it("should say 'Visited Recently' if no bookmark or timestamp are available", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     lastVisitDate: null
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.textContent, "Visited recently");
  it("should correct length prop to Bookmarks component", () => {
    let propsWithIsReadyTrue = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, {isReady: true});
    instance = renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...propsWithIsReadyTrue} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    const comp = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, Bookmarks);
    assert.equal(comp.props.length, BOOKMARKS_DISPLAYED_LENGTH);
 it("should use the context_message if it exists", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     context_message: "Foo bar baz"
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.innerHTML, "Foo bar baz");
  it("should hide the VisitAgain section when showVisitAgain is false", () => {
    let props = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, {isReady: true, Prefs: {prefs: {showVisitAgain: false}}});
    instance = renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...props} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    const children = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(instance, VisitAgain);
    assert.equal(children.length, 0);
 it("if the recommendation's timestamp is 0 don't show a timestamp", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     timestamp: 0
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.dataset.timestamp, "");
 it("should render the bookmarkDateCreated if it exists", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     bookmarkDateCreated: 1456426160465
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.textContent, `Bookmarked ${moment(1456426160465).fromNow()}`);
  it("should pass correct length prop to VisitAgain component", () => {
    let propsWithIsReadyTrue = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, {isReady: true});
    instance = renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...propsWithIsReadyTrue} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    const comp = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, VisitAgain);
    assert.equal(comp.props.length, VISITAGAIN_DISPLAYED_LENGTH);
  it("should show the Bookmarks section when showBookmarks is true", () => {
    let props = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, {isReady: true, Prefs: {prefs: {showBookmarks: true}}});
    instance = renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...props} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    const children = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(instance, Bookmarks);
    assert.equal(children.length, 1);
 it("should should not allow drops without required topsites type", () => {
   instance = renderWithProvider(<PlaceholderTopSitesItem dispatch={sinon.spy()} index={7} />);
     preventDefault: () => {},
     dataTransfer: {getData: type => undefined}
 it("should show placeholder if props.placeholder is true", () => {
   instance = renderWithProvider(<Bookmarks dispatch={stubDispatcher}
                                            prefs={{collapseBookmarks: false}} />);
   const children = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(instance, PlaceholderBookmarks);
   assert.equal(children.length, 1);
 it("should fire an event if data isn't ready and we show the loader", done => {
   renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...fakeProps} isReady={false} dispatch={a => {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_UNDESIRED_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "SHOW_LOADER");
       assert.equal(, "NEW_TAB");
   }} />);
   * Overwrites the lexically scoped instance variable with a version
   * that is connected to the mock store.
   * @param {Function} dispatch   Dispatch function for the store; defaults
   *                              to a NO-OP function
   * @param {Function} mapStatesToProps  passed through to connect().
   *                                     defaults to forceIsReadySelectNewTabs,
   *                                     since we (almost?) always want to test
   *                                     the regular display, not the placeholder
   *                                     one.
  function setupConnected(
    dispatch = () => {}, mapStatesToProps = forceIsReadySelectNewTabs) {
    let ConnectedNewTabPage = connect(mapStatesToProps)(injectIntl(NewTabPage)); // eslint-disable-line no-shadow

    instance = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(
      renderWithProvider(<ConnectedNewTabPage />, {dispatch}),
    it("should pass `collapseVisitAgain` to CollapsibleSection component", () => {
      instance = renderWithProvider(<VisitAgain dispatch={stubDispatcher}
                                                prefs={{collapseVisitAgain: true}} />);

      const comp = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, CollapsibleSection);

      assert.equal(comp.props.prefName, "collapseVisitAgain");
Beispiel #14
 it("should render the tooltip when hovering over a recommendation's context_message", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     recommended: true,
     lastVisitDate: null
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
Beispiel #15
 it("should say 'Trending' if it is a recommendation and have a timestamp", () => {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeSite, {
     recommended: true,
     lastVisitDate: null,
     timestamp: 1456426160465
   instance = renderWithProvider(<SpotlightItem {...props} />);
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.textContent, "Trending");
   assert.equal(instance.refs.contextMessage.dataset.timestamp, moment(1456426160465).fromNow());
 it("should show provide `BOOKMARKS` source prop to SpotlightItems", () => {
   let i;
   instance = renderWithProvider(<Bookmarks dispatch={stubDispatcher}
                                            prefs={{collapseBookmarks: false}} />);
   const children = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(instance, SpotlightItem);
   for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
     assert.equal(children[i].props.source, "BOOKMARKS");
 it("should provide bestImage prop to SpotlightItems", () => {
   let i;
   instance = renderWithProvider(<VisitAgain dispatch={stubDispatcher}
                                            prefs={{collapseVisitAgain: false}} />);
   const children = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(instance, SpotlightItem);
   for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
     assert.equal(children[i].props.bestImage, getBestImage(fakeVisitAgainItems[i].images));
 it("should fire an event if data is ready", done => {
   renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...fakeProps} isReady={true} dispatch={a => {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_NEWTAB_STATS") {
       assert.equal(, mockData.TopSites.rows.length);
       assert.equal(, 0);
       assert.equal(, 0);
       assert.equal(, 0);
   }} />);
 it("should fire a click event when an item is clicked", done => {
   function dispatch(a) {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_USER_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "CLICK");
       assert.equal(, "NEW_TAB");
       assert.equal(, "TOP_SITES");
       assert.equal(, 0);
   topSites = renderWithProvider(<TopSites page={"NEW_TAB"} dispatch={dispatch} sites={fakeProps.sites} />);, TopSitesItem)[0].refs.topSiteLink);
 it("should fire a click event when an item is clicked", done => {
   function dispatch(a) {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_USER_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "CLICK");
       assert.equal(, "NEW_TAB");
       assert.equal(, "VISITAGAIN");
       assert.equal(, 0);
       assert.equal(, "EmbedlyTest");
       assert.equal(, fakeVisitAgainItems[0].type);
   instance = renderWithProvider(<VisitAgain page={"NEW_TAB"} dispatch={dispatch} sites={fakeVisitAgainItems} prefs={{}} />);, SpotlightItem)[0];
Beispiel #21
 it("should fire a click event an item is clicked without a url or recommender type if it is not a recommendation", done => {
   function dispatch(a) {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_USER_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "CLICK");
       assert.equal(, "NEW_TAB");
       assert.equal(, "FEATURED");
       assert.equal(, 0);
       assert.equal(, null);
       assert.equal(, null);
   instance = renderWithProvider(<Spotlight page={"NEW_TAB"} dispatch={dispatch} sites={fakeSpotlightItems} />);, SpotlightItem)[0];
  it("should pass placeholder=true to Stories, TopSites and Bookmarks when isReady is false", () => {
    instance = renderWithProvider(
      <NewTabPage {...fakeProps} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    let stories = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, PocketStories);
    assert.equal(stories.props.placeholder, true);

