Ejemplo n.º 1
function getDefaultContext( request ) {
	var context = Object.assign( {}, request.context, {
		compileDebug: config( 'env' ) === 'development' ? true : false,
		urls: generateStaticUrls( request ),
		user: false,
		sanitize: sanitize,
		isRTL: config( 'rtl' ),
		isDebug: request.query.debug !== undefined ? true : false,
		badge: false,
		lang: config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ),
		jsFile: 'build',
		faviconURL: '//s1.wp.com/i/favicon.ico',
		isFluidWidth: !! config.isEnabled( 'fluid-width' ),
		abTestHelper: !! config.isEnabled( 'dev/test-helper' ),
		devDocsURL: '/devdocs',
		catchJsErrors: '/calypso/catch-js-errors-' + 'v2' + '.min.js',
		isPushEnabled: !! config.isEnabled( 'push-notifications' )
	} );

	context.app = {
		// use ipv4 address when is ipv4 mapped address
		clientIp: request.ip ? request.ip.replace( '::ffff:', '' ) : request.ip,
		isDebug: context.env === 'development' || context.isDebug,
		tinymceWpSkin: context.urls[ 'tinymce/skins/wordpress/wp-content.css' ],
		tinymceEditorCss: context.urls[ 'editor.css' ]

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'wpcalypso' ) {
		context.badge = CALYPSO_ENV;
		context.devDocs = true;
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-wpcalypso.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'horizon' ) {
		context.badge = 'feedback';
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://horizonfeedback.wordpress.com/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-horizon.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'stage' ) {
		context.badge = 'staging';
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-staging.ico';

	if ( CALYPSO_ENV === 'development' ) {
		context.badge = 'dev';
		context.devDocs = true;
		context.feedbackURL = 'https://github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso/issues/';
		context.faviconURL = '/calypso/images/favicons/favicon-development.ico';
		context.branchName = getCurrentBranchName();
		context.commitChecksum = getCurrentCommitShortChecksum();

	return context;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Gets the default set of options to configure the Directly RTM widget.
 * It's important to keep this config in a getter function, rather than a constant
 * on the module scope, to prevent import-time errors errors that could crash Calypso.
 * @see https://cloudup.com/cySVQ9R_O6S for all configuration options
 * @returns {Object} The default configuration options
function getDefaultOptions() {
	const ids = config( 'directly_rtm_widget_ids' );
	const env = config( 'directly_rtm_widget_environment' );

	return {
		id: ids[ env ],
		displayAskQuestion: false,
Ejemplo n.º 3
	translate: function() {
		var options, translation, sprintfArgs, errorMethod, optionsString, cacheable;

		options = normalizeTranslateArguments( arguments );

		cacheable = ! options.components;

		if ( cacheable ) {
			optionsString = JSON.stringify( options );

			translation = i18nState.translations.get( optionsString );
			if ( translation ) {
				return translation;

		translation = getTranslationFromJed( options );

		// handle any string substitution
		if ( options.args ) {
			sprintfArgs = ( Array.isArray( options.args ) ) ? options.args.slice( 0 ) : [ options.args ];
			sprintfArgs.unshift( translation );
			try {
				translation = Jed.sprintf.apply( Jed, sprintfArgs );
			} catch ( error ) {
				if ( ! window || ! window.console ) {
				errorMethod = ( config( 'env' ) === 'development' ) ? 'error' : 'warn';
				if ( typeof error !== 'string' ) {
					window.console[ errorMethod ]( error );
				} else {
					window.console[ errorMethod ]( 'i18n sprintf error:', sprintfArgs );

		// interpolate any components
		if ( options.components ) {
			translation = interpolateComponents( {
				mixedString: translation,
				components: options.components,
				throwErrors: ( config( 'env' ) !== 'production' )
			} );

