Ejemplo n.º 1
export function typeForRelationshipMeta(meta) {
  var modelName;

  modelName = meta.type || meta.key;
  if (meta.kind === 'hasMany') {
    modelName = singularize(normalizeModelName(modelName));
  return modelName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  `DS.belongsTo` is used to define One-To-One and One-To-Many
  relationships on a [DS.Model](/api/data/classes/DS.Model.html).

  `DS.belongsTo` takes an optional hash as a second parameter, currently
  supported options are:

  - `async`: A boolean value used to explicitly declare this to be an async relationship.
  - `inverse`: A string used to identify the inverse property on a
    related model in a One-To-Many relationship. See [Explicit Inverses](#toc_explicit-inverses)

  #### One-To-One
  To declare a one-to-one relationship between two models, use

  App.User = DS.Model.extend({
    profile: DS.belongsTo('profile')

  App.Profile = DS.Model.extend({
    user: DS.belongsTo('user')

  #### One-To-Many
  To declare a one-to-many relationship between two models, use
  `DS.belongsTo` in combination with `DS.hasMany`, like this:

  App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
    comments: DS.hasMany('comment')

  App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
    post: DS.belongsTo('post')

  You can avoid passing a string as the first parameter. In that case Ember Data
  will infer the type from the key name.

  App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
    post: DS.belongsTo()

  will lookup for a Post type.

  @method belongsTo
  @for DS
  @param {String} modelName (optional) type of the relationship
  @param {Object} options (optional) a hash of options
  @return {Ember.computed} relationship
function belongsTo(modelName, options) {
  var opts, userEnteredModelName;
  if (typeof modelName === 'object') {
    opts = modelName;
    userEnteredModelName = undefined;
  } else {
    opts = options;
    userEnteredModelName = modelName;

  if (typeof userEnteredModelName === 'string') {
    userEnteredModelName = normalizeModelName(userEnteredModelName);

  Ember.assert("The first argument to DS.belongsTo must be a string representing a model type key, not an instance of " + Ember.inspect(userEnteredModelName) + ". E.g., to define a relation to the Person model, use DS.belongsTo('person')", typeof userEnteredModelName === 'string' || typeof userEnteredModelName === 'undefined');

  opts = opts || {};

  var meta = {
    type: userEnteredModelName,
    isRelationship: true,
    options: opts,
    kind: 'belongsTo',
    key: null

  return computedPolyfill({
    get: function(key) {
      return this._internalModel._relationships.get(key).getRecord();
    set: function(key, value) {
      if (value === undefined) {
        value = null;
      if (value && value.then) {
      } else if (value) {
      } else {

      return this._internalModel._relationships.get(key).getRecord();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  `DS.hasMany` is used to define One-To-Many and Many-To-Many
  relationships on a [DS.Model](/api/data/classes/DS.Model.html).

  `DS.hasMany` takes an optional hash as a second parameter, currently
  supported options are:

  - `async`: A boolean value used to explicitly declare this to be an async relationship.
  - `inverse`: A string used to identify the inverse property on a related model.

  #### One-To-Many
  To declare a one-to-many relationship between two models, use
  `DS.belongsTo` in combination with `DS.hasMany`, like this:

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    comments: DS.hasMany('comment')

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    post: DS.belongsTo('post')

  #### Many-To-Many
  To declare a many-to-many relationship between two models, use

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    tags: DS.hasMany('tag')

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    posts: DS.hasMany('post')

  You can avoid passing a string as the first parameter. In that case Ember Data
  will infer the type from the singularized key name.

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    tags: DS.hasMany()

  will lookup for a Tag type.

  #### Explicit Inverses

  Ember Data will do its best to discover which relationships map to
  one another. In the one-to-many code above, for example, Ember Data
  can figure out that changing the `comments` relationship should update
  the `post` relationship on the inverse because post is the only
  relationship to that model.

  However, sometimes you may have multiple `belongsTo`/`hasManys` for the
  same type. You can specify which property on the related model is
  the inverse using `DS.hasMany`'s `inverse` option:

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    onePost: DS.belongsTo('post'),
    twoPost: DS.belongsTo('post'),
    redPost: DS.belongsTo('post'),
    bluePost: DS.belongsTo('post')

  import DS from 'ember-data';

  export default DS.Model.extend({
    comments: DS.hasMany('comment', {
      inverse: 'redPost'

  You can also specify an inverse on a `belongsTo`, which works how
  you'd expect.

