Ejemplo n.º 1
function createLayout(graph, physicsSettings) {
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge');
  physicsSettings = merge(physicsSettings, {
    dimension: 2,
    createQuadTree: require('./lib/orthantTree/index.js'),
    createBounds: require('./lib/bounds'),
    createDragForce: require('./lib/dragForce'),
    createSpringForce: require('./lib/springForce'),
    integrator: require('./lib/eulerIntegrator'),
    createBody: require('./lib/createBody')

  return createLayout.get2dLayout(graph, physicsSettings);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function save(graph, options) {
  options = merge(options, {
    outDir: '.',
    labels: 'labels.json',
    meta: 'meta.json',
    links: 'links.bin'


  var labels = require('./lib/getLabels.js')(graph);

  var linksBuffer = require('./lib/getLinksBuffer.js')(graph, labels);
  fs.writeFileSync(options.links, linksBuffer);
  console.log(graph.getLinksCount() + ' links saved to ' + options.links);


  function fixPaths() {
    if (!fs.existsSync(options.outDir)) {
    options.labels = path.join(options.outDir, options.labels);
    options.meta = path.join(options.outDir, options.meta);
    options.links = path.join(options.outDir, options.links);

  function saveMeta() {
    var meta = getMetaInfo();
    fs.writeFileSync(options.meta, JSON.stringify(meta), 'utf8');
    console.log('Meta information saved to ' + options.meta);

  function getMetaInfo() {
    return {
      date: +new Date(),
      nodeCount: graph.getNodesCount(),
      linkCount: graph.getLinksCount(),
      nodeFile: options.labels,
      linkFile: options.links,
      version: require(path.join(__dirname, 'package.json')).version

  function saveLabels(labels) {
    fs.writeFileSync(options.labels, JSON.stringify(labels), 'utf8');
    console.log(labels.length + ' ids saved to ' + options.labels);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function createLayout(graph, physicsSettings) {
  var createSimulator = require('ngraph.physics.simulator');
  var createForceLayout = require('ngraph.forcelayout');
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge');
  var physicsSettings = merge(physicsSettings, {
        createQuadTree: require('ngraph.quadtreebh3d'),
        createBounds: require('./lib/bounds'),
        createDragForce: require('./lib/dragForce'),
        createSpringForce: require('./lib/springForce'),
        integrator: require('./lib/eulerIntegrator'),
        createBody: require('./lib/createBody')

  var simulator3d = createSimulator(physicsSettings);

  var layout = createForceLayout(graph, simulator3d);

  return layout;
Ejemplo n.º 4
module.exports = function (options) {
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge'),
      expose = require('ngraph.expose');

  options = merge(options, {
    dragCoeff: 0.02

  var api = {
    update : function (body) {
      body.force.moveByScale(-options.dragCoeff, body.velocity);

  // let easy access to dragCoeff:
  expose(options, api, ['dragCoeff']);

  return api;
Ejemplo n.º 5
module.exports = function (graph, settings) {
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge');

  // Initialize default settings:
  settings = merge(settings, {
    // What is the background color of a graph?
    background: 0x000000,

    // Default physics engine settings
    physics: {
      springLength: 30,
      springCoeff: 0.0008,
      dragCoeff: 0.01,
      gravity: -1.2,
      theta: 1

  // Where do we render our graph?
  if (typeof settings.container === 'undefined') {
    settings.container = document.body

  // If client does not need custom layout algorithm, let's create default one:
  var layout = settings.layout;

  if (!layout) {
    var createLayout = require('ngraph.forcelayout'),
        physics = require('ngraph.physics.simulator');

    layout = createLayout(graph, physics(settings.physics));

  var width = settings.container.clientWidth,
      height = settings.container.clientHeight;

  var stage = new PIXI.Stage(settings.background, true);
  var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(width, height, null, false, true);


  var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
  graphics.position.x = width/2;
  graphics.position.y = height/2;
  graphics.scale.x = 1;
  graphics.scale.y = 1;

  // Default callbacks to build/render nodes
  var nodeUIBuilder = defaultCreateNodeUI,
      nodeRenderer  = defaultNodeRenderer,
      linkUIBuilder = defaultCreateLinkUI,
      linkRenderer  = defaultLinkRenderer;

  // Storage for UI of nodes/links:
  var nodeUI = {}, linkUI = {};



  var pixiGraphics = {
     * Allows client to start animation loop, without worrying about RAF stuff.
    run: animationLoop,

