Ejemplo n.º 1
 items: function () {
   const product = addProduct();
   const variant = Products.findOne({ ancestors: [product._id] });
   const childVariants = Products.find({ ancestors: [
     product._id, variant._id
   ] }).fetch();
   const selectedOption = Random.choice(childVariants);
   const product2 = addProduct();
   const variant2 = Products.findOne({ ancestors: [product2._id] });
   const childVariants2 = Products.find({ ancestors: [
     product2._id, variant2._id
   ] }).fetch();
   const selectedOption2 = Random.choice(childVariants2);
   return [{
     _id: itemIdOne,
     title: "firstItem",
     shopId: product.shopId,
     productId: product._id,
     quantity: 1,
     product: product,
     variants: selectedOption,
     workflow: {
       status: "new"
   }, {
     _id: itemIdTwo,
     title: "secondItem",
     shopId: product2.shopId,
     productId: product2._id,
     quantity: 1,
     product: product2,
     variants: selectedOption2,
     workflow: {
       status: "new"
Ejemplo n.º 2
export function getCartItem(options = {}) {
  const product = addProduct();
  const variant = Products.findOne({ ancestors: [product._id] });
  const childVariants = Products.find({
    ancestors: [
      product._id, variant._id
  const selectedOption = Random.choice(childVariants);
  const defaults = {
    _id: Random.id(),
    productId: product._id,
    shopId: options.shopId || getShop()._id,
    quantity: _.random(1, selectedOption.inventoryQuantity),
    variants: selectedOption,
    title: product.title
  return _.defaults(options, defaults);
Ejemplo n.º 3
export default function () {
  const shopId = getShopId();
   * @name order
   * @summary Create an Order Factory
   * @example order = Factory.create("order")
   * @property {String} additionalField OrderItems - `faker.lorem.sentence()`
   * @property {String} status OrderItems - `faker.lorem.sentence(3)`
   * @property {Array} history OrderItems History - `[]`
   * @property {Array} documents OrderItems Document - `[]`
   * @property {String} cartId Order - `Random.id()`
   * @property {Array} notes Order - `[]`
   * @property {String} shopId Cart - `shopId`
   * @property {String} shopId.userId Cart - `userId`
   * @property {String} shopId.sessionId Cart - `"Session"`
   * @property {String} shopId.email Cart - `faker.internet.email()`
   * @property {String} shopId.workflow Cart - Object
   * @property {String} shopId.workflow.status Cart - `"new"`
   * @property {String} shopId.workflow Cart - `"coreOrderWorkflow/created"`
   * @property {Array} shopId.items Array of products
   * @property {String} shopId.items._id Cart - Product - cart ID
   * @property {String} shopId.items.title Cart - Product - `"itemOne"`
   * @property {String} shopId.items.shopId Cart - Product - store ID
   * @property {String} shopId.items.productId Cart - Product - product ID
   * @property {Number} shopId.items.quantity Cart - Product - `1`
   * @property {Object} shopId.items.variants Cart - Product - variants
   * @property {Object} shopId.items.workflow Cart - Product - Object
   * @property {String} shopId.items.workflow.status Cart - Product - `"new"`
   * @property {Boolean} requiresShipping - `true`
   * @property {Array} shipping - Shipping - `[{}]`
   * @property {Object} items - Shipping - `Object`
   * @property {String} item._id - Shipping - `itemIdOne`
   * @property {String} item.productId - Shipping - `Random.id()`
   * @property {String} item.variantId - Shipping - `Random.id()`
   * @property {Boolean} item.packed - Shipping - `false`
   * @property {Array} billing - Billing - `[]`
   * @property {String} billing._id - Billing - `Random.id()`
   * @property {Object} billing.address - Billing - Address object
   * @property {Object} billing.paymentMethod - Billing - Payment Method
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.method - `"credit"`
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.processor - `"Example"`
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.storedCard - `"Mastercard 2346"`
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.paymentPackageId - `getPkgData("example-paymentmethod")._id`
   * @property {String} paymentSettingsKey - `"example-paymentmethod"`
   * @property {String} mode - `"authorize"`
   * @property {String} status - `"created"`
   * @property {Number} amount - `12.4`
   * @property {Object} invoice - Object
   * @property {Number} invoice.total - `12.45`
   * @property {Number} invoice.subtotal - `12.45`
   * @property {Number} invoice.discounts - `0`
   * @property {Number} invoice.taxes - `0.12`
   * @property {Number} invoice.shipping - `4.0`
   * @property {String} state - `"new"`
   * @property {Date} createdAt - `new Date()`
   * @property {Date} updatedAt - `new Date()`
  Factory.define("order", Orders, {
    // Schemas.OrderItems
    additionalField: faker.lorem.sentence(),
    status: faker.lorem.sentence(3),
    history: [],
    documents: [],