		// run any necessary hooks
		translateHooks.forEach( function( hook ) {
			translation = hook( translation, options );
		} );

		if ( cacheable ) {
			i18nState.translations.set( optionsString, translation );
		return translation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	getLanguage: function( langSlug ) {
		let language;

		if ( localeRegex.test( langSlug ) || localeWithRegionRegex.test( langSlug ) ) {
			language =
				find( config( 'languages' ), { langSlug } ) ||
				find( config( 'languages' ), { langSlug: langSlug.split( '-' )[ 0 ] } );

		return language;
Ejemplo n.º 5
export const loginSocialUser = ( socialInfo, redirectTo ) => dispatch => {
	dispatch( { type: SOCIAL_LOGIN_REQUEST } );

	return request
		.set( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
		.accept( 'application/json' )
		.send( {
			redirect_to: redirectTo,
			client_id: config( 'wpcom_signup_id' ),
			client_secret: config( 'wpcom_signup_key' ),
		} )
		.then( response => {
			if ( get( response, 'body.data.two_step_notification_sent' ) === 'sms' ) {
				dispatch( {
					notice: {
						message: getSMSMessageFromResponse( response ),
						status: 'is-success',
					twoStepNonce: get( response, 'body.data.two_step_nonce_sms' ),
				} );

			return remoteLoginUser( get( response, 'body.data.token_links', [] ) ).then( () => {
				dispatch( {
					data: get( response, 'body.data' ),
				} );
			} );
		} )
		.catch( httpError => {
			const error = getErrorFromHTTPError( httpError );
			error.email = get( httpError, 'response.body.data.email' );

			dispatch( {
				authInfo: socialInfo,
				data: get( httpError, 'response.body.data' ),
			} );

			return Promise.reject( error );
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 6
export const loginUserWithTwoFactorVerificationCode = ( twoStepCode, twoFactorAuthType ) => (
) => {

	return request
		.set( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
		.accept( 'application/json' )
		.send( {
			user_id: getTwoFactorUserId( getState() ),
			auth_type: twoFactorAuthType,
			two_step_code: replace( twoStepCode, /\s/g, '' ),
			two_step_nonce: getTwoFactorAuthNonce( getState(), twoFactorAuthType ),
			remember_me: true,
			client_id: config( 'wpcom_signup_id' ),
			client_secret: config( 'wpcom_signup_key' ),
		} )
		.then( response => {
			return remoteLoginUser( get( response, 'body.data.token_links', [] ) ).then( () => {
			} );
		} )
		.catch( httpError => {
			const twoStepNonce = get( httpError, 'response.body.data.two_step_nonce' );

			if ( twoStepNonce ) {
				dispatch( {
					nonceType: twoFactorAuthType,
				} );

			const error = getErrorFromHTTPError( httpError );

			dispatch( {
			} );

			return Promise.reject( error );
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 7
export function setUpLocale( context, next ) {
	const { lang } = context.params;
	const language = getLanguage( lang );

	if ( language ) {
		context.lang = lang;
		context.isRTL = Boolean( language.rtl );
	} else {
		context.lang = config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' );
		context.isRTL = Boolean( config( 'rtl' ) );

Ejemplo n.º 8
export function getLanguage( localeSlug, localeVariant = null ) {
	// if a localeVariant is given, we should use it. Otherwise, use localeSlug
	const langSlug = localeVariant || localeSlug;

	if ( localeRegex.test( langSlug ) ) {
		// Find for the langSlug first. If we can't find it, split it and find its parent slug.
		// Please see the comment above `localeRegex` to see why we can split by - or _ and find the parent slug.
		return (
			find( config( 'languages' ), { langSlug } ) ||
			find( config( 'languages' ), { langSlug: langSlug.split( /[-_]/ )[ 0 ] } )

	return undefined;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	checkToken: function( context, next ) {
		const loggedOutRoutes = [ '/oauth-login', '/oauth', '/start', '/authorize', '/api/oauth/token' ],
			isValidSection = loggedOutRoutes.some( route => startsWith( context.path, route ) );

		// Check we have an OAuth token, otherwise redirect to auth/login page
		if ( OAuthToken.getToken() === false && ! isValidSection ) {
			if ( config( 'env_id' ) === 'desktop' ) {
				return page( config( 'login_url' ) );

			return page( '/authorize' );

Ejemplo n.º 10
export function isATEnabled( site ) {
	// don't let this explode in SSR'd envs
	if ( typeof window !== 'object' ) {
		return false;

	// Site has already been transferred
	if ( get( site, 'options.is_automated_transfer' ) ) {
		return true;

	// Feature must be enabled on environment
	if ( ! isEnabled( 'automated-transfer' ) ) {
		return false;