     * For more sophisticated clients we expose one frame rendering as part of
     * API. This may be useful for clients who have their own RAF pipeline.
    renderOneFrame: renderOneFrame,

     * This callback creates new UI for a graph node. This becomes helpful
     * when you want to precalculate some properties, which otherwise could be
     * expensive during rendering frame.
     * @callback createNodeUICallback
     * @param {object} node - graph node for which UI is required.
     * @returns {object} arbitrary object which will be later passed to renderNode
     * This function allows clients to pass custon node UI creation callback
     * @param {createNodeUICallback} createNodeUICallback - The callback that 
     * creates new node UI
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    createNodeUI : function (createNodeUICallback) {
      nodeUI = {};
      nodeUIBuilder = createNodeUICallback;
      return this;

     * This callback is called by pixiGraphics when it wants to render node on
     * a screen.
     * @callback renderNodeCallback
     * @param {object} node - result of createNodeUICallback(). It contains anything
     * you'd need to render a node
     * @param {PIXI.Graphics} ctx - PIXI's rendering context.
     * Allows clients to pass custom node rendering callback
     * @param {renderNodeCallback} renderNodeCallback - Callback which renders
     * node.
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    renderNode: function (renderNodeCallback) {
      nodeRenderer = renderNodeCallback;
      return this;

     * This callback creates new UI for a graph link. This becomes helpful
     * when you want to precalculate some properties, which otherwise could be
     * expensive during rendering frame.
     * @callback createLinkUICallback
     * @param {object} link - graph link for which UI is required.
     * @returns {object} arbitrary object which will be later passed to renderNode
     * This function allows clients to pass custon node UI creation callback
     * @param {createLinkUICallback} createLinkUICallback - The callback that
     * creates new link UI
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    createLinkUI : function (createLinkUICallback) {
      linkUI = {};
      linkUIBuilder = createLinkUICallback;
      return this;

     * This callback is called by pixiGraphics when it wants to render link on
     * a screen.
     * @callback renderLinkCallback
     * @param {object} link - result of createLinkUICallback(). It contains anything
     * you'd need to render a link
     * @param {PIXI.Graphics} ctx - PIXI's rendering context.
     * Allows clients to pass custom link rendering callback
     * @param {renderLinkCallback} renderLinkCallback - Callback which renders
     * link.
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    renderLink: function (renderLinkCallback) {
      linkRenderer = renderLinkCallback;
      return this;

     * Tries to get node at (x, y) graph coordinates. By default renderer assumes
     * width and height of the node is 10 pixels. But if your createNodeUICallback
     * returns object with `width` and `height` attributes, they are considered
     * as actual dimensions of a node
     * @param {Number} x - x coordinate of a node in layout's coordinates
     * @param {Number} y - y coordinate of a node in layout's coordinates
     * @returns {Object} - acutal graph node located at (x, y) coordinates.
     * If there is no node in that are `undefined` is returned.
     * TODO: This should be part of layout itself
    getNodeAt: getNodeAt,

     * [Read only] Current layout algorithm. If you want to pass custom layout
     * algorithm, do it via `settings` argument of ngraph.pixi.
    layout: layout,

    // TODO: These properties seem to only be required fo graph input. I'd really
    // like to hide them, but not sure how to do it nicely
    domContainer: renderer.view,
    graphGraphics: graphics,
    stage: stage

  // listen to mouse events
  var graphInput = require('./lib/graphInput');
  graphInput(pixiGraphics, layout);

  return pixiGraphics;

// Public API is over

  function animationLoop() {

  function renderOneFrame() {



  function renderLink(linkId) {
    linkRenderer(linkUI[linkId], graphics);

  function renderNode(nodeId) {
    nodeRenderer(nodeUI[nodeId], graphics);

  function initNode(node) {
    var ui = nodeUIBuilder(node);
    // augment it with position data:
    ui.pos = layout.getNodePosition(node.id);
    // and store for subsequent use:
    nodeUI[node.id] = ui;

  function initLink(link) {
    var ui = linkUIBuilder(link);
    ui.from = layout.getNodePosition(link.fromId);
    ui.to = layout.getNodePosition(link.toId);
    linkUI[link.id] = ui;

  function defaultCreateNodeUI(node) {
    return {};

