) {
     callbackWithError(msg, callback);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 var fail = callback && function(error) {
     callbackWithError(error.message, callback, error.resultCode);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 var fail = function(info) {
     var error = function() {
     callbackWithError(info.message, error);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 var fail = function(info) {
     callbackWithError(info.message, exports.onReceiveError.fire, info);