Ejemplo n.º 1
  controller.hears('', 'ambient', function (bot, message) {
    var usersMessage = message.text;

    if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'mornin mornin') || matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'good morning*') || matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'morning')) {
      if (chance.bool({likelihood: 30})) {
        messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
          bot.reply(message, name + ' ' + dayOfTheWeekResponses.getMikeMorninTimeSensitive(null) + love.getLoveReactionForName(name));
    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*doorman-mike*')) {
      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);
      var responseMsg = "<@" + message.user + "> what's up?";
      bot.reply(message, responseMsg);
    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*:fist:*')) {
      fistTracker.handleFistMessage(controller, bot, message);
    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'who* champ*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'who is champ*')) {
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, "cena");
    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'clear')) {
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, "zap");
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, "hearts");
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, "ambulance");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "\n ------ clearing ------- \n");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-");
      messageUtils.postMessage(bot, message.channel, "-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-");

Ejemplo n.º 2
  controller.hears('', 'direct_message,direct_mention,mention', function (bot, message) {
    // start mike typing - some responses take longer than others

    // checking the message.event: message.event == 'direct_message'
    var usersMessage = message.text;

    // respond to weather related queries
    if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getWeatherRegex()) !== -1) {

      weather.getWeatherResponse(controller, message.user, function (msg) {
        bot.reply(message, msg);

    // message asks what day is it?
    else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getWhatDayRegex()) !== -1) {

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, dayOfTheWeekResponses.questionResponse(name, bot, message));

    }// message asks what time is it?
    else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getTimeRegex()) !== -1) {
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'timer_clock');

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var msg = "it's time to get a " + vocabulary.getMikeDang() + " watch!";
        var loveMsg = love.getLoveReactionForName(name);
        bot.reply(message, name + ' ' + msg + loveMsg);

    } else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getTacoRegex()) !== -1) {
      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);
      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var msg = "thanks for the " + vocabulary.getMikeDang() + " taco bro!";
        bot.reply(message, name + ' ' + msg);

    } else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getMyNameRegex()) !== -1) {
      conversations.callMeHandler(appCache, controller, bot, message);
    } else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getWhoKilledRegex()) !== -1) {
      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'knife');

      bot.reply(message, 'I did! And it\'s NONE OF YOUR ' + vocabulary.getMikeDang().toUpperCase() + ' BUSINESS ');

    } else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getWhereToEatRegex()) !== -1) {

      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'fork_and_knife');
      var lunchSuggestion = vocabulary.getLunchMike();
      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var loveMessage = love.getLoveReactionForName(name);
        bot.reply(message, name + ' ' + lunchSuggestion + loveMessage);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*upcoming holiday*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*holidays*')) {

      var msg;

      var upcomingHolidays = holidays.getUpcomingHolidays(appCache);

      if (upcomingHolidays.length > 0) {
        msg = "I know of " + upcomingHolidays.length + " "  + vocabulary.getMikeDang() + " holidays coming up: ";

        _.forEach(upcomingHolidays, function (holiday) {
          var holidayDate = moment(holiday.startDate).format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY");
          msg += "\n" + holiday.name + " on " + holidayDate;

      } else {
        msg = "I don't know of any upcoming holidays.";

      bot.reply(message, msg);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*holiday*')) {

      holidays.checkIfCurrentDayIsHoliday(appCache, function (holidaysFound) {
        if (holidaysFound) {
          var msg = "Yes, today is a holiday for " + vocabulary.getMikeDang() + " ";
          msg += holidaysFound.name;
          bot.reply(message, msg);
        } else {
          bot.reply(message, "No, there's not a recognized holiday going on today. That I know of...");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'define *')) {
      var word = usersMessage.split("define ")[1];
      urbandictionary.postFormattedDefinition(bot, message, word, function (definition) {
        if (!definition) {
          dictionary.getDefinition(word, function (wordDef) {
            if (wordDef != null) {
              bot.reply(message, wordDef);
            } else {
              bot.reply(message, "Go look it up yourself! I have no idea.");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, ':nerd_face: define *')) {
      var word = usersMessage.split(":nerd_face: define ")[1];
      dictionary.getDefinition(word, function (definition) {
        if (definition != null) {
          bot.reply(message, definition);
        } else {
          bot.reply(message, "Go look it up yourself! I have no idea.");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, ':nerd_face: *')) {
      var wordToDefine = usersMessage.split(":nerd_face: ")[1];
      dictionary.getDefinition(wordToDefine, function (definition) {
        if (definition != null) {
          bot.reply(message, definition);
        } else {
          bot.reply(message, "Go look it up yourself! I have no idea.");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'send mornin to*')) {
      conversations.sendMorninToHandler(bot, message);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'send insult to*')) {
      complimentInsult.sendInsultToHandler(controller, bot, message);
    else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'send compliment to*')) {
      complimentInsult.sendComplimentHandler(controller, bot, message);
    else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*been naughty*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*naughty list*')) {
      complimentInsult.handleInsultLeaderBoardMessage(controller, bot, message);
    else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*been nice*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*nice list*')) {
      complimentInsult.handleComplimentLeaderBoardMessage(controller, bot, message);
    else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'my birthday is*')) {
      conversations.setMyBirthdayHandler(controller, bot, message);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '* fact*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'fact*')) {
      facts.getMikeFact(bot, message);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'when is * birthday*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'when* * birthday*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'what* * birthday*')) {
      conversations.getMyBirthdayHandler(controller, bot, message);

