Ejemplo n.º 1
var get = function(data) {
	var lines = data.split('\n');
	var separatorCount = 0;
	var yamlData = "";
	var i, line;
	for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
		line = lines[i];
		if (/^---/.test(line)) {
			separatorCount += 1;
		if (separatorCount === 1) {
			yamlData += line + '\n';
		} else if (separatorCount === 2) {
	return yaml.load(yamlData);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function parser(str) {
  var yaml;

  try { yaml = YAML.load(str); }
  catch(e) { throw new Error('Invalid YAML'); }

  var deps = [];
  var runtimeDeps = yaml.packages || [];

  Object.keys(runtimeDeps).forEach( (dep) => {
      name: dep,
      version: runtimeDeps[dep].version,
      type: 'runtime'

  return deps;
Ejemplo n.º 3
frontman.parse = function(src, type) {

	type = type || 'yfm';

	if (type == "cson" ) 		// Todo: coffee?
		return coffee.eval(src) || {};

	if (type == "json")
		return JSON.parse(src) || {};

	if (type == "yml")  	// Todo: yaml
		return yaml.load(src) || {};

	if (type == "env")
		return envfile.parseSync(src) || {};

	return yfm.parse(src) || { __content: src, __type: type };

Ejemplo n.º 4
  global.__defineGetter__( 'CONF', function (){
    var fs    = require( 'fs' );
    var utils = require( './utils' );
    var path  = CONF_DIR + NODE_ENV + '/config.yml';

    if( !fs.existsSync( path )){
        utils.$alert( 'error' ) +
        '   config path does not exist', path

      return process.exit( 1 );

    var source = fs.readFileSync( path, 'utf8' );
    var yaml   = require( 'js-yaml' );

    return yaml.load( source );
Ejemplo n.º 5
Plankton.prototype.parsePost = function(text) {
    var containsFrontMatter = (text.substring(0, 3) === defaults.FRONT_MATTER_DELIMETER);
    if(containsFrontMatter) {
        var parts = text.split(defaults.FRONT_MATTER_DELIMETER);
        var post = yaml.load(parts[1]);
        post[constants.BODY_PROPERTY] = parts[2];
    } else {
        var post = {};
        post[constants.BODY_PROPERTY] = text;

    if(post.hasOwnProperty(constants.DATE_PROPERTY)) {
        post[constants.TIMESTAMP_GENERATED_PROPERTY] = moment(post[constants.DATE_PROPERTY]).valueOf();
    } else {

    return post;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function (t) {
   const TEST_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, './fixture/chapters/exclude-complex-empty-directory');
   const result = chapters({ dir: 'docs' });
   t.equal(result.chapters[0]['a.md'], 'A');
   t.equal(result.chapters[1]['images/'], 'images');
   t.equal(result.chapters[2]['images/dir3/'], 'dir3');
   t.equal(result.chapters[3]['images/dir3/b.md'], 'B');
   t.equal(result.chapters.length, 4);
   t.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE)));
   const content = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE), 'utf8'));
   t.equal(content[0]['a.md'], 'A');
   t.equal(content[1]['images/'], 'images');
   t.equal(content[2]['images/dir3/'], 'dir3');
   t.equal(content[3]['images/dir3/b.md'], 'B');
   t.equal(content.length, 4);
   fs.unlinkSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 readFrontMatter(file) {
     var end,
     if (/^---\n/.test(file)) {
         end = file.search(/\n---\n/);
         if (end !== -1) {
             ret = {
                 front: yaml.load(file.slice(4, end + 1)) || {},
                 main: file.slice(end + 5)
             return ret;
     ret = {
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 8
module.exports = function (fromFile, toFile, prettifyJson) {
    var yaml = require('js-yaml');
    var fs = require('fs');
    var md5 = require('MD5');
    var path = require("path");

    var i, j, rdlistCount, recordProcessorsCount;

    fromFile = path.resolve(fromFile);
    toFile = path.resolve(toFile);

    var yamlString = fs.readFileSync(fromFile, "utf8");

    var rdlist = yaml.load(yamlString, {
        filename: fromFile

    var applyGravatarHash = function(item) {

        // Hash email with md5
        // http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/hash/
        // http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/

        var email = item.Email;
        if(email) {
            item.GravatarHash = md5(email.trim().toLowerCase());
        return item;

    var recordProcessors = [

    rdlist.forEach(function (item) {
        recordProcessors.forEach(function (processor) {

    fs.writeFileSync(toFile, JSON.stringify(rdlist, null, prettifyJson ? "\t" : ""));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    entries.forEach(function(value, index) {

            var contents = fs.readFileSync('blog/' + value, 'utf8');
            // Extract the date
            var arr = value.match(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/) || [];

            if (arr.length == 2)
                var date = arr[1];

