Ejemplo n.º 1
var callAttrEnd = function(state, curIndex, handler, rest, lineNo){
	if(state.valueStart !== undefined && state.valueStart < curIndex) {
		var val = rest.substring(state.valueStart, curIndex);
		if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
			var quotedVal, closedQuote;
			quotedVal = rest.substring(state.valueStart - 1, curIndex + 1);
			quotedVal = quotedVal.trim();
			closedQuote = quotedVal.charAt(quotedVal.length - 1);

			if (state.inQuote !== closedQuote) {
				if (handler.filename) {
					dev.warn(handler.filename + ":" + lineNo + ": End quote is missing for " + val);
				} else {
					dev.warn(lineNo + ": End quote is missing for " + val);
		handler.attrValue(val, lineNo);
	// if this never got to be inValue, like `DISABLED` then send a attrValue
	// else if(!state.inValue){
	// 	handler.attrValue(state.attrStart, lineNo);
	// }

	handler.attrEnd(state.attrStart, lineNo);
	state.attrStart = undefined;
	state.valueStart = undefined;
	state.inValue = false;
	state.inName = false;
	state.lookingForEq = false;
	state.inQuote = false;
	state.lookingForName = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		get: function(){
			if(!hasWarned) {
				hasWarned = true;
				devLog.warn("The global " + property + " is not supported by can-vdom.");

			return value;
var cleanVMName = function(name, scope) {
	if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
		if (name.indexOf("@") >= 0 && scope) {
			var filename = scope.peek('scope.filename');
			var lineNumber = scope.peek('scope.lineNumber');

				(filename ? filename + ':' : '') +
				(lineNumber ? lineNumber + ': ' : '') +
				'functions are no longer called by default so @ is unnecessary in \'' + name + '\'.');
	return name.replace(/@/g, "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
					renderer = function() {
						if(typeof localPartialName === "function"){
							return localPartialName(partialScope, {}, nodeList);
						} else {
							var domRenderer = core.getTemplateById(localPartialName);
							if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
								if (!domRenderer) {
										(state.filename ? state.filename + ':' : '') +
										(state.lineNo ? state.lineNo + ': ' : '') +
										'Unable to find partial "' + localPartialName + '".');
							return domRenderer ? domRenderer(partialScope, {}, nodeList) : getDocument().createDocumentFragment();
Ejemplo n.º 5
	dispatch: function(event, args, bubbles){
		var ret;
		var dispatchingOnDisabled = fixSyntheticEventsOnDisabled && isDispatchingOnDisabled(this, event);

		var doc = this.ownerDocument || getDocument();
		var ev = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
		var isString = typeof event === "string";

		// removed / inserted events should not bubble
		ev.initEvent(isString ? event : event.type, bubbles === undefined ? true : bubbles, false);

		if(!isString) {
			for (var prop in event) {
				if (ev[prop] === undefined) {
					ev[prop] = event[prop];

		// ignore events from feature detection below
		if(this.disabled === true && ev.type !== 'fix_synthetic_events_on_disabled_test') {
			if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
					"can-util/dom/events::dispatch: Dispatching a synthetic event on a disabled is " +
					"problematic in FireFox and Internet Explorer. We recommend avoiding this if at " +
					"all possible. see https://github.com/canjs/can-util/issues/294"

		ev.args = args;
		if(dispatchingOnDisabled) {
			this.disabled = false;
		ret = this.dispatchEvent(ev);
		if(dispatchingOnDisabled) {
			this.disabled = true;
		return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		var branchRenderer = function branchRenderer(scope, parentSectionNodeList, truthyRenderer, falseyRenderer){
			// If this is within a tag, make sure we only get string values.
			var stringOnly = state.tag;
			if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
				scope.set('scope.filename', state.filename);
				scope.set('scope.lineNumber', state.lineNo);
			var nodeList = [this];
			nodeList.expression = expressionString;
			// register this nodeList.
			// Register it with its parent ONLY if this is directly nested.  Otherwise, it's unnecessary.
			nodeLists.register(nodeList, null, parentSectionNodeList || true, state.directlyNested);

