Ejemplo n.º 1
exports.has = function () {
    var to = setTimeout(function () {
        assert.fail('never finished');
    }, 5000);
    var m = markov(1);
    var these = 'constructor __proto__ toLocaleString valueOf __defineGetter__';
    m.seed(these, function () {
        var counts = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            var res = m.respond('the', 100);
            assert.ok(res.length < 100);
            res.forEach(function (r) {
                assert.ok(these.split(' ').indexOf(r) >= 0);
                counts[r] = (counts[r] || 0) + 1;
            these.split(' ').sort()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        log.all('SELECT message FROM log ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1000',(e,r) => {

            var words = r.map(d => d.message).join(' ');
            var seed = query || words.split(' ').pop();
            var m = markov(1);
            var qty = ((Math.random()*20)|0);

            m.seed(words, () => {
                var resp = m.respond(seed);
                client.say(to, resp.join(' '))
Ejemplo n.º 3
exports.init = function (config, events) {
    events.emit('debug', 'markov', 'initializing markov plugin');

    if (!config.markov) {
        return events.emit('error', 'markov',
            'Missing markov property in config'
    if (!config.irc.nick) {
        return events.emit('error', 'markov',
            'Missing irc.nick property in config'

    var m = markov(1);

    events.emit('info', 'markov', 'reading markov seed data');

    var s = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/../' + config.markov);
    m.seed(s, function (err) {
        if (err) {
            return events.emit('error', 'markov', err);
        events.emit('info', 'markov', 'markov seed data loaded');

        var nick = config.irc.nick;
        events.on('irc::message', function (from, to, message) {
            if (new RegExp('^\\s*' + nick + '[\\s:]').test(message)) {
                events.emit('debug', 'markov', 'message @ bot');
                var res = m.respond(message.toString()).join(' ');
                events.emit('debug', 'markov', 'response: ' + res);
                events.emit('say', res);
            else {
                events.emit('debug', 'markov', 'message not @ bot');

Ejemplo n.º 4
  twitter.verifyCredentials(function (err, user) {
    if (err) throw err;

    var m = markov();

    home.tail(0, {load: true}, processChunk);

    function processChunk (err, chunk, next) {
      if (err) throw err;
      chunk.forEach(function (tweet) {
      if (chunk.length && next) next();

    twitter.stream('user', {'with': 'followings', 'replies': 'all'}, function (stream) {
      stream.on('data', function (data) {
        if (data.text) {
          m.seed(data.text, function () {
            if (data.in_reply_to_screen_name === user.screen_name) {
              // respond
              var words = ['@' + data.user.screen_name].concat(stripMentions(m.respond(data.text, 100)));
              var text = createTweet(words);
              twitter.updateStatus(text, function (err, data) {
                if (err) throw err;
                console.log('tweeted:', data.text || data);
      stream.on('end', function (response) {
        // Handle a disconnection
      stream.on('destroy', function (response) {
        // Handle a 'silent' disconnection from Twitter, no end/error event fired
Ejemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env node
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
var request = require('request');
var pictureTube = require('picture-tube');
var mq = require('./rabbitconfix');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var sys = require('sys');
var http = require('http');
var markov = require('markov');
var m = markov(2);

var playing = 0;

//var speak = "/Users/thorsten/Downloads/espeak-1.45.04-OSX/espeak-1.45.04/speak -k10 -s 150   --path=/Users/thorsten/Downloads/espeak-1.45.04-OSX/espeak-1.45.04/ ";
//var speak = "/usr/local/bin/speak -k10 -s 150 -ven-us ";
//var speak = "/usr/local/bin/speak -k20 -p 10 -ven-us+m2 ";
//var speak = "speak -ven-pt ";
var speak = "speak -ven-sbd -g10 ";

if (typeof process.argv[2] == 'undefined') {
  console.log("OI! gimme a search term..");

var srchTerm = process.argv[2];
srchTerm = encodeURIComponent(srchTerm);

var rapLyricsURL = 'http://research.blackyouthproject.com/raplyrics/';
var lyricsLinks = [];
var lyricsCounter = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
'use strict';