  function defaultCreateLinkUI(link) {
    return {};

  function defaultNodeRenderer(node) {
    var x = node.pos.x - NODE_WIDTH/2,
        y = node.pos.y - NODE_WIDTH/2;

    graphics.drawRect(x, y, NODE_WIDTH, NODE_WIDTH);

  function defaultLinkRenderer(link) {
    graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xcccccc, 1);
    graphics.moveTo(link.from.x, link.from.y);
    graphics.lineTo(link.to.x, link.to.y);

  function getNodeAt(x, y) {
    var half = NODE_WIDTH/2;
    // currently it's a linear search, but nothing stops us from refactoring
    // this into spatial lookup data structure in future:
    for (var nodeId in nodeUI) {
      if (nodeUI.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
        var node = nodeUI[nodeId];
        var pos = node.pos;
        var width = node.width || NODE_WIDTH;
        var half = width/2;
        var insideNode = pos.x - half < x && x < pos.x + half &&
                         pos.y - half < y && y < pos.y + half;

        if (insideNode) {
          return graph.getNode(nodeId);

  function listenToGraphEvents() {
    graph.on('changed', onGraphChanged);

  function onGraphChanged(changes) {
    for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; ++i) {
      var change = changes[i];
      if (change.changeType === 'add') {
        if (change.node) {
        if (change.link) {
      } else if (change.changeType === 'remove') {
        if (change.node) {
          delete nodeUI[change.node.id];
        if (change.link) {
          delete linkUI[change.link.id];
function webglGraphics(options) {
    options = merge(options, {
        enableBlending : true,
        preserveDrawingBuffer : false,
        clearColor: false,
        clearColorValue : {
            r : 1,
            g : 1,
            b : 1,
            a : 1

    var container,
        nodesCount = 0,
        linksCount = 0,
        transform = [
            1, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1
        nodes = [],
        links = [],

        allNodes = {},
        allLinks = {},
        linkProgram = webglLinkProgram(),
        nodeProgram = webglNodeProgram(),
/*jshint unused: false */
        nodeUIBuilder = function (node) {
            return webglSquare(); // Just make a square, using provided gl context (a nodeProgram);

        linkUIBuilder = function (link) {
            return webglLine(0xb3b3b3ff);
/*jshint unused: true */
        updateTransformUniform = function () {

        resetScaleInternal = function () {
            transform = [1, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 1, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 1, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1];

        updateSize = function () {
            if (container && graphicsRoot) {
                width = graphicsRoot.width = Math.max(container.offsetWidth, 1);
                height = graphicsRoot.height = Math.max(container.offsetHeight, 1);
                if (gl) { gl.viewport(0, 0, width, height); }
                if (linkProgram) { linkProgram.updateSize(width / 2, height / 2); }
                if (nodeProgram) { nodeProgram.updateSize(width / 2, height / 2); }

        fireRescaled = function (graphics) {

    graphicsRoot = window.document.createElement("canvas");

    var graphics = {
        getLinkUI: function (linkId) {
            return allLinks[linkId];

        getNodeUI: function (nodeId) {
            return allNodes[nodeId];

         * Sets the callback that creates node representation.
         * @param builderCallback a callback function that accepts graph node
         * as a parameter and must return an element representing this node.
         * @returns If builderCallbackOrNode is a valid callback function, instance of this is returned;
         * Otherwise undefined value is returned
        node : function (builderCallback) {
            if (typeof builderCallback !== "function") {
                return; // todo: throw? This is not compatible with old versions

            nodeUIBuilder = builderCallback;

            return this;

         * Sets the callback that creates link representation
         * @param builderCallback a callback function that accepts graph link
         * as a parameter and must return an element representing this link.
         * @returns If builderCallback is a valid callback function, instance of this is returned;
         * Otherwise undefined value is returned.
        link : function (builderCallback) {
            if (typeof builderCallback !== "function") {
                return; // todo: throw? This is not compatible with old versions

            linkUIBuilder = builderCallback;
            return this;

         * Allows to override default position setter for the node with a new
         * function. newPlaceCallback(nodeUI, position) is function which
         * is used by updateNodePosition().
        placeNode : function (newPlaceCallback) {
            userPlaceNodeCallback = newPlaceCallback;
            return this;

        placeLink : function (newPlaceLinkCallback) {
            userPlaceLinkCallback = newPlaceLinkCallback;
            return this;

         * Custom input manager listens to mouse events to process nodes drag-n-drop inside WebGL canvas
        inputManager : webglInputManager,

         * Called every time before renderer starts rendering.
        beginRender : function () {
            // this function could be replaced by this.init,
            // based on user options.

