Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Model for the strength slider.
   * Maps between the linear slider and the logarithmic range of strength.
   * Implemented as an inner type because this is internal to the slider.
   * @param {Property.<SolutionType>} solutionTypeProperty
   * @param {Property.<number>} strengthProperty
   * @param {RangeWithValue} strengthRange
   * @constructor
  function SliderModel( solutionTypeProperty, strengthProperty, strengthRange ) {

    var self = this;

    // @public range of slider values
    this.sliderValueRange = new RangeWithValue(
      Util.log10( strengthRange.min ),
      Util.log10( strengthRange.max ),
      Util.log10( strengthRange.defaultValue ) );

    // @public slider's value
    this.sliderValueProperty = new NumberProperty( Util.log10( strengthProperty.get() ), {
      reentrant: true
    } );

    // map between linear and logarithmic
    this.sliderValueProperty.link( function( sliderValue ) {
      if ( strengthIsMutable( solutionTypeProperty.get() ) ) {
        strengthProperty.set( Math.pow( 10, sliderValue ) );
    } );
    strengthProperty.link( function( strength ) {
      if ( strengthIsMutable( solutionTypeProperty.get() ) ) {
        self.sliderValueProperty.set( Util.log10( strength ) );
    } );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 this.property( 'H3OConcentration' ).link( function( value ) {
   self.pH = -Math.round( 100 * Util.log10( value ) ) / 100;
 } );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 var getNumberOfMolecules = function( concentration ) {
   var raiseFactor = Util.log10( concentration / BASE_CONCENTRATION );
   var baseFactor = Math.pow( ( MAX_MOLECULES / BASE_DOTS ), ( 1 / Util.log10( 1 / BASE_CONCENTRATION ) ) );
   return Util.roundSymmetric( BASE_DOTS * Math.pow( baseFactor, raiseFactor ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
 concentrationProperty.link( function( value ) {
   readoutText.text = StringUtils.format( pattern_0value_1concentration, Util.toFixed( value, 3 ), molesPerLiterString );
   sliderProperty.value = Util.log10( value );
 } );
Ejemplo n.º 5
  function ConcentrationSlider( concentrationProperty, range ) {
    var CONCENTRATION_MIN = Util.log10( range.min ),
      CONCENTRATION_MAX = Util.log10( range.max ),
      sliderProperty = new Property( Util.log10( range.defaultValue ) ),
      readoutText = new Text( StringUtils.format( pattern_0value_1concentration, Util.toFixed( concentrationProperty.value, 3 ), molesPerLiterString ), { font: READOUT_FONT } ),
      readoutBackground = new Rectangle( 0, 0, readoutText.width * 2.5, readoutText.height * 1.5 ),
      panelContent = new Node(),
    Node.call( this, {scale: 0.85} );
    this.property = sliderProperty;

    // add the readout, including the background
    panelContent.addChild( readoutBackground );
    readoutText.centerY = readoutBackground.centerY - 2;
    panelContent.addChild( readoutText );

    // create and add the slider
    slider = new HSlider( sliderProperty, { min: CONCENTRATION_MIN, max: CONCENTRATION_MAX }, {
      thumbSize: new Dimension2( 15, 25 ),
      majorTickLength: 15,
      tickLabelSpacing: 2
    } );
    panelContent.addChild( slider );
    for ( var i = 0, step = (CONCENTRATION_MAX - CONCENTRATION_MIN) / 3; i < 4; i++ ) {
      slider.addMinorTick( CONCENTRATION_MIN + step * i, null );

    // create and add the arrow buttons
    leftArrowButton = new ArrowButton( 'left', function() {
      sliderProperty.value = Math.max( sliderProperty.value - CONCENTRATION_STEP, CONCENTRATION_MIN );
    }, arrowButtonOptions );
    panelContent.addChild( leftArrowButton );
    rightArrowButton = new ArrowButton( 'right', function() {
      sliderProperty.value = Math.min( sliderProperty.value + CONCENTRATION_STEP, CONCENTRATION_MAX );
    }, arrowButtonOptions );
    panelContent.addChild( rightArrowButton );

    // layout
    readoutBackground.centerX = slider.bounds.width / 2;
    readoutBackground.top = 0;
    slider.left = 0;
    slider.top = readoutBackground.bottom;
    leftArrowButton.right = slider.left - 12;
    leftArrowButton.centerY = slider.centerY;
    rightArrowButton.left = slider.right + 12;
    rightArrowButton.centerY = slider.centerY;
    readoutText.centerX = readoutBackground.centerX;

    // put the contents into a panel
    this.addChild( new Panel( panelContent, {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'} ) );

    // update the readout text whenever the value changes
    sliderProperty.link( function( value ) {
      concentrationProperty.value = Math.pow( 10, value );
    } );

    concentrationProperty.link( function( value ) {
      readoutText.text = StringUtils.format( pattern_0value_1concentration, Util.toFixed( value, 3 ), molesPerLiterString );
      sliderProperty.value = Util.log10( value );
    } );
Ejemplo n.º 6
 strengthProperty.link( function( strength ) {
   if ( strengthIsMutable( solutionTypeProperty.get() ) ) {
     self.sliderValueProperty.set( Util.log10( strength ) );
 } );