                // Parse the YAML header

                 // Generate frontMatter and actual markdown content
                var lines = contents.split('\n');
                var frontMatter = GetFrontMatter(lines);
                var newContent = lines.join('\n');
                var html = marked(newContent, MarkeOptions);

                var matter = frontMatter ? yaml.load(frontMatter) : {};

                // Add entry, key is the date
                BlogEntries[date] = { 
                   // yaml: frontMatter.trim(),
                  //  markdown: newContent.trim(),
                    content: html.trim(),
                    meta: matter
                logger.error('Bad array size: ', arr.length, value);
            logger.error('Error while parsing markdown blog entries');
Ejemplo n.º 10
module.exports = function(str, div) {
  div = div || /\n\n\n|\r\n\r\n\r\n/;

  // `str` must be a string
  if (typeof str != 'string')
    str = str.toString();

  // trim string
  str = str.trim();

  var split;
  var result = {};
  var content;

  // If a match was found
  if ((split = str.split(div)).length > 0)
    try {
      // JSON
      if (split[0].charAt(0) == '{')
        result = JSON.parse(split[0]);
      // JSML
      else if (split[0].charAt(0) == '"')
        result = JSML.parse(split[0]);
      // YAML
        result = YAML.load(split[0]);
    } catch (e) {
      return { __content: str };
    return { __content: str };

  delete split[0];
  // Join remaining
  str = split.join('\n\n\n');

  str += '\n';  // append a line seperator after content, since some tools (like
                // pandoc) need it

  result.__content = str;
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
function loadConfig(configPath, overrideOptions) {
	const _defsPath = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'configuration.default.yml'))
	const defs = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(_defsPath, 'utf8'))

	nconf.use('overrides', {
		type: 'literal',
		store: overrideOptions,
		// logicalSeparator: '.',


	nconf.use('env', {
		type: 'env',
		separator: '_',
		match: /^volebo/i,
		whitelist: ['NODE_ENV'],
		// logicalSeparator: '.',

	if (configPath) {
		nconf.use('yaml-config-file', {
			type: 'file',
			file: configPath,
			format: yamlFormat,
			// logicalSeparator: '.',

		debug('append config from file', configPath)

	nconf.use('defaults', {
		type: 'literal',
		store: defs,
		// logicalSeparator: '.',

	// const cfg = nconf.get()

	const cfg = new Config(nconf)
	return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function (t) {
   const TEST_PATH = path.resolve(
   const result = chapters({ dir: 'docs' });
   t.equal(result.chapters[0]['a.md'], 'Title A');
   t.equal(result.chapters[1]['b/'], 'b');
   t.equal(result.chapters[2]['b/c/'], 'c');
   t.equal(result.chapters[3]['b/c/d.md'], 'Title D');
   t.ok(fs.existsSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE)));
   const content = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE), 'utf8'));
   t.equal(content[0]['a.md'], 'Title A');
   t.equal(content[1]['b/'], 'b');
   t.equal(content[2]['b/c/'], 'c');
   t.equal(content[3]['b/c/d.md'], 'Title D');
   fs.unlinkSync(path.join(TEST_PATH, CHAPTERS_FILE));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 var configs = files.map(function (file) {
   logger.debug('merge pattern file ' + file)
   var cfg = {}
   try {
     cfg = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'))
     cfg._fileName = file
   } catch (e) {
     cfg.patterns = []
     logger.error('ignoring pattern file ' + file + ' ' + e)
     if (e.reason && e.mark) {
       logger.error('Error parsing file: ' + file + ' ' + e.reason + ' line:' + e.mark.line + ' column:' + e.mark.columns)
     } else {
       // console.log(error.stack)
       logger.debug('Error parsing file: ' + file + ' ' + e + ' ' + e.stack)
   } finally {
     // console.log(config)
     return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 14
  async.forEach(pages, function(file, next) {

      grunt.log.write('Converting to JSON '+ file.src.cyan);

      try {
        file.page = YAML.load(file.page);
        file.page = JSON.stringify(file.page);

        grunt.log.success(' OK');

        converted += 1;

      catch (e) {
        grunt.log.error(' FAILED');

