Ejemplo n.º 1
test("setting values should call function return value", function() {

  // get each property twice. Verify return.
  var keys = w('computed dependent dependentFront computedCached dependentCached');
  var values = w('value1 value2');

  forEach(keys, function(key) {

    equal(object.set(key, values[0]), object, fmt('Try #1: object.set(%@, %@) should run function', [key, values[0]]));

    equal(object.set(key, values[1]), object, fmt('Try #2: object.set(%@, %@) should run function', [key, values[1]]));

    equal(object.set(key, values[1]), object, fmt('Try #3: object.set(%@, %@) should not run function since it is setting same value as before', [key, values[1]]));


  // verify each call count.  cached should only be called once
  forEach(keys, function(key) {
    var calls = object[key + 'Calls'], idx;
    var expectedLength;

    // Cached properties first check their cached value before setting the
    // property. Other properties blindly call set.
    expectedLength = 3;
    equal(calls.length, expectedLength, fmt('set(%@) should be called the right amount of times', [key]));
    for(idx=0;idx<2;idx++) {
      equal(calls[idx], values[idx], fmt('call #%@ to set(%@) should have passed value %@', [idx+1, key, values[idx]]));

Ejemplo n.º 2
QUnit.test('setting values should call function return value', function() {
  // get each property twice. Verify return.
  var keys = w('computed dependent dependentFront computedCached dependentCached');
  var values = w('value1 value2');

  keys.forEach((key) => {
    equal(object.set(key, values[0]), values[0], `Try #1: object.set(${key}, ${values[0]}) should run function`);

    equal(object.set(key, values[1]), values[1], `Try #2: object.set(${key}, ${values[1]}) should run function`);

    equal(object.set(key, values[1]), values[1], `Try #3: object.set(${key}, ${values[1]}) should not run function since it is setting same value as before`);

  // verify each call count.  cached should only be called once
  keys.forEach((key) => {
    var calls = object[key + 'Calls'];
    var idx, expectedLength;

    // Cached properties first check their cached value before setting the
    // property. Other properties blindly call set.
    expectedLength = 3;
    equal(calls.length, expectedLength, `set(${key}) should be called the right amount of times`);
    for (idx = 0;idx < 2;idx++) {
      equal(calls[idx], values[idx], `call #${idx + 1} to set(${key}) should have passed value ${values[idx]}`);
Ejemplo n.º 3
QUnit.test('getting values should call function return value', function() {
  // get each property twice. Verify return.
  var keys = w('computed computedCached dependent dependentFront dependentCached');

  keys.forEach(function(key) {
    equal(object.get(key), key, `Try #1: object.get(${key}) should run function`);
    equal(object.get(key), key, `Try #2: object.get(${key}) should run function`);

  // verify each call count.  cached should only be called once
  w('computedCalls dependentFrontCalls dependentCalls').forEach((key) => {
    equal(object[key].length, 2, `non-cached property ${key} should be called 2x`);

  w('computedCachedCalls dependentCachedCalls').forEach((key) => {
    equal(object[key].length, 1, `non-cached property ${key} should be called 1x`);
Ejemplo n.º 4
test("getting values should call function return value", function() {

  // get each property twice. Verify return.
  var keys = w('computed computedCached dependent dependentFront dependentCached');

  forEach(keys, function(key) {
    equal(object.get(key), key, fmt('Try #1: object.get(%@) should run function', [key]));
    equal(object.get(key), key, fmt('Try #2: object.get(%@) should run function', [key]));

  // verify each call count.  cached should only be called once
  forEach(w('computedCalls dependentFrontCalls dependentCalls'), function(key) {
    equal(object[key].length, 2, fmt('non-cached property %@ should be called 2x', [key]));

  forEach(w('computedCachedCalls dependentCachedCalls'), function(key) {
    equal(object[key].length, 1, fmt('non-cached property %@ should be called 1x', [key]));

Ejemplo n.º 5
 StringPrototype.w = function () {
   return w(this);
Ejemplo n.º 6
QUnit.test('\'one two three\'.w() with tabs', function() {
  deepEqual(w('one\ttwo  three'), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
    deepEqual('one\ttwo  three'.w(), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
Ejemplo n.º 7
QUnit.test('\'one    two    three\'.w() with extra spaces between words => [\'one\',\'two\',\'three\']', function() {
  deepEqual(w('one   two  three'), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
    deepEqual('one   two  three'.w(), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
Ejemplo n.º 8
QUnit.test('\'one two three\'.w() => [\'one\',\'two\',\'three\']', function() {
  deepEqual(w('one two three'), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
    deepEqual('one two three'.w(), ['one', 'two', 'three']);
Ejemplo n.º 9
QUnit.test("'one two three'.w() => ['one','two','three']", function() {
  deepEqual(w('one two three'), ['one','two','three']);
    deepEqual('one two three'.w(), ['one','two','three']);
Ejemplo n.º 10
test("'one    two    three'.w() with extra spaces between words => ['one','two','three']", function() {
  deepEqual(w('one   two  three'), ['one','two','three']);
    deepEqual('one   two  three'.w(), ['one','two','three']);