 * Dependencies
var fs = require('fs');
var markov = require('markov');

var m = markov();
var s = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/dependency-invertion.txt');
m.seed(s, function () {
  var stdin = process.openStdin();
  stdin.on('data', function (line) {
    var keys = line.toString();
    var res = m.respond(keys, 5).join(' ').toLowerCase();
Ejemplo n.º 7
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');

var markov = require('markov');
var m = markov(1);

var s = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/qwantz.txt');
m.seed(s, function () {
    var stdin = process.openStdin();
    util.print('> ');
    stdin.on('data', function (line) {
        var res = m.respond(line.toString()).join(' ');
        util.print('> ');
Ejemplo n.º 8
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var markov = require('markov');
var MeatBot = require('meatbot');

var keywords = ["weed-gif","420-gif"];
var chatter = markov();
var logs = path.join(__dirname, "qwantz.txt");

var learnFileIn = fs.createReadStream(logs);
var learnFile = fs.createWriteStream(logs, {flags: 'r+'});
var avatar = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'avatar.txt'), 'utf8');


function BlazeBot() {
  this.on('message', function(msg) {
    if (msg.message.indexOf(this.name) !== -1) return;

util.inherits(BlazeBot, MeatBot);

BlazeBot.prototype.name = "uncle blazer";
BlazeBot.prototype.fingerprint = 420;
BlazeBot.prototype.avatar = avatar;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function gridFromIncrMarkov(cb) {
  function inboundPaths(row, col, grid, n) {
    // starting at origin X, find inbound paths of length n:
    // .............
    // ......o......
    // .....ooo.....
    // ....ooooo....
    // ...oooXooo...
    // ....ooooo....

    // A move is a tuple of [row offset, column offset]
    var moves = [
      [-1,  0], // up
      [ 1,  0], // down
      [ 0, -1], // left
      [ 0,  1], // right
      [-1, -1], // upleft
      [ 1, -1], // downleft
      [-1,  1], // upright
      [ 1,  1], // downright

    // A path is a set of positions.
    // Compute by starting at a [row, column] origin
    // and then advancing along a set of moves.
    // We then drop the initial [row, column] origin and
    // reverse the set of positions, which gives us
    // the inbound path exclusive of the origin.
    function findInboundPath(moves) {
      return _.rest(_.reduce(moves, function(positionsAcc, move) {
        positionsAcc.push([_.last(positionsAcc)[0] + move[0],
                           _.last(positionsAcc)[1] + move[1]]);
        return positionsAcc;
      }, [[row, col]])).reverse();

    // A position is reachable if it is inside the grid
    function reachable(position) {
      return position[0] >= 0 && grid.length > position[0] && // row is reachable
             position[1] >= 0 && grid[0].length > position[1]; // column is reachable

    function pathReachable(path) {
      return _.all(path, reachable);

    // Deep compare arrays using string representation
    function canonicalizeArray(array) {
      return "" + array;

    function pathNoncrossing(path) {
      var uniquePositions = _.unique(path, false, canonicalizeArray);
      return path.length === uniquePositions.length

    function pathExcludesOrigin(path) {
      return  _.all(path, function(position) {
        return ! (position[0] === row && position[1] === col);

    var movelists = Combinatorics.baseN(moves, n).toArray();
    var paths = _.map(movelists, findInboundPath);

    return _.select(paths, function(path) {
      return pathReachable(path) && pathNoncrossing(path) && pathExcludesOrigin(path);

  var markovOrder = 2;
  var fs = require('fs');
  var markov = require('markov');
  var m = markov(markovOrder);
  var m1 = markov(1);
  // var s = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/norvig/spacey_1000.txt');
  function getWords() {
    return fs.createReadStream('/Users/jason/dev/wordgames/gridmaker/norvig/spacey_1000.txt');
  var grid = [];
  var width = 40;

  function independentMarkovLine() {
    var line = [];
    while (line.length < width) {
      var more = m1.fill(m1.pick(), width);
      line = _.flatten([line, more]);
    return _.take(line, width);

  var util = require("util");
  function log(x) {
    console.log(util.inspect(x, false, null));

  m.seed(getWords(), function() {
    m1.seed(getWords(), function() {
      // var pick = m.pick();
      // console.log(pick);
      // console.log(m.next("e_n_v"));
      // throw "asdf";