Ejemplo n.º 15
const readPost = filename => {
  const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filename),
    file = buffer.toString('utf8');

  try {
    const parts = file.split(/---\s*[\n^]/),
      frontmatter = parts[1];

    return {
      name: filename,
      file: file,
      metadata: jsyaml.load(frontmatter),
      content: parts[2]
  } catch (err) {
      `\nCould not read metadata, check the syntax of the metadata and front matter in ${filename}`
Ejemplo n.º 16
function data(filename) {
  var filedata;

  if (filename === null) { return []; }

  try {
    filedata = (fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')).trim();
  } catch (e) {
    out.warn('File "' + filename + '" could not be found. Ignoring...');
    return [];

  try {
    return yaml.load(filedata);
  } catch (e) {
    out.warn('Couldn\'t parse "' + filename + '" due to syntax errors:');
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Decide whether to skip the test based on flags in demo.details.
 * @param  {String} path The sample path
 * @return {Boolean}     False if we should skip the test
function handleDetails(path) {
    // Skip it?
    if (fs.existsSync(`samples/${path}/demo.details`)) {
        let details = fs.readFileSync(
        details = details && yaml.load(details);
        if (details && details.skipTest) {
            // console.log(`- skipTest: ${path}`.gray);
            return false;
        if (details && details.requiresManualTesting) {
            // console.log(`- requiresManualTesting: ${path}`.gray);
            return false;
        return true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    function extractYfm(src)
        var re = /^-{3}([\w\W]+?)(-{3})([\w\W]*)*/;
        var text = grunt.file.read(src);
        var results = re.exec(text), 
          conf = {};

        if(results) {
          conf = jsYaml.load(results[1]);

          //Add content if set
          // if(options.includeContent) 
          // {
          //   conf[options.contentName] = results[3] || '';
          // }


        return conf;
    function processSample(data) {
      var yaml = Yaml.load(data);
      var sample_id = Crypto.createHash('md5').update(yaml.template).digest('hex').substr(0,8);
      var rootmap = "/code/github.com/" + user + "/" + repo + "/tree/" + branch + "/";
      var sample_folder = "/" + folder;
      if (query.skip) {
        var parts = sample_folder.substr(1).split("/");
        var prefix = parts.splice(0, query.skip);
        rootmap += prefix.join("/") + "/";
        sample_folder = "/" + parts.join("/");

      return {
        'sample_id': "sample-"+sample_id,
        'title': yaml.title,
        'yaml': JSON.stringify(yaml),
        'rootmap': rootmap,
        'sample_folder': sample_folder
Ejemplo n.º 20
Page.prototype.parseFrontMatter = function() {
  var frontMatter;
  var split = this.data.trim().match(/^\-{3}([\w\W]+)\-{3}([\w\W]+)$/);

  if (!split || split.length !== 3) {
    return new Error('Could not find front matter block');

  try {
    frontMatter = yaml.load(split[1]);
  catch(err) {
    return new Error('Could not parse front matter data');

  return {
    data: frontMatter,
    template: split[2]
exports.getResource = function(resourcePath, next) {
    var resx;
    var jsonString;
    var error = null;

	try {
	    // the synchronous code that we want to catch thrown errors on
	    resx = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(resourcePath));
	    jsonString = JSON.stringify(resx);
	catch (err) {
	    // handle the error safely
	    error = err;
    return next(error, jsonString);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  }).then(function(frontMatter) {
    var separator = yfmSplit.separator;
    var jsonMode = separator[0] === ';';
    var content = '';
    var obj;

    // Parse front-matter
    if (jsonMode) {
      obj = JSON.parse('{' + frontMatter + '}');
    } else {
      obj = yaml.load(frontMatter);

    // Add data which are not in the front-matter
    var keys = Object.keys(data);
    var key = '';

    for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
      key = keys[i];

      if (!preservedKeys[key] && obj[key] == null) {
        obj[key] = data[key];

    // Prepend the separator
    if (yfmSplit.prefixSeparator) content += separator + '\n';

    content += yfm.stringify(obj, {
      mode: jsonMode ? 'json' : ''

    // Concat content
    content += yfmSplit.content;

    if (data.content) {
      content += '\n' + data.content;

    return content;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  }).then(frontMatter => {
    const separator = yfmSplit.separator;
    const jsonMode = separator[0] === ';';
    let content = '';
    let obj;

    // Parse front-matter
    if (jsonMode) {
      obj = JSON.parse(`{${frontMatter}}`);
    } else {
      obj = yaml.load(frontMatter);

    // Add data which are not in the front-matter
    const keys = Object.keys(data);
    let key = '';

    for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
      key = keys[i];

      if (!preservedKeys[key] && obj[key] == null) {
        obj[key] = data[key];

    // Prepend the separator
    if (yfmSplit.prefixSeparator) content += `${separator}\n`;

    content += yfm.stringify(obj, {
      mode: jsonMode ? 'json' : ''