			// Get the evaluator. This does not need to be cached (probably) because if there
			// an observable value, it will be handled by `can.view.live`.
			var evaluator = makeEvaluator( scope, nodeList, mode, exprData, truthyRenderer, falseyRenderer, stringOnly );

			// Create a compute that can not be observed by other
			// computes. This is important because this renderer is likely called by
			// parent expressions.  If this value changes, the parent expressions should
			// not re-evaluate. We prevent that by making sure this compute is ignored by
			// everyone else.
			//var compute = can.compute(evaluator, null, false);
			var gotObservableValue = evaluator[canSymbol.for("can.onValue")];
			var observable;
			if(gotObservableValue) {
				observable = evaluator;
			} else {
				if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
						value: "{{"+(mode || "")+expressionString+"}}"
				observable = new Observation(evaluator,null,{isObservable: false});

			if(canReflect.setPriority(observable, nodeList.nesting) === false) {
				throw new Error("can-stache unable to set priority on observable");

			// Bind on the computeValue to set the cached value. This helps performance
			// so live binding can read a cached value instead of re-calculating.
			canReflect.onValue(observable, k);

			var value = canReflect.getValue(observable);

			// If value is a function and not a Lookup ({{foo}}),
			// it's a helper that returned a function and should be called.
			if(typeof value === "function" && !(exprData instanceof expression.Lookup)) {

				// A helper function should do it's own binding.  Similar to how
				// we prevented this function's compute from being noticed by parent expressions,
				// we hide any observables read in the function by saving any observables that
				// have been read and then setting them back which overwrites any `can.__observe` calls
				// performed in value.

			// If the computeValue has observable dependencies, setup live binding.
			else if( canReflect.valueHasDependencies(observable) ) {
				// Depending on where the template is, setup live-binding differently.
				if(state.attr) {
					live.attr(this, state.attr, observable);
				else if( state.tag )  {
					live.attrs( this, observable );
				else if(state.text && !valueShouldBeInsertedAsHTML(value)) {
					if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
						if(value !== null && typeof value === "object") {
							dev.warn("Previously, the result of "+
								expressionString+" in "+state.filename+":"+state.lineNo+
								", was being inserted as HTML instead of TEXT. Please use stache.safeString(obj) "+
								"if you would like the object to be treated as HTML.");
					live.text(this, observable, this.parentNode, nodeList);
				} else {
					live.html(this, observable, this.parentNode, {
						nodeList: nodeList
			// If the computeValue has no observable dependencies, just set the value on the element.
			else {

				if(state.attr) {
					domMutate.setAttribute(this, state.attr, value);
				else if(state.tag) {
					live.attrs(this, value);
				else if(state.text && !valueShouldBeInsertedAsHTML(value)) {
					this.nodeValue = live.makeString(value);
				else if( value != null ){
					if (typeof value[viewInsertSymbol] === "function") {
						var insert = value[viewInsertSymbol]({
							nodeList: nodeList
						var oldNodes = nodeLists.update(nodeList, [insert]);
						nodeLists.replace(oldNodes, insert);
					} else {
						nodeLists.replace([this], frag(value, this.ownerDocument));
			// Unbind the compute.
			canReflect.offValue(observable, k);
Ejemplo n.º 7
			var partialFrag = new Observation(function(){
				var localPartialName = partialName;
				var partialScope = scope;
				// If the second parameter of a partial is a custom context
				if(exprData && exprData.argExprs.length === 1) {
					var newContext = canReflect.getValue( exprData.argExprs[0].value(scope) );
					if(typeof newContext === "undefined") {
						if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
							dev.warn('The context ('+ exprData.argExprs[0].key +') you passed into the' +
								'partial ('+ partialName +') is not defined in the scope!');
						partialScope = scope.add(newContext);
				// Look up partials in templateContext first
				var partial = canReflect.getKeyValue(partialScope.templateContext.partials, localPartialName);
				var renderer;

				if (partial) {
					renderer = function() {
						return partial.render ? partial.render(partialScope, nodeList)
							: partial(partialScope);
				// Use can.view to get and render the partial.
				else {
					var scopePartialName = partialScope.read(localPartialName, {
						isArgument: true