    // Schemas.Order
    cartId: Random.id(),
    notes: [],

    // Schemas.Cart
    userId: getUserId(),
    sessionId: "Session",
    email: faker.internet.email(),
    workflow: {
      status: "new",
      workflow: [
    items() {
      const product = addProduct({ shopId });
      const variant = Products.findOne({ ancestors: [product._id] });
      const childVariants = Products.find({
        ancestors: [
          product._id, variant._id
      const selectedOption = Random.choice(childVariants);
      const product2 = addProduct({ shopId });
      const variant2 = Products.findOne({ ancestors: [product2._id] });
      const childVariants2 = Products.find({
        ancestors: [
          product2._id, variant2._id
      const selectedOption2 = Random.choice(childVariants2);
      return [{
        _id: itemIdOne,
        title: "firstItem",
        shopId: product.shopId,
        productId: product._id,
        quantity: 1,
        variants: selectedOption,
        workflow: {
          status: "new"
      }, {
        _id: itemIdTwo,
        title: "secondItem",
        shopId: product2.shopId,
        productId: product2._id,
        quantity: 1,
        product: product2,
        variants: selectedOption2,
        workflow: {
          status: "new"
    requiresShipping: true,
    shipping: [{
      address: getAddress({ isShippingDefault: true }),
      items: [
          _id: itemIdOne,
          productId: Random.id(),
          quantity: 1,
          variantId: Random.id(),
          packed: false
          _id: itemIdTwo,
          productId: Random.id(),
          quantity: 1,
          variantId: Random.id(),
          packed: false
    }], // Shipping Schema
    billing: [{
      _id: Random.id(),
      address: getAddress({ isBillingDefault: true }),
      paymentMethod: paymentMethod({
        method: "credit",
        processor: "Example",
        storedCard: "Mastercard 2346",
        paymentPackageId: getPkgData("example-paymentmethod") ? getPkgData("example-paymentmethod")._id : "uiwneiwknekwewe",
        paymentSettingsKey: "example-paymentmethod",
        mode: "authorize",
        status: "created",
        amount: 12.45
      invoice: {
        total: 12.45,
        subtotal: 12.45,
        discounts: 0,
        taxes: 0.12,
        shipping: 4.00
    state: "new",
    createdAt: new Date(),
    updatedAt: new Date()

   * @name authorizedApprovedPaypalOrder
   * @summary Defines order factory which generates an authorized, approved, paypal order.
   * @memberof Fixtures
   * @property {Array} billing - Array of Billing objects
   * @property {String} billing._id
   * @property {String} billing.shopId
   * @property {Object} billing.address - Address object
   * @property {Object} billing.paymentMethod
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.processor "Paypal"
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.mode "authorize"
   * @property {String} billing.paymentMethod.status "approved
    "authorizedApprovedPaypalOrder", Orders,
    Factory.extend("order", {
      billing: [{
        _id: Random.id(),
        shopId: getShopId(),
        address: getAddress({ isBillingDefault: true }),
        paymentMethod: paymentMethod({
          processor: "Paypal",
          mode: "authorize",
          status: "approved"