    // Concat content
    content += yfmSplit.content;

    if (data.content) {
      content += `\n${data.content}`;

    return content;
exports.parse = function(md, filename, options) {
  if (typeof filename === 'object') {
    options = filename;
    filename = null;

  options = options || {};

  // Generate frontMatter and actual markdown content
  var lines = md.split('\n');
  var frontMatter = content.getFrontMatter(lines);
  var newContent = lines.join('\n');

  if (options.preCompile) {
    newContent = options.preCompile(newContent) || newContent;

  var html = marked(newContent, options.marked || {});

  if (options.postCompile) {
    html = options.postCompile(html) || html;

  var matter = frontMatter ? yaml.load(frontMatter) : {};

  // Construct and return a context object
  var context = { 
    filenameExtension: '.md',
    yaml: frontMatter.trim(),
    markdown: newContent.trim(),
    content: html.trim(),
    meta: matter

  if (filename) {
    context.filename = filename;

  extend(context.meta, options.context || {});
  return context;
 * @param {string} content
 * @param {Object} options
 * @this {DocsPluginExtractorContext}
function extractor(content, options) {
  var isEmpty = content.trim() == '';
  if (isEmpty)
    return Promise.resolve(null);

  var extractor = this;
  var source = this.source;
  var page = new DocPage({source: source});

  var data = parseYAMLFrontMatter(content);
  if (data.meta) {
    var meta = yaml.load(data.meta);
    page.attrs = meta;

  var md = new Remarkable();
  var rendered = md.render(data.body);
  page.content = rendered;

  return Promise.resolve(page);
Ejemplo n.º 26
Server.prototype.loadRoutes = function() {
    var _this = this;

    log.info("Loading routes from file %s", conf.routefile);
    this.routes = Yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(conf.routefile)+ '');
    log.info("Registering %d route(s)", this.routes.length);

    // Create all secure contexts for each route
    _.each(this.routes, function(route) {
        var url = URL.parse(route.target);

        if(route.key) {
            _this.secure_certs[route.hostname] = crypto.createCredentials({
                key: fs.readFileSync(route.key),
                cert: fs.readFileSync(route.cert)
            _this.secure_certs[route.hostname || url.host] = _this.secure_certs.default;
Ejemplo n.º 27
    fs.readFile(location, 'utf8', function(error, body) {
      if (!error) {
        var ext = path.extname(location);

        if (ext) {
          ext = ext.toLowerCase();

        try {
          var data = _.includes(yamlExtensions, ext)
            ? jsyaml.load(body)
            : JSON.parse(body);

        } catch (err) {
      } else {
Ejemplo n.º 28
	function parseContent(src) {

		src = src.toString();

		var yfm = "";
		var yfmClosed = false;
		var yfmStarted = false;
		var content = "";
		var lines = src.replace(/\r/g, '').trim().split("\n");

		while (lines.length) {
			var line = lines.shift();

			if (!yfmStarted && !yfmClosed) {
				yfmStarted = (line.trim() == "---");
			} else if (yfmStarted && !yfmClosed) {
				if (line.trim() == "---")  {
					yfmClosed = true;
				} else {
					yfm += line + "\n";
			} else {
				content += line + "\n";

		try {
			yfm = yaml.load(yfm);
		} catch (e) {

		cb(null, {
			from: file.from,
			yfm: yfm,
			post: content
Ejemplo n.º 29
    fs.readFile(templateFile, 'utf8', function(err, content) {
      if (err)
        throw err;

      const templateYml = yaml.load(content);

      for (let credentialsKey in credentials)
        if (credentials.hasOwnProperty(credentialsKey))
          replaceValues(templateYml.applications, credentials, credentialsKey);

      const templatePath = path.dirname(templateFile);
      const templateBaseName = path.basename(templateFile);
      const manifestBaseName = templateBaseName.replace(/\.template/g, '');
      const manifestFile = path.join(templatePath, manifestBaseName);

      const manifestContent = yaml.dump(templateYml);
      fs.writeFile(manifestFile, manifestContent, 'utf8', (err) => {
        if (err)
          throw err;
      console.log('   %s', manifestFile);
Ejemplo n.º 30
TMSource.prototype.init = function(uri, yamlData, callback) {
  var self = this;
  try {
    self.info = yaml.load(yamlData);

    self.info.id = url.format(uri);
    self.info = normalize(self.info);
  } catch (err) {
    return callback(err);

  return toXML(self.info, function(err, xml) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);

    uri.xml = xml;
    uri.base = uri.pathname;

    return Bridge.call(self, uri, callback);