					if (scopePartialName === null || !scopePartialName && localPartialName[0] === '*') {
						return frag("");
					if (scopePartialName) {
						localPartialName = scopePartialName;

					renderer = function() {
						if(typeof localPartialName === "function"){
							return localPartialName(partialScope, {}, nodeList);
						} else {
							var domRenderer = core.getTemplateById(localPartialName);
							if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
								if (!domRenderer) {
										(state.filename ? state.filename + ':' : '') +
										(state.lineNo ? state.lineNo + ': ' : '') +
										'Unable to find partial "' + localPartialName + '".');
							return domRenderer ? domRenderer(partialScope, {}, nodeList) : getDocument().createDocumentFragment();
				var res = ObservationRecorder.ignore(renderer)();
				return frag(res);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {
		// If no tag name is provided, clean shop
		var pos;
		if (!tagName) {
			pos = 0;
		// Find the closest opened tag of the same type
		else {
			tagName = caseMattersElements[tagName] ? tagName : tagName.toLowerCase();
			for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
				if (stack[pos] === tagName) {

		if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
			if (typeof tag === 'undefined') {
				if (stack.length > 0) {
					if (handler.filename) {
						dev.warn(handler.filename + ": expected closing tag </" + stack[pos] + ">");
					else {
						dev.warn("expected closing tag </" + stack[pos] + ">");
			} else if (pos < 0 || pos !== stack.length - 1) {
				if (stack.length > 0) {
					if (handler.filename) {
						dev.warn(handler.filename + ":" + lineNo + ": unexpected closing tag " + tag + " expected </" + stack[stack.length - 1] + ">");
					else {
						dev.warn(lineNo + ": unexpected closing tag " + tag + " expected </" + stack[stack.length - 1] + ">");
				} else {
					if (handler.filename) {
						dev.warn(handler.filename + ":" + lineNo + ": unexpected closing tag " + tag);
					else {
						dev.warn(lineNo + ": unexpected closing tag " + tag);

		if (pos >= 0) {
			// Close all the open elements, up the stack
			for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
				if (handler.close) {
					handler.close(stack[i], lineNo);

			// Remove the open elements from the stack
			stack.length = pos;