  @method hasMany
  @for DS
  @param {String} type (optional) type of the relationship
  @param {Object} options (optional) a hash of options
  @return {Ember.computed} relationship
export default function hasMany(type, options) {
  if (typeof type === 'object') {
    options = type;
    type = undefined;

  assert("The first argument to DS.hasMany must be a string representing a model type key, not an instance of " + Ember.inspect(type) + ". E.g., to define a relation to the Comment model, use DS.hasMany('comment')", typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'undefined');

  options = options || {};

  if (typeof type === 'string') {
    type = normalizeModelName(type);

  // Metadata about relationships is stored on the meta of
  // the relationship. This is used for introspection and
  // serialization. Note that `key` is populated lazily
  // the first time the CP is called.
  var meta = {
    type: type,
    isRelationship: true,
    options: options,
    kind: 'hasMany',
    key: null

  return Ember.computed({
    get(key) {
      var relationship = this._internalModel._relationships.get(key);
      return relationship.getRecords();
    set(key, records) {
      assert("You must pass an array of records to set a hasMany relationship", isArrayLike(records));
      assert(`All elements of a hasMany relationship must be instances of DS.Model, you passed ${Ember.inspect(records)}`, (function() {
        return Ember.A(records).every((record) => Model.detectInstance(record) );

      var relationship = this._internalModel._relationships.get(key);
      return relationship.getRecords();
Ejemplo n.º 4
  `DS.hasMany` is used to define One-To-Many and Many-To-Many
  relationships on a [DS.Model](/api/data/classes/DS.Model.html).

  `DS.hasMany` takes an optional hash as a second parameter, currently
  supported options are:

  - `async`: A boolean value used to explicitly declare this to be an async relationship.
  - `inverse`: A string used to identify the inverse property on a related model.

  #### One-To-Many
  To declare a one-to-many relationship between two models, use
  `DS.belongsTo` in combination with `DS.hasMany`, like this:

  App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
    comments: DS.hasMany('comment')

  App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
    post: DS.belongsTo('post')

  #### Many-To-Many
  To declare a many-to-many relationship between two models, use

  App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
    tags: DS.hasMany('tag')

  App.Tag = DS.Model.extend({
    posts: DS.hasMany('post')

  You can avoid passing a string as the first parameter. In that case Ember Data
  will infer the type from the singularized key name.

  App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
    tags: DS.hasMany()

  will lookup for a Tag type.

  #### Explicit Inverses

  Ember Data will do its best to discover which relationships map to
  one another. In the one-to-many code above, for example, Ember Data
  can figure out that changing the `comments` relationship should update
  the `post` relationship on the inverse because post is the only
  relationship to that model.

  However, sometimes you may have multiple `belongsTo`/`hasManys` for the
  same type. You can specify which property on the related model is
  the inverse using `DS.hasMany`'s `inverse` option:

  var belongsTo = DS.belongsTo,
      hasMany = DS.hasMany;

  App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
    onePost: belongsTo('post'),
    twoPost: belongsTo('post'),
    redPost: belongsTo('post'),
    bluePost: belongsTo('post')

  App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
    comments: hasMany('comment', {
      inverse: 'redPost'

  You can also specify an inverse on a `belongsTo`, which works how
  you'd expect.

  @method hasMany
  @for DS
  @param {String} type (optional) type of the relationship
  @param {Object} options (optional) a hash of options
  @return {Ember.computed} relationship
function hasMany(type, options) {
  if (typeof type === 'object') {
    options = type;
    type = undefined;

  Ember.assert("The first argument to DS.hasMany must be a string representing a model type key, not an instance of " + Ember.inspect(type) + ". E.g., to define a relation to the Comment model, use DS.hasMany('comment')", typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'undefined');

  options = options || {};

  if (typeof type === 'string') {
    type = normalizeModelName(type);

  // Metadata about relationships is stored on the meta of
  // the relationship. This is used for introspection and
  // serialization. Note that `key` is populated lazily
  // the first time the CP is called.
  var meta = {
    type: type,
    isRelationship: true,
    options: options,
    kind: 'hasMany',
    key: null

  return computedPolyfill({
    get: function(key) {
      var relationship = this._relationships[key];
      return relationship.getRecords();
    set: function(key, records) {
      var relationship = this._relationships[key];
      return relationship.getRecords();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(key) {
   var convertedFromRubyModule = camelize(singularize(key)).replace(/(^|\:)([A-Z])/g, function(match, separator, chr) {
     return match.toLowerCase();
   }).replace('::', '/');
   return normalizeModelName(convertedFromRubyModule);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(key) {
   return normalizeModelName(key);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 modelNameFromPayloadKey: function(key) {
   return singularize(normalizeModelName(key));
Ejemplo n.º 8

    After refreshing, Ember Data will appropriately look up the "post" model.

    By default the modelName for a model is its
    name in dasherized form. This means that a payload key like "blogPost" would be
    normalized to "blog-post" when Ember Data looks up the model. Usually, Ember Data
    can use the correct inflection to do this for you. Most of the time, you won't
    need to override `modelNameFromPayloadKey` for this purpose.

    @method modelNameFromPayloadKey
    @param {String} key
    @return {String} the model's modelName
  modelNameFromPayloadKey(key) {
    return singularize(normalizeModelName(key));


    Called when a record is saved in order to convert the
    record into JSON.

    By default, it creates a JSON object with a key for
    each attribute and belongsTo relationship.

    For example, consider this model:

    import DS from 'ember-data';