         * Called every time when renderer finishes one step of rendering.
        endRender : function () {
            if (linksCount > 0) {
            if (nodesCount > 0) {

        bringLinkToFront : function (linkUI) {
            var frontLinkId = linkProgram.getFrontLinkId(),


            if (frontLinkId > linkUI.id) {
                srcLinkId = linkUI.id;

                temp = links[frontLinkId];
                links[frontLinkId] = links[srcLinkId];
                links[frontLinkId].id = frontLinkId;
                links[srcLinkId] = temp;
                links[srcLinkId].id = srcLinkId;

         * Sets translate operation that should be applied to all nodes and links.
        graphCenterChanged : function (x, y) {
            transform[12] = (2 * x / width) - 1;
            transform[13] = 1 - (2 * y / height);

         * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
         * provider prepare to render given link of the graph
         * @param link - model of a link
        addLink: function (link, boundPosition) {
            var uiid = linksCount++,
                ui = linkUIBuilder(link);
            ui.id = uiid;
            ui.pos = boundPosition;


            links[uiid] = ui;
            allLinks[link.id] = ui;
            return ui;

        * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
        * provider prepare to render given node of the graph.
        * @param nodeUI visual representation of the node created by node() execution.
        addNode : function (node, boundPosition) {
            var uiid = nodesCount++,
                ui = nodeUIBuilder(node);

            ui.id = uiid;
            ui.position = boundPosition;
            ui.node = node;


            nodes[uiid] = ui;
            allNodes[node.id] = ui;
            return ui;

        translateRel : function (dx, dy) {
            transform[12] += (2 * transform[0] * dx / width) / transform[0];
            transform[13] -= (2 * transform[5] * dy / height) / transform[5];

        scale : function (scaleFactor, scrollPoint) {
            // Transform scroll point to clip-space coordinates:
            var cx = 2 * scrollPoint.x / width - 1,
                cy = 1 - (2 * scrollPoint.y) / height;

            cx -= transform[12];
            cy -= transform[13];

            transform[12] += cx * (1 - scaleFactor);
            transform[13] += cy * (1 - scaleFactor);

            transform[0] *= scaleFactor;
            transform[5] *= scaleFactor;


            return transform[0];

        resetScale : function () {

            if (gl) {
                // TODO: what is this?
                // gl.useProgram(linksProgram);
                // gl.uniform2f(linksProgram.screenSize, width, height);
            return this;

        * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
        * provider prepare to render.
        init : function (c) {
            var contextParameters = {};

            if (options.preserveDrawingBuffer) {
                contextParameters.preserveDrawingBuffer = true;

            container = c;


            gl = graphicsRoot.getContext("experimental-webgl", contextParameters);
            if (!gl) {
                var msg = "Could not initialize WebGL. Seems like the browser doesn't support it.";
                throw msg;
            if (options.enableBlending) {
                gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            if (options.clearColor) {
                var color = options.clearColorValue;
                gl.clearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
                // TODO: not the best way, really. Should come up with something better
                // what if we need more updates inside beginRender, like depth buffer?
                this.beginRender = function () {

            linkProgram.updateSize(width / 2, height / 2);

            nodeProgram.updateSize(width / 2, height / 2);


            // Notify the world if someone waited for update. TODO: should send an event
            if (typeof initCallback === "function") {

        * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
        * provider release occupied resources.
        release : function (container) {
            if (graphicsRoot && container) {
                // TODO: anything else?

        * Checks whether webgl is supported by this browser.
        isSupported : function () {
            var c = window.document.createElement("canvas"),
                gl = c && c.getContext && c.getContext("experimental-webgl");
            return gl;

        * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
        * provider remove link from rendering surface.
        * @param linkUI visual representation of the link created by link() execution.
        releaseLink : function (link) {
            if (linksCount > 0) { linksCount -= 1; }
            var linkUI = allLinks[link.id];
            delete allLinks[link.id];


            var linkIdToRemove = linkUI.id;
            if (linkIdToRemove < linksCount) {
                if (linksCount === 0 || linksCount === linkIdToRemove) {
                    return; // no more links or removed link is the last one.

