Ejemplo n.º 1
function applyToImageData(imageData, effect) {
  var width = imageData.width;
  var height = imageData.height;
  var data = imageData.data;

  for(var i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
    vec4.set(tmpPixel, data[i*4+0]/255, data[i*4+1]/255, data[i*4+2]/255, data[i*4+3]/255);
    applyToPixel(tmpPixel, effect, tmpPixel);
    data[i*4+0] = tmpPixel[0]*255;
    data[i*4+1] = tmpPixel[1]*255;
    data[i*4+2] = tmpPixel[2]*255;
    data[i*4+3] = tmpPixel[3]*255;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CubeGeometry.prototype._closestTile = function(view, level) {
  var ray = this._vec;

  // Compute a view ray into the central screen point.
  vec4.set(ray, 0, 0, 1, 1);
  vec4.transformMat4(ray, ray, view.inverseProjection());

  var minAngle = Infinity;
  var closestFace = null;

  // Find the face whose vector makes a minimal angle with the view ray.
  // This is the face into which the view ray points.
  for (var face in faceVectors) {
    var vector = faceVectors[face];
    // For a small angle between two normalized vectors, angle ~ 1-cos(angle).
    var angle = 1 - vec3.dot(vector, ray);
    if (angle < minAngle) {
      minAngle = angle;
      closestFace = face;

  // Project view ray onto cube, i.e., normalize the coordinate with
  // largest absolute value to ±0.5.
  var max = Math.max(Math.abs(ray[0]), Math.abs(ray[1]), Math.abs(ray[2])) / 0.5;
  for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    ray[i] = ray[i] / max;

  // Rotate view ray into front face.
  var rot = faceRotation[closestFace];
  rotateVector(ray, 0, -rot.x, -rot.y);

  // Get the desired zoom level.
  var tileZ = this.levelList.indexOf(level);
  var numX = level.numHorizontalTiles();
  var numY = level.numVerticalTiles();

  // Find the coordinates of the tile that the view ray points into.
  var tileX = clamp(Math.floor((0.5 + ray[0]) * numX), 0, numX - 1);
  var tileY = clamp(Math.floor((0.5 - ray[1]) * numY), 0, numY - 1);

  return new CubeTile(closestFace, tileX, tileY, tileZ, this);