it("uses a timeout value of 0 if specified and negative, which should call the error callback immediately (since we have no cached position)", function () {
     geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {timeout: -1000});
         message:"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceeds provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter."
                runs(function() {
                    geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {timeout:50});

                    // Call the success callback to "fake" the native framework returning a (empty) position object.
                    // This should also disable the timeout timer.
                runs(function() {
                    geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {timeout: 50});

                    // Call the error callback to "fake" the native framework returning an error object.
                    var eObj = {
            it("should fire exec if a cached position exists but whose timestamp is longer than the maximumAge parameter", function() {
                // Create a date object from 2 seconds ago to store as cached position.
                var d = new Date();
                d.setTime(d.getTime() - 2000);
                var p = new Position(null, d);
                geo.lastPosition = p;

                geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {maximumAge:100});

                expect(exec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Function), "Geolocation", "getLocation", [false, 100]);
            it("should provide a cached position if one exists and has a timestamp value conforming with passed in maximumAge", function() {
                // Create a date object from 2 seconds ago to store as cached position.
                var d = new Date();
                d.setTime(d.getTime() - 2000);
                var p = new Position(null, d);
                geo.lastPosition = p;

                geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {maximumAge:3000});

            it("should fire error callback with POSITION_UNAVAILABLE if error occurs during acquisition before timeout expires", function() {
                geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {timeout: 50});
                // Call the error callback to "fake" the native framework returning an error object.
                var eObj = {

 runs(function() {
     geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {timeout: 50});
     expect(exec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Function), "Geolocation", "getLocation", [false, 0]);
 expect(function() { geo.getCurrentPosition();}).toThrow("getCurrentPosition must be called with at least one argument.");
 expect(function() { geo.getCurrentPosition(s,e,{}); }).not.toThrow();
 it("uses the maximumAge option if specified", function () {
     geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {maximumAge: 100});
     expect(exec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Function), "Geolocation", "getLocation", [false, 100]);
 it("uses the enableHighAccuracy option if specified", function () {
     geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e, {enableHighAccuracy: true});
     expect(exec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Function), "Geolocation", "getLocation", [true, 0]);
 it("uses default PositionOptions if none are specified", function () {
     geo.getCurrentPosition(s, e);
     expect(exec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Function), "Geolocation", "getLocation", [false, 0]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 expect(function() { geo.getCurrentPosition();}).toThrow();