                var lastLinkUI = links[linksCount];
                links[linkIdToRemove] = lastLinkUI;
                lastLinkUI.id = linkIdToRemove;

        * Called by Viva.Graph.View.renderer to let concrete graphic output
        * provider remove node from rendering surface.
        * @param nodeUI visual representation of the node created by node() execution.
        releaseNode : function (node) {
            if (nodesCount > 0) { nodesCount -= 1; }
            var nodeUI = allNodes[node.id];
            delete allNodes[node.id];


            var nodeIdToRemove = nodeUI.id;
            if (nodeIdToRemove < nodesCount) {
                if (nodesCount === 0 || nodesCount === nodeIdToRemove) {
                    return; // no more nodes or removed node is the last in the list.

                var lastNodeUI = nodes[nodesCount];

                nodes[nodeIdToRemove] = lastNodeUI;
                lastNodeUI.id = nodeIdToRemove;

                // Since concrete shaders may cache properties in the UI element
                // we are letting them to make this swap (e.g. image node shader
                // uses this approach to update node's offset in the atlas)
                nodeProgram.replaceProperties(nodeUI, lastNodeUI);

        renderNodes: function () {
            var pos = {x : 0, y : 0};
            // WebGL coordinate system is different. Would be better
            // to have this transform in the shader code, but it would
            // require every shader to be updated..
            for (var i = 0; i < nodesCount; ++i) {
                var ui = nodes[i];
                pos.x = ui.position.x;
                pos.y = ui.position.y;
                if (userPlaceNodeCallback) {
                    userPlaceNodeCallback(ui, pos);

                nodeProgram.position(ui, pos);

        renderLinks: function () {
            if (this.omitLinksRendering) { return; }

            var toPos = {x : 0, y : 0};
            var fromPos = {x : 0, y : 0};
            for (var i = 0; i < linksCount; ++i) {
                var ui = links[i];
                var pos = ui.pos.from;
                fromPos.x = pos.x;
                fromPos.y = -pos.y;
                pos = ui.pos.to;
                toPos.x = pos.x;
                toPos.y = -pos.y;
                if (userPlaceLinkCallback) {
                    userPlaceLinkCallback(ui, fromPos, toPos);

                linkProgram.position(ui, fromPos, toPos);

         * Returns root element which hosts graphics.
        getGraphicsRoot : function (callbackWhenReady) {
            // todo: should fire an event, instead of having this context.
            if (typeof callbackWhenReady === "function") {
                if (graphicsRoot) {
                } else {
                    initCallback = callbackWhenReady;
            return graphicsRoot;

         * Updates default shader which renders nodes
         * @param newProgram to use for nodes.
        setNodeProgram : function (newProgram) {
            if (!gl && newProgram) {
                // Nothing created yet. Just set shader to the new one
                // and let initialization logic take care about the rest.
                nodeProgram = newProgram;
            } else if (newProgram) {
                throw "Not implemented. Cannot swap shader on the fly... Yet.";
                // TODO: unload old shader and reinit.

         * Updates default shader which renders links
         * @param newProgram to use for links.
        setLinkProgram : function (newProgram) {
            if (!gl && newProgram) {
                // Nothing created yet. Just set shader to the new one
                // and let initialization logic take care about the rest.
                linkProgram = newProgram;
            } else if (newProgram) {
                throw "Not implemented. Cannot swap shader on the fly... Yet.";
                // TODO: unload old shader and reinit.

         * Transforms client coordinates into layout coordinates. Client coordinates
         * are DOM coordinates relative to the rendering container. Layout
         * coordinates are those assigned by by layout algorithm to each node.
         * @param {Object} p - a point object with `x` and `y` attributes.
         * This method mutates p.
        transformClientToGraphCoordinates: function (p) {
          // TODO: could be a problem when container has margins?
            // normalize
            p.x = ((2 * p.x) / width) - 1;
            p.y = 1 - ((2 * p.y) / height);

            // apply transform
            p.x = (p.x - transform[12]) / transform[0];
            p.y = (p.y - transform[13]) / transform[5];

            // transform to graph coordinates
            p.x = p.x * (width / 2);
            p.y = p.y * (-height / 2);

            return p;