	// If it's wpcalypso, this is open
	if ( config( 'env_id' ) === 'wpcalypso' ) {
		return true;

	// Site has Business plan
	const planSlug = get( site, 'plan.product_slug' );
	if ( planSlug !== PLAN_BUSINESS ) {
		return false;

	// Current User can manage site
	const canManageSite = userCan( 'manage_options', site );
	if ( ! canManageSite ) {
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
export function isExternal( url ) {
	// parseURL will return hostname = null if no protocol or double-slashes
	// the url passed in might be of form `en.support.wordpress.com`
	// so for this function we'll append double-slashes to fake it
	// if it is a relative URL the hostname will still be empty from parseURL
	if (
		! startsWith( url, 'http://' ) &&
		! startsWith( url, 'https://' ) &&
		! startsWith( url, '//' )
	) {
		url = '//' + url;

	const { hostname, path } = parseUrl( url, false, true ); // no qs needed, and slashesDenoteHost to handle protocol-relative URLs

	if ( ! hostname ) {
		return false;

	if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) {
		if ( hostname === window.location.hostname ) {
			// even if hostname matches, the url might be outside calypso
			// outside calypso should be considered external
			// double separators are valid paths - but not handled correctly
			if ( path && isLegacyRoute( path.replace( '//', '/' ) ) ) {
				return true;
			return false;

	return hostname !== config( 'hostname' );
Ejemplo n.º 12
		app.get( '/discover', function( req, res, next ) {
			if ( ! req.cookies.wordpress_logged_in ) {
				res.redirect( config( 'discover_logged_out_redirect_url' ) );
			} else {
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * This lists modules that must use commonJS `require()`s
 * All modules listed here need to be ES5.
 * @returns { object } list of externals
function getExternals() {
	var externals = {};

	// Don't bundle any node_modules, both to avoid a massive bundle, and problems
	// with modules that are incompatible with webpack bundling.
	fs.readdirSync( 'node_modules' )
		.filter( function( module ) {
			return [ '.bin' ].indexOf( module ) === -1;
		} )
		.forEach( function( module ) {
			externals[ module ] = 'commonjs ' + module;
		} );

	// Don't bundle webpack.config, as it depends on absolute paths (__dirname)
	externals[ 'webpack.config' ] = 'commonjs webpack.config';
	// Exclude hot-reloader, as webpack will try and resolve this in production builds,
	// and error.
	// TODO: use WebpackDefinePlugin for CALYPSO_ENV, so we can make conditional requires work
	externals[ 'bundler/hot-reloader' ] = 'commonjs bundler/hot-reloader';
	// Exclude the devdocs search-index, as it's huge.
	externals[ 'devdocs/search-index' ] = 'commonjs devdocs/search-index';
	// Exclude the devdocs components usage stats data
	externals[ 'devdocs/components-usage-stats.json' ] = 'commonjs devdocs/components-usage-stats.json';
	// Exclude server/bundler/assets, since the files it requires don't exist until the bundler has run
	externals[ 'bundler/assets' ] = 'commonjs bundler/assets';
	// Map React and redux to the minimized version in production
	if ( config( 'env' ) === 'production' ) {
		externals[ 'react-with-addons' ] = 'commonjs react/dist/react-with-addons.min';
		externals.react = 'commonjs react/dist/react.min';
		externals.redux = 'commonjs redux/dist/redux.min';

	return externals;
Ejemplo n.º 14
export function render( element, key = JSON.stringify( element ) ) {
	try {
		const startTime = Date.now();
		debug( 'cache access for key', key );

		let context = markupCache.get( key );
		if ( ! context ) {
			bumpStat( 'calypso-ssr', 'loggedout-design-cache-miss' );
			debug( 'cache miss for key', key );
			const renderedLayout = ReactDomServer.renderToString( element );
			context = { renderedLayout };

			markupCache.set( key, context );
		const rtsTimeMs = Date.now() - startTime;
		debug( 'Server render time (ms)', rtsTimeMs );

		if ( rtsTimeMs > 100 ) {
			// Server renders should probably never take longer than 100ms
			bumpStat( 'calypso-ssr', 'over-100ms-rendertostring' );

		return context;
	} catch ( ex ) {
		if ( config( 'env' ) === 'development' ) {
			throw ex;
	//todo: render an error?
Ejemplo n.º 15
	getAll: function( selectedSite, siteCount ) {
		let siteProps = {};
		const defaultProps = {
			environment: process.env.NODE_ENV,
			site_count: siteCount || 0,
			site_id_label: 'wpcom',
			client: config( 'client_slug' ),

		if ( selectedSite ) {
			siteProps = {
				// Tracks expects a blog_id property to identify the blog which is
				// why we use it here instead of calling the property site_id
				blog_id: selectedSite.ID,