			// Don't add TextNodes after the <body> tag
			if(tagName === "body") {
				skipChars = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * @module {events} can-util/dom/events/enter/enter enter
 * @parent deprecated
 * Watches for when enter keys are pressed on a given element
 * ```js
 * var events = require("can-util/dom/events/events");
 * var input = document.createElement("input");
 * function enterEventHandler() {
 * 	console.log("enter key pressed");
 * }
 * events.addEventHandler.call(input, "enter", enterEventHandler);
 * events.dispatch.call(input, {
 *   type: 'keyup',
 *   keyCode: keyCode
 * });

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
	canDev.warn('dom/events/enter/enter is deprecated; please use can-event-dom-enter instead: https://github.com/canjs/can-event-dom-enter');

var addEnter = require('can-event-dom-enter/compat');
Ejemplo n.º 10
'use strict';

var canDev = require("can-log/dev/dev");

 * @module can-util/js/types/types types
 * @parent deprecated
 * @description Deprecated. Use [can-types] instead.

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
	canDev.warn('js/types/types is deprecated; please use can-types instead: https://github.com/canjs/can-types');

module.exports = require('can-types');
	data: function(el, attrData) {
		if (domData.get.call(el, "preventDataBindings")) {
		var viewModel,
			getViewModel = ObservationRecorder.ignore(function() {
				return viewModel || (viewModel = canViewModel(el));
			bindingContext = {
				element: el,
				templateType: attrData.templateType,
				scope: attrData.scope,
				parentNodeList: attrData.nodeList,
				get viewModel(){
					return getViewModel();

		// Setup binding
		var dataBinding = makeDataBinding({
			name: attrData.attributeName,
			value: el.getAttribute(attrData.attributeName),
		}, bindingContext, {
			syncChildWithParent: false

		if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
			if (dataBinding.siblingBindingData.child.source === "viewModel" && !domData.get(el, "viewModel")) {
				dev.warn('This element does not have a viewModel. (Attempting to bind `' + dataBinding.siblingBindingData.bindingAttributeName + '="' + dataBinding.siblingBindingData.parent.name + '"`)');


		var attributeListener = function(ev) {
			var attrName = ev.attributeName,
				value = el.getAttribute(attrName);

			if (attrName === attrData.attributeName) {
				if (teardown) {

				if(value !== null  ) {
					var dataBinding = makeDataBinding({name: attrName, value: value}, bindingContext, {
						syncChildWithParent: false
					if(dataBinding) {
						// The viewModel is created, so call callback immediately.
						teardown = dataBinding.binding.stop.bind(dataBinding.binding);
					teardown = dataBinding.onTeardown;

		var tearItAllDown = function() {
			if (teardown) {
				teardown = undefined;

			if (removedDisposal) {
				removedDisposal = undefined;
			if (attributeDisposal) {
				attributeDisposal = undefined;
		if (attrData.nodeList) {
			ViewNodeList.register([], tearItAllDown, attrData.nodeList, false);

		// Listen for changes
		teardown = dataBinding.binding.stop.bind(dataBinding.binding);

		attributeDisposal = domMutate.onNodeAttributeChange(el, attributeListener);
		removedDisposal = domMutate.onNodeRemoval(el, function() {
			var doc = el.ownerDocument;
			var ownerNode = doc.contains ? doc : doc.documentElement;
			if (!ownerNode || ownerNode.contains(el) === false) {
var makeDataBinding = function(node, bindingContext, bindingSettings) {
	// Get information about the binding.
	var siblingBindingData = getSiblingBindingData( node, bindingSettings );
	if (!siblingBindingData) {

	// Get computes for the parent and child binding
	var parentObservable = getObservableFrom[siblingBindingData.parent.source](
		bindingContext, bindingSettings
	childObservable = getObservableFrom[siblingBindingData.child.source](
		bindingContext, bindingSettings,

	var childToParent = !!siblingBindingData.child.exports;
	var parentToChild = !!siblingBindingData.parent.exports;

	// Check for child:bind="~parent" (it’s not supported because it’s unclear
	// what the “right” behavior should be)

	if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
		if (siblingBindingData.child.setCompute && childToParent && parentToChild) {
			dev.warn("Two-way binding computes is not supported.");

	var bindingOptions = {
		child: childObservable,
		childToParent: childToParent,
		// allow cycles if one directional
		cycles: childToParent === true && parentToChild === true ? 0 : 100,
		onInitDoNotUpdateChild: bindingSettings.alreadyUpdatedChild || siblingBindingData.initializeValues === false,
		onInitDoNotUpdateParent: siblingBindingData.initializeValues === false,
		onInitSetUndefinedParentIfChildIsDefined: true,
		parent: parentObservable,
		parentToChild: parentToChild,
		priority: bindingContext.parentNodeList ? bindingContext.parentNodeList.nesting + 1 : undefined,
		queue: "domUI",
		sticky: siblingBindingData.parent.syncSibling ? "childSticksToParent" : undefined

	if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
		var nodeHTML = encoder.decode(node.name)+"="+JSON.stringify(node.value);
		var tagStart = "<"+bindingContext.element.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
			tag = tagStart+">";

		var makeUpdateName = function(child, childName) {

			if(child === "viewModel") {
				return tag+"."+childName;
			else if(child === "scope") {
				return "{{"+childName+"}}";
			else {
				return ""+child+"."+childName;
		bindingOptions.updateChildName = tagStart+" "+nodeHTML+"> updates "+
			makeUpdateName(siblingBindingData.child.source, siblingBindingData.child.name)+
			" from "+makeUpdateName(siblingBindingData.parent.source, siblingBindingData.parent.name);

		bindingOptions.updateParentName = tagStart+" "+nodeHTML+"> updates "+
			makeUpdateName(siblingBindingData.parent.source, siblingBindingData.parent.name)+
			" from "+makeUpdateName(siblingBindingData.child.source, siblingBindingData.child.name);

	// Create the binding
	var canBinding = new Bind(bindingOptions);

	return {
		siblingBindingData: siblingBindingData,
		binding: canBinding