         * Transforms WebGL coordinates into client coordinates. Reverse of 
         * `transformClientToGraphCoordinates()`
         * @param {Object} p - a point object with `x` and `y` attributes, which
         * represents a layout coordinate. This method mutates p.
        transformGraphToClientCoordinates: function (p) {
          // TODO: could be a problem when container has margins?
            // transform from graph coordinates
            p.x = p.x / (width / 2);
            p.y = p.y / (-height / 2);

            // apply transform
            p.x = (p.x * transform[0]) + transform[12];
            p.y = (p.y * transform[5]) + transform[13];

            // denormalize
            p.x = ((p.x + 1) * width) / 2;
            p.y = ((1 - p.y) * height) / 2;

            return p;

        getNodeAtClientPos: function (clientPos, preciseCheck) {
            if (typeof preciseCheck !== "function") {
                // we don't know anything about your node structure here :(
                // potentially this could be delegated to node program, but for
                // right now, we are giving up if you don't pass boundary check
                // callback. It answers to a question is nodeUI covers  (x, y)
                return null;
            // first transform to graph coordinates:
            // now using precise check iterate over each node and find one within box:
            // TODO: This is poor O(N) performance.
            for (var i = 0; i < nodesCount; ++i) {
                if (preciseCheck(nodes[i], clientPos.x, clientPos.y)) {
                    return nodes[i].node;
            return null;

    // Let graphics fire events before we return it to the caller.

    return graphics;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Does not really perform any layouting algorithm but is compliant
 * with renderer interface. Allowing clients to provide specific positioning
 * callback and get static layout of the graph
 * @param {Viva.Graph.graph} graph to layout
 * @param {Object} userSettings
function constant(graph, userSettings) {
    userSettings = merge(userSettings, {
        maxX : 1024,
        maxY : 1024,
        seed : 'Deterministic randomness made me do this'
    // This class simply follows API, it does not use some of the arguments:
    /*jshint unused: false */
    var rand = random(userSettings.seed),
        graphRect = new Rect(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE),
        layoutLinks = {},

        placeNodeCallback = function (node) {
            return {
              x: rand.next(userSettings.maxX),
              y: rand.next(userSettings.maxY)

        updateGraphRect = function (position, graphRect) {
            if (position.x < graphRect.x1) { graphRect.x1 = position.x; }
            if (position.x > graphRect.x2) { graphRect.x2 = position.x; }
            if (position.y < graphRect.y1) { graphRect.y1 = position.y; }
            if (position.y > graphRect.y2) { graphRect.y2 = position.y; }

        layoutNodes = typeof Object.create === 'function' ? Object.create(null) : {},

        ensureNodeInitialized = function (node) {
            layoutNodes[node.id] = placeNodeCallback(node);
            updateGraphRect(layoutNodes[node.id], graphRect);

        updateNodePositions = function () {
            if (graph.getNodesCount() === 0) { return; }

            graphRect.x1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            graphRect.y1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            graphRect.x2 = Number.MIN_VALUE;
            graphRect.y2 = Number.MIN_VALUE;


        ensureLinkInitialized = function (link) {
          layoutLinks[link.id] = link;

        onGraphChanged = function(changes) {
            for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; ++i) {
                var change = changes[i];
                if (change.node) {
                    if (change.changeType === 'add') {
                    } else {
                        delete layoutNodes[change.node.id];
                } if (change.link) {
                    if (change.changeType === 'add') {
                    } else {
                        delete layoutLinks[change.link.id];

    graph.on('changed', onGraphChanged);

    return {
         * Attempts to layout graph within given number of iterations.
         * @param {integer} [iterationsCount] number of algorithm's iterations.
         *  The constant layout ignores this parameter.
        run : function (iterationsCount) {

         * One step of layout algorithm.
        step : function () {

            return true; // no need to continue.

         * Returns rectangle structure {x1, y1, x2, y2}, which represents
         * current space occupied by graph.
        getGraphRect : function () {
            return graphRect;

         * Request to release all resources
        dispose : function () {
            graph.off('change', onGraphChanged);

         * Checks whether given node is pinned; all nodes in this layout are pinned.
        isNodePinned: function (node) {
            return true;

         * Requests layout algorithm to pin/unpin node to its current position
         * Pinned nodes should not be affected by layout algorithm and always
         * remain at their position
        pinNode: function (node, isPinned) {
           // noop

         * Gets position of a node by its id. If node was not seen by this
         * layout algorithm undefined value is returned;
        getNodePosition: getNodePosition,