				// Tracks expects a blog_lang property to identify the blog language which is
				// why we use it here instead of calling the property site_language
				blog_lang: selectedSite.lang,

				site_id_label: selectedSite.jetpack ? 'jetpack' : 'wpcom',
				site_plan_id: selectedSite.plan ? selectedSite.plan.product_id : null,

		return assign( defaultProps, siteProps );
Ejemplo n.º 16
	discover: function( context ) {
		var blogId = config( 'discover_blog_id' ),
			SiteStream = require( 'reader/site-stream' ),
			basePath = route.sectionify( context.path ),
			fullAnalyticsPageTitle = analyticsPageTitle + ' > Site > ' + blogId,
			feedStore = feedStreamFactory( 'site:' + blogId ),
			mcKey = 'discover';

		titleActions.setTitle( 'Discover' );

		ensureStoreLoading( feedStore, context );

		trackPageLoad( basePath, fullAnalyticsPageTitle, mcKey );
		stats.recordTrack( 'calypso_reader_discover_viewed' );

			React.createElement( SiteStream, {
				key: 'site-' + blogId,
				store: feedStore,
				siteId: blogId,
				trackScrollPage: trackScrollPage.bind(
				onUpdatesShown: trackUpdatesLoaded.bind( null, mcKey ),
				suppressSiteNameLink: true,
				showBack: false
			} ),
			document.getElementById( 'primary' )
Ejemplo n.º 17
export function serverRender( req, res ) {
	const context = req.context;
	let title, metas = [], links = [];

	if ( context.lang !== config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ) ) {
		context.i18nLocaleScript = '//widgets.wp.com/languages/calypso/' + context.lang + '.js';

	if ( config.isEnabled( 'server-side-rendering' ) && context.layout && ! context.user ) {
		const key = context.renderCacheKey || JSON.stringify( context.layout );
		Object.assign( context, render( context.layout, key ) );

	if ( context.store ) {
		title = getDocumentHeadFormattedTitle( context.store.getState() );
		metas = getDocumentHeadMeta( context.store.getState() );
		links = getDocumentHeadLink( context.store.getState() );

		let reduxSubtrees = [ 'documentHead' ];
		if ( isSectionIsomorphic( context.store.getState() ) ) {
			reduxSubtrees = reduxSubtrees.concat( [ 'ui', 'themes' ] );

		context.initialReduxState = pick( context.store.getState(), reduxSubtrees );

	context.head = { title, metas, links };

	if ( config.isEnabled( 'desktop' ) ) {
		res.render( 'desktop.jade', context );
	} else {
		res.render( 'index.jade', context );
Ejemplo n.º 18
function setUpLoggedOutRoute( req, res, next ) {
	var context = getDefaultContext( req ),

	res.set( {
		'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN'
	} );

	// Set up the locale in case it has ended up in the flow param
	req.params = i18nUtils.setUpLocale( req.params );

	language = i18nUtils.getLanguage( req.params.lang );
	if ( language ) {
		context.lang = req.params.lang;
		if ( language.rtl ) {
			context.isRTL = true;

	if ( context.lang !== config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ) ) {
		context.i18nLocaleScript = '//widgets.wp.com/languages/calypso/' + context.lang + '.js';

	req.context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 19
User.prototype.initialize = function() {
	debug( 'Initializing User' );
	this.fetching = false;
	this.initialized = false;

	if ( config( 'wpcom_user_bootstrap' ) ) {
		this.data = window.currentUser || false;

		// Store the current user in localStorage so that we can use it to determine
		// if the the logged in user has changed when initializing in the future
		if ( this.data ) {
			this.clearStoreIfChanged( this.data.ID );
			store.set( 'wpcom_user', this.data );
		} else {
			// The user is logged out
			this.initialized = true;
	} else {
		this.data = store.get( 'wpcom_user' ) || false;