      // TODO for some reason this is destructive
      // function drawFreqs(inb, grid1) {
      //   _.each(inb, function(path) {
      //     _.each(path, function(position) {
      //       grid1[position[0]][position[1]] = 0;
      //     });
      //   });
      //   _.each(inb, function(path) {
      //     _.each(path, function(position) {
      //       grid1[position[0]][position[1]] = grid1[position[0]][position[1]] + 1;
      //     });
      //   });
      //   printGrid(grid1);
      // }

      function genByInbound(row, col) {
        var inb = inboundPaths(row, col, grid, markovOrder);
        var markovKeys = _.map(inb, function(path) {
          return _.map(path, function(position) {
            return grid[position[0]][position[1]];
        var generateds = _.map(markovKeys, function(key) {
          var next = m.next(key);
          return next && next.word && next.word[0];
        var choices = _.without(generateds, undefined);
        // drawFreqs(inb, _.clone(grid));
        // log(_.zip(inb, markovKeys, generateds));
        // log(choices);
        // console.log("");
        return _.sample(choices) || m1.pick() || 'a'; // TODO: why default

      // seed grid with one line

      function genRowByInbound() {
        var row = [];
        for (var col = 0; col < width; col++) {
          row.push(genByInbound(grid.length, col));
        return row;
      _.times(9, function() {

Ejemplo n.º 10
import random from 'lodash/number/random';
import photos from './photos';

// names generated by chance.js
const users = [
  {avatar: "marc", name: "Marc Stone"},
  {avatar: "ellen", name: "Ellen Clayton"},
  {avatar: "ruth", name: "Ruth Maxwell"},
  {avatar: "ray", name: "Ray Scott"},
  {avatar: "sam", name: "Sam Munoz"},
  {avatar: "craig", name: "Craig Robbins"},
  {avatar: "lillie", name: "Lillie Wolfe"},
  {avatar: "susan", name: "Susan Keller"}

const markov = markovCreator(3);
export const generateReady = new Promise(resolve => {
  markov.seed(fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/seed.txt'), resolve);

export function generateMessage() {
  const message = {};
  const user = users[Math.floor(Math.random() * users.length)];
  let image;

  if (Math.random() < 0.2) {
    image = photos[Math.floor(Math.random() * photos.length)];

  message.id = Number(String(random(1, 10000)) + Date.now()).toString(36);
  message.avatar = '/avatars/' + user.avatar;
Ejemplo n.º 11
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if(xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {

    document.querySelector('#iterate').disabled = false;
    var data = xhr.responseText;

    data = data.split('\n').map(d => d.split(' '));

    data = data.map(d => ({action: d[0], note: d[1], time: d[2]}));

    let section = [[]];    

    let duration = 0;

    for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      if(data[i].action === 'ON') {
        let start = parseFloat(data[i].time);
        //Assumes that every other note is off
        let stop = parseFloat(data[i+1].time);
        duration += Math.abs((start-stop));

        if(duration <= 1) {
          section[section.length-1].push(new Note(data[i].note, Math.abs(start-stop)));
        } else {
          duration = 0;

    //Create bars out of all notes into the section array
    section = new Section(
      section.map(s => 
        new Bar(s.map(n => n))

    //Push all notes from all bars to notes array
    section.bars.forEach(bar => song.push(...bar.notes));

    song = song.filter(n => n.note);


    //Merge all notes to sentences
    inputSongString = song.filter(n => n.duration > 0)
                 .map(n => n.duration + "-" + n.note.name() + n.octave)
                 .join(' ');

    merged = inputSongString.replace(/\./g, 'q');

    let chain = new MarkovChain(); 
    let m = markov(2);


    let coupleProb = m.db();

    let tempProb = {};
    for(var key in coupleProb) {
      let formatedKey = key.match(/\dq\d*_.\d_(\dq\d*_.\d)/) ? key.match(/\dq\d*_.\d_(\dq\d*_.\d)/)[1] : '';
      if(formatedKey) {
        for(var notes in coupleProb[key].next) {
          if(notes.match(/\dq\d*_.\d/g)) {
            notes = notes.match(/\dq\d*_.\d/g).map(note => note.replace('_', '-'));
            tempProb[formatedKey.replace('_', '-')] = notes

    coupleProb = tempProb;

    //Markov probabilites for all notes
    const probabilities = JSON.parse(chain.dump());

    //Give the rules for all notes
    song.forEach(n => setNoteRules(probabilities, n, 1));
    song.forEach(n => setNoteRules(coupleProb, n, 2));

    song = song.filter(n => n.duration > 0);