         * Returns {from, to} position of a link.
        getLinkPosition: function (linkId) {
          var link = layoutLinks[linkId];
          return {
              from : getNodePosition(link.fromId),
              to : getNodePosition(link.toId)

         * Sets position of a node to a given coordinates
        setNodePosition: function (nodeId, x, y) {
            var pos = layoutNodes[nodeId];
            if (pos) {
                pos.x = x;
                pos.y = y;

        // Layout specific methods:

         * Based on argument either update default node placement callback or
         * attempts to place given node using current placement callback.
         * Setting new node callback triggers position update for all nodes.
         * @param {Object} newPlaceNodeCallbackOrNode - if it is a function then
         * default node placement callback is replaced with new one. Node placement
         * callback has a form of function (node) {}, and is expected to return an
         * object with x and y properties set to numbers.
         * Otherwise if it's not a function the argument is treated as graph node
         * and current node placement callback will be used to place it.
        placeNode : function (newPlaceNodeCallbackOrNode) {
            if (typeof newPlaceNodeCallbackOrNode === 'function') {
                placeNodeCallback = newPlaceNodeCallbackOrNode;
                return this;

            // it is not a request to update placeNodeCallback, trying to place
            // a node using current callback:
            return placeNodeCallback(newPlaceNodeCallbackOrNode);


    function getNodePosition(nodeId) {
        return layoutNodes[nodeId];
function physicsSimulator(settings) {
  var Spring = require('./lib/spring');
  var expose = require('ngraph.expose');
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge');
  var eventify = require('ngraph.events');

  settings = merge(settings, {
       * Ideal length for links (springs in physical model).
      springLength: 30,

       * Hook's law coefficient. 1 - solid spring.
      springCoeff: 0.0008,

       * Coulomb's law coefficient. It's used to repel nodes thus should be negative
       * if you make it positive nodes start attract each other :).
      gravity: -1.2,

       * Theta coefficient from Barnes Hut simulation. Ranged between (0, 1).
       * The closer it's to 1 the more nodes algorithm will have to go through.
       * Setting it to one makes Barnes Hut simulation no different from
       * brute-force forces calculation (each node is considered).
      theta: 0.8,

       * Drag force coefficient. Used to slow down system, thus should be less than 1.
       * The closer it is to 0 the less tight system will be.
      dragCoeff: 0.02,

       * Default time step (dt) for forces integration
      timeStep : 20,

  // We allow clients to override basic factory methods:
  var createQuadTree = settings.createQuadTree || require('ngraph.quadtreebh');
  var createBounds = settings.createBounds || require('./lib/bounds');
  var createDragForce = settings.createDragForce || require('./lib/dragForce');
  var createSpringForce = settings.createSpringForce || require('./lib/springForce');
  var integrate = settings.integrator || require('./lib/eulerIntegrator');
  var createBody = settings.createBody || require('./lib/createBody');

  var bodies = [], // Bodies in this simulation.
      springs = [], // Springs in this simulation.
      quadTree =  createQuadTree(settings),
      bounds = createBounds(bodies, settings),
      springForce = createSpringForce(settings),
      dragForce = createDragForce(settings);

  var totalMovement = 0; // how much movement we made on last step

  var publicApi = {
     * Array of bodies, registered with current simulator
     * Note: To add new body, use addBody() method. This property is only
     * exposed for testing/performance purposes.
    bodies: bodies,

    quadTree: quadTree,

     * Array of springs, registered with current simulator
     * Note: To add new spring, use addSpring() method. This property is only
     * exposed for testing/performance purposes.
    springs: springs,

     * Returns settings with which current simulator was initialized
    settings: settings,

     * Performs one step of force simulation.
     * @returns {boolean} true if system is considered stable; False otherwise.
    step: function () {

      var movement = integrate(bodies, settings.timeStep);

      return movement;

     * Adds body to the system
     * @param {ngraph.physics.primitives.Body} body physical body
     * @returns {ngraph.physics.primitives.Body} added body
    addBody: function (body) {
      if (!body) {
        throw new Error('Body is required');

      return body;

     * Adds body to the system at given position
     * @param {Object} pos position of a body
     * @returns {ngraph.physics.primitives.Body} added body
    addBodyAt: function (pos) {
      if (!pos) {
        throw new Error('Body position is required');
      var body = createBody(pos);

      return body;