    let topSites = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, TopSites);
    assert.equal(topSites.props.placeholder, true);

    let bookmarks = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, Bookmarks);
    assert.equal(bookmarks.props.placeholder, true);

    let visitAgain = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, VisitAgain);
    assert.equal(visitAgain.props.placeholder, true);
  it("should pass placeholder=false to Stories, TopSites and Bookmarks when isReady is true", () => {
    let propsWithIsReadyTrue = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, {isReady: true});
    instance = renderWithProvider(
      <NewTabPage {...propsWithIsReadyTrue} dispatch={() => {}} />);

    let stories = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, PocketStories);
    assert.equal(stories.props.placeholder, false);

    let topSites = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, TopSites);
    assert.equal(topSites.props.placeholder, false);

    let bookmarks = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, Bookmarks);
    assert.equal(bookmarks.props.placeholder, false);

    let visitAgain = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, VisitAgain);
    assert.equal(visitAgain.props.placeholder, false);
Beispiel #24
 it("should fire a click event an item is clicked with url and recommender type when site is a recommendation", done => {
   function dispatch(a) {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_USER_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "CLICK");
       assert.equal(, "NEW_TAB");
       assert.equal(, "FEATURED");
       assert.equal(, 0);
       assert.equal(, fakeRecommendation.url);
       assert.equal(, fakeRecommendation.recommender_type);
   let fakeSitesWithRecommendation = fakeSpotlightItems;
   let fakeRecommendation =  {url: "", recommender_type: "pocket-trending", recommended: true};
   fakeSitesWithRecommendation[0] = Object.assign({}, fakeSitesWithRecommendation[0], fakeRecommendation);
   instance = renderWithProvider(<Spotlight page={"NEW_TAB"} dispatch={dispatch} sites={fakeSitesWithRecommendation} />);, SpotlightItem)[0];
 it("should fire a drop action when a top site is dropped on it", done => {
   const url = "";
   const title = "an example title";
   const index = 7;
   let callCount = 0;
   function dispatch(a) {
     if (a.type === "TOPSITES_DROP_REQUEST") {
       assert.equal(, url);
       assert.equal(, title);
       assert.equal(, index);
       if (++callCount === 2) {
     if (a.type === "NOTIFY_USER_EVENT") {
       assert.equal(, "DROP_TOPSITE");
       assert.equal(, index);
       if (++callCount === 2) {
   instance = renderWithProvider(<PlaceholderTopSitesItem dispatch={dispatch} index={index} />);
     preventDefault: () => {},
     dataTransfer: {
       getData: type => {
         if (type === "text/topsite-index") {
           return 1;
         if (type === "text/topsite-title") {
           return title;
         return url;
 it("should render connected component with correct props", () => {
   const container = renderWithProvider(<ConnectedNewTabPage />);
   const inner = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(container, NewTabPage);
   Object.keys(NewTabPage.propTypes).forEach(key =>, key));
 beforeEach(() => {
   instance = renderWithProvider(<NewTabPage {...fakeProps} dispatch={() => {}} />);
 beforeEach(() => {
   instance = renderWithProvider(<TimelinePage {...fakeProps}>
     <div className="fake-child">Hello world</div>
 function setup(customProps = {}, dispatch) {
   const props = Object.assign({}, fakeProps, customProps);
   instance = renderWithProvider(<TimelineHistory {...props} />, dispatch && {dispatch});
   loadMore = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(instance, LoadMore);
 it("should render the connected container with the correct props", () => {
   const container = renderWithProvider(<ConnectedTimelineHistory />);
   const inner = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(container, TimelineHistory);
   Object.keys(TimelineHistory.propTypes).forEach(key =>, key));