		// Make sure that the user stored in localStorage matches the logged-in user


	if ( this.data ) {
		this.initialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function renderNoVisibleSites( context ) {
	const EmptyContentComponent = require( 'components/empty-content' );
	const currentUser = user.get();
	const hiddenSites = currentUser.site_count - currentUser.visible_site_count;
	const signup_url = config( 'signup_url' );

	removeSidebar( context );

		React.createElement( EmptyContentComponent, {
			title: i18n.translate( 'You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress site.', 'You have %(hidden)d hidden WordPress sites.', {
				count: hiddenSites,
				args: { hidden: hiddenSites }
			} ),

			line: i18n.translate( 'To manage it here, set it to visible.', 'To manage them here, set them to visible.', {
				count: hiddenSites
			} ),

			action: i18n.translate( 'Change Visibility' ),
			actionURL: '//dashboard.wordpress.com/wp-admin/index.php?page=my-blogs',
			secondaryAction: i18n.translate( 'Create New Site' ),
			secondaryActionURL: `${ signup_url }?ref=calypso-nosites`
		} ),
		document.getElementById( 'primary' ),
Ejemplo n.º 21
		bumpStatWithPageView: function( group, name ) {
			// this function is fairly dangerous, as it bumps page views for wpcom and should only be called in very specific cases.
			var uriComponent = buildQuerystringNoPrefix( group, name ); // prints debug info
			if ( config( 'mc_analytics_enabled' ) ) {
				new Image().src = document.location.protocol + '//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?v=wpcom' + uriComponent + '&t=' + Math.random();
Ejemplo n.º 22
function bumpStat( group, name ) {
	const statUrl = `http://pixel.wp.com/g.gif?v=wpcom-no-pv&x_${ group }=${ name }&t=${ Math.random() }`;

	if ( config( 'env' ) === 'production' ) {
		superagent.get( statUrl ).end();
Ejemplo n.º 23
		app.get( '/discover', function( req, res ) {
			if ( req.cookies.wordpress_logged_in ) {
				renderLoggedInRoute( req, res );
			} else {
				res.redirect( config( 'discover_logged_out_redirect_url' ) );
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 24
		addHotJarScript: function() {
			if (
				! config( 'hotjar_enabled' ) ||
				doNotTrack() ||
				isPiiUrl() ||
				! mayWeTrackCurrentUserGdpr()
			) {
				hotjarDebug( 'Not loading HotJar script' );

			( function( h, o, t, j, a, r ) {
				hotjarDebug( 'Loading HotJar script' );
				h.hj =
					h.hj ||
					function() {
						( h.hj.q = h.hj.q || [] ).push( arguments );
				h._hjSettings = { hjid: 227769, hjsv: 5 };
				a = o.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ];
				r = o.createElement( 'script' );
				r.async = 1;
				r.src = t + h._hjSettings.hjid + j + h._hjSettings.hjsv;
				a.appendChild( r );
			} )( window, document, '//static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-', '.js?sv=' );
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Loads locale json file to instantiate Jed instance as `i18nState`, emits 'change' event to notify view to update
 * @param  {string} localeSlug The string that represents this particular locale
function fetchLocale( localeSlug ) {
	var localeJson = '//widgets.wp.com/languages/calypso/' + localeSlug + '.json';

	// If default locale, no need to retrieve translations
	if ( config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ) === localeSlug ) {
		i18nState.localeSlug = localeSlug;
		setLocale( {
			'': {}
		} );

	// Instantiate empty Jed object so we don't block rendering
	// while waiting for the locale file to load.
	// Will result in flash of content, but better than waiting.
	if ( ! i18nState.jed ) {
		setLocale( {
			'': {}
		} );

	request.get( localeJson )
		.end( function( error, response ) {
			if ( error ) {
				console.error( 'Encountered an error loading locale file for ' + localeSlug + '. Falling back to English.' );
			debug( 'Received new locale file for ' + localeSlug + '.', response.body );
			i18nState.localeSlug = localeSlug;
			setLocale( response.body );
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 26
	getLogoutUrl: function( redirect ) {
		var url = '/logout',
			userData = user.get(),
			subdomain = '';