     * Removes body from the system
     * @param {ngraph.physics.primitives.Body} body to remove
     * @returns {Boolean} true if body found and removed. falsy otherwise;
    removeBody: function (body) {
      if (!body) { return; }

      var idx = bodies.indexOf(body);
      if (idx < 0) { return; }

      bodies.splice(idx, 1);
      if (bodies.length === 0) {
      return true;

     * Adds a spring to this simulation.
     * @returns {Object} - a handle for a spring. If you want to later remove
     * spring pass it to removeSpring() method.
    addSpring: function (body1, body2, springLength, springWeight, springCoefficient) {
      if (!body1 || !body2) {
        throw new Error('Cannot add null spring to force simulator');

      if (typeof springLength !== 'number') {
        springLength = -1; // assume global configuration

      var spring = new Spring(body1, body2, springLength, springCoefficient >= 0 ? springCoefficient : -1, springWeight);

      // TODO: could mark simulator as dirty.
      return spring;

     * Returns amount of movement performed on last step() call
    getTotalMovement: function () {
      return totalMovement;

     * Removes spring from the system
     * @param {Object} spring to remove. Spring is an object returned by addSpring
     * @returns {Boolean} true if spring found and removed. falsy otherwise;
    removeSpring: function (spring) {
      if (!spring) { return; }
      var idx = springs.indexOf(spring);
      if (idx > -1) {
        springs.splice(idx, 1);
        return true;

    getBestNewBodyPosition: function (neighbors) {
      return bounds.getBestNewPosition(neighbors);

     * Returns bounding box which covers all bodies
    getBBox: function () {
      return bounds.box;

    gravity: function (value) {
      if (value !== undefined) {
        settings.gravity = value;
        quadTree.options({gravity: value});
        return this;
      } else {
        return settings.gravity;

    theta: function (value) {
      if (value !== undefined) {
        settings.theta = value;
        quadTree.options({theta: value});
        return this;
      } else {
        return settings.theta;

  // allow settings modification via public API:
  expose(settings, publicApi);


  return publicApi;

  function accumulateForces() {
    // Accumulate forces acting on bodies.
    var body,
        i = bodies.length;

    if (i) {
      // only add bodies if there the array is not empty:
      quadTree.insertBodies(bodies); // performance: O(n * log n)
      while (i--) {
        body = bodies[i];
        // If body is pinned there is no point updating its forces - it should
        // never move:
        if (!body.isPinned) {


    i = springs.length;
    while(i--) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
module.exports = function (graph, settings) {
  var merge = require('ngraph.merge');
  settings = merge(settings, {
    // how often do we want to render frames (in ms)?
    frameInterval: 24,
    // how we render characters?
    screen: require('./terminal')()

  // If client does not need custom layout algorithm, let's create default one:
  var layout = settings.layout || require('ngraph.forcelayout')(graph);

  var nodeUIBuilder = defaultCreateNodeUI,
      screen = settings.screen,
      sx, sy, // screen scale, updated per frame;
      // min coordinates of graph nodes. Updated per frame, used for centering
      minX, minY;

  return {
     * Renders just one frame of animation
    renderOneFrame: renderOneFrame,

     * Runs animation loop
    run : run,

     * This callback creates new text UI for a graph node.
     * @callback createNodeUICallback
     * @param {object} node - graph node for which UI is required.
     * @returns {String} a character, which should be rendered as a node
     * This function allows clients to pass custom node UI creation callback
     * @param {createNodeUICallback} createNodeUICallback - The callback that 
     * creates new node UI
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    createNodeUI: function (cb) {
      nodeUIBuilder = cb;
      return this;

  function run() {
    setTimeout(run, settings.frameInterval);

  function renderOneFrame() {


  function renderNode(node) {
    var pos = layout.getNodePosition(node.id);
    // since graph is centered at (0, 0) we want to move its (minx, miny) to
    // (0,0) of a screen:
    var x = (pos.x - minx) * sx;
    var y = (pos.y - miny) * sy;

    screen.put(x, y, nodeUIBuilder(node));

  function defaultCreateNodeUI(node) {
    return '*';

  function updateTransform() {
    // try to fit graph into what we have in terminal:
    var rect = layout.getGraphRect();

    sx = screen.width()/(rect.x2 - rect.x1);
    sy = screen.height()/(rect.y2 - rect.y1);
    minx = rect.x1;
    miny = rect.y1;