    } else if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getWhatsMyNameRegex()) !== -1) {

      conversations.setNameHandler(appCache, controller, bot, message);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*argument*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*argue*')) {
      conversations.haveArgumentHandler(controller, bot, message);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'mornin* mornin*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'good mornin*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'mornin*')) {
      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, dayOfTheWeekResponses.getMikeMorninTimeSensitive(name));

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'where did you * bod*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'what did you * bod*')) {
      if (chance.bool({likelihood: 30})) {
        messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'knife');

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, vocabulary.getBodies(name));
    // } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*fart*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*poop*')) {
    //   bot.reply(message, vocabulary.getMikeFart());
    // }
    else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'uptime') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'identify yourself') |
      matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'who are you') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'what is your name*')) {

      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);

      var hostname = os.hostname();
      var uptime = messageUtils.formatUptime(process.uptime());

        ':doorman: I am a bot named <@' + bot.identity.name +
        '>. I have been alive for ' + uptime + ' on NONE OF YO GODANG BUSINESS SERVER. (' + hostname + ').\nIf you want to know more: `@' + constants.getBotUsername() + ' help`');

    } else if (usersMessage.toLowerCase() == "hey" | usersMessage.indexOf("hows it going") > -1 | usersMessage.toLowerCase() == "whats good" | usersMessage.toLowerCase() == "whats up") {

      var msgPt2 = dayOfTheWeekResponses.statementResponse();

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var personalHello = vocabulary.getPersonalMikeHello(name).toUpperCase();
        bot.reply(message, personalHello + ' ' + msgPt2);

    } else if (usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'hi' | usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'hello') {

      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, vocabulary.getPersonalMikeHello(name));

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'braa*t*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'br*pt') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'diarrhea*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'shart*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'shits*')) {

      messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'poop');
      var numberOfAs = S(usersMessage.toLowerCase()).count('a');

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var bMsg = vocabulary.getBrapt(name);
        if (numberOfAs > 10) {
          bMsg += '\n' + vocabulary.getBraptPt2();
        bot.reply(message, bMsg);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*favorite day*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'what is * day *') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, 'what day * fav*')) {

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var bMsg = dayOfTheWeekResponses.favoriteDayResponse(name);

        bot.reply(message, bMsg);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*Monday*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*monday*')) {

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var bMsg = dayOfTheWeekResponses.getMikeMondayResponse(name, bot, message);

        bot.reply(message, bMsg);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*Friday*') | matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, '*friday*')) {

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        var bMsg = dayOfTheWeekResponses.getMikeFridayResponse(name, bot, message);

        bot.reply(message, bMsg);

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, "are you really*")) {
      var name = usersMessage.split("are you really ")[1];
      name = S(name).stripPunctuation().s;

      bot.reply(message, "No, what dumbass calls themselves " + name + "?");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, "*weekend*")) {

      bot.reply(message, dayOfTheWeekResponses.getMikeWeekendResponse());

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, "*trump*")) {
      var mikeReactions = [
        'As Trump would say, ',
        ":trump: ",
        "From the man himself "

      trumpism.getRandomTrump(function (quote) {
        bot.reply(message, _.sample(mikeReactions) + quote);

    } else if (usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'mike' | usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'doorman') {

      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, "Yes, " + name + " that's my name.");

    } else if (matcher.isMatch(usersMessage, "*:fist:*")) {

      messageUtils.postMikeFist(bot, message);

      messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
        bot.reply(message, name + " thanks for the " + vocabulary.getMikeDang() + " fist bro.\nCheck out the leaderboard `@" + constants.getBotUsername() + " leaderboard` and over at http://transithelper.com/leaderboard");

      fistTracker.handleBotFist(controller, bot, message);

    } else if (usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'leaderboard') {

      fistTracker.handleLeaderBoardMessage(controller, bot, message);

    } else if (usersMessage.toLowerCase() == 'help') {

      controller.storage.users.get(constants.getBotUserID(), function (err, userObj) {
        if (userObj && userObj.helpText) {
          bot.reply(message, userObj.helpText);
        } else {
          bot.reply(message, "no help for you");

    else {
      // catch all other responses
      var profane = appCache.get("profane");
      var result = {found: false, curse: ''};

      _.forEach(_.words(usersMessage), function (word) {
        if (messageUtils.multiSearchOr(word, profane.profaneList)) {
          result.found = true;
          result.curse = word;

      if (messageUtils.multiSearchOr(usersMessage, profane.profaneList)) {
        messageUtils.getUsernameFromController(controller, message.user, function (name) {
          var msg = name + ' ' + vocabulary.getProfaneReponse();
          if (message.user == constants.getAdminUserID()) {
            msg += " (you said " + result.curse + ")";
          bot.reply(message, msg);

      } else {

       if (usersMessage.search(patterns.getKidsRegex()) !== -1 && chance.bool({likelihood: 50})) {
         messageUtils.postReaction(bot, message, 'scream');

         bot.reply(message, vocabulary.getKidsReponse());

        // initialize cleverbot module with a clerverbot instance
        var cleverbotInstance = new CleverbotImpl(Clever);
        // ask clever bot for a response (cleverbot.io)
        cleverbotInstance.getCleverBotResponse(message, function (response) {
          bot.reply(message, response);


Ejemplo n.º 3
 .map(h => ({
   host: h,
   strict: matcher.isMatch(host, h),
   wildcard: matcher.isMatch(host, `*.${h}`)
 return (fs) => !exclude.some((pattern) => matcher.isMatch(fs.relative, pattern));