		// If logout_URL isn't set, then go ahead and return the logout URL
		// without a proper nonce as a fallback.
		// Note: we never want to use logout_URL in the desktop app
		if ( ! userData.logout_URL || config.isEnabled( 'always_use_logout_url' ) ) {
			// Use localized version of the homepage in the redirect
			if ( userData.localeSlug && userData.localeSlug !== '' && userData.localeSlug !== 'en' ) {
				subdomain = userData.localeSlug + '.';

			url = config( 'logout_url' ).replace( '|subdomain|', subdomain );
		} else {
			url = userData.logout_URL;

		if ( 'string' === typeof redirect ) {
			redirect = '&redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent( redirect );
			url += redirect;

		debug( 'Logout Url: ' + url );

		return url;
Ejemplo n.º 27
function boot() {
	var localeSlug;


	// When the user is bootstrapped, we also bootstrap the
	// locale strings
	if ( ! config( 'wpcom_user_bootstrap' ) ) {
		localeSlug = user.get().localeSlug;
		if ( localeSlug ) {
			switchLocale( localeSlug );
	// Set the locale for the current user
	user.on( 'change', function() {
		localeSlug = user.get().localeSlug;
		if ( localeSlug ) {
			switchLocale( localeSlug );
	} );


	createReduxStoreFromPersistedInitialState( reduxStoreReady );
Ejemplo n.º 28
		user( req.get( 'Cookie' ), function( error, data ) {
			var end, searchParam, errorMessage;

			if ( error ) {
				if ( error.error === 'authorization_required' ) {
					debug( 'User public API authorization required. Redirecting to %s', redirectUrl );
					res.redirect( redirectUrl );
				} else {
					if ( error.error ) {
						errorMessage = error.error + ' ' + error.message;
					} else {
						errorMessage = error.message;

					console.log( 'API Error: ' + errorMessage );

					res.status( 500 ).render( '500.jade', context );


			end = ( new Date().getTime() ) - start;

			debug( 'Rendering with bootstrapped user object. Fetched in %d ms', end );
			context.user = data;
			context.isRTL = data.isRTL ? true : false;

			if ( data.localeSlug ) {
				context.lang = data.localeSlug;

			if ( context.lang !== config( 'i18n_default_locale_slug' ) ) {
				context.i18nLocaleScript = '//widgets.wp.com/languages/calypso/' + context.lang + '.js';

			if ( req.path === '/' && req.query ) {
				searchParam = req.query.s || req.query.q;
				if ( searchParam ) {
					res.redirect( 'https://' + context.lang + '.search.wordpress.com/?q=' + encodeURIComponent( searchParam ) );

				if ( req.query.newuseremail ) {
					debug( 'Detected legacy email verification action. Redirecting...' );
					res.redirect( 'https://wordpress.com/verify-email/?' + qs.stringify( req.query ) );

				if ( req.query.action === 'wpcom-invite-users' ) {
					debug( 'Detected legacy invite acceptance action. Redirecting...' );
					res.redirect( 'https://wordpress.com/accept-invite/?' + qs.stringify( req.query ) );

			req.context = context;
		} );
Ejemplo n.º 29
// raise a console warning
function warn() {
	if ( config( 'env' ) === 'production' ) {
	if ( window && window.console && window.console.warn ) {
		window.console.warn.apply( window.console, arguments );
Ejemplo n.º 30
export const logoutUser = redirectTo => ( dispatch, getState ) => {
	dispatch( {
	} );

	const currentUser = getCurrentUser( getState() );
	const logoutNonceMatches = ( currentUser.logout_URL || '' ).match( /_wpnonce=([^&]*)/ );
	const logoutNonce = logoutNonceMatches && logoutNonceMatches[ 1 ];

	return request
		.set( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
		.accept( 'application/json' )
		.send( {
			redirect_to: redirectTo,
			client_id: config( 'wpcom_signup_id' ),
			client_secret: config( 'wpcom_signup_key' ),
			logout_nonce: logoutNonce,
		} )
		.then( response => {
			const data = get( response, 'body.data', {} );

			dispatch( {
			} );

			return Promise.resolve( data );
		} )
		.catch( httpError => {
			const error = getErrorFromHTTPError( httpError );

			dispatch( {
			} );

			return Promise.reject( error );
		} );