it('must handle an empty bid size', () => {
   bidRequests[0].mediaTypes = { banner: {} };
   const requests = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
   const bidRequest = {};
   bidRequest['2c5e8a1a84522d'] = { mediaTypes: BANNER, w: null, h: null };
 it('should return a valid video bid response', () => {
   const ebdrReq = {bids: {}};
   bidRequests.forEach(bid => {
     let _mediaTypes = (bid.mediaTypes && ? VIDEO : BANNER);
     ebdrReq.bids[bid.bidId] = {mediaTypes: _mediaTypes,
       w: _mediaTypes == BANNER ? bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].sizes[0][0] : bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].playerSize[0],
       h: _mediaTypes == BANNER ? bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].sizes[0][1] : bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].playerSize[1]
   const serverResponse = {id: '1d0c4017f02458', seatbid: [{bid: [{id: '23a01e95856577', impid: '23a01e95856577', price: 0.81, adid: 'abcde-12345', nurl: '', adm: '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<VAST version=\"2.0\"><Ad id=\"static\"><InLine><AdSystem>Static VAST</AdSystem><AdTitle>Static VAST Tag</AdTitle><Impression /><Creatives><Creative><Linear><Duration>00:00:15</Duration><TrackingEvents><Tracking event=\"start\" /><Tracking event=\"firstQuartile\" /><Tracking event=\"midpoint\" /><Tracking event=\"thirdQuartile\" /><Tracking event=\"complete\" /><Tracking event=\"pause\" /><Tracking event=\"mute\" /><Tracking event=\"fullscreen\" /></TrackingEvents><VideoClicks><ClickThrough></ClickThrough><ClickTracking /></VideoClicks><MediaFiles><MediaFile type=\"video/mp4\" bitrate=\"160\" width=\"1918\" height=\"1080\">c</MediaFile></MediaFiles></Linear></Creative></Creatives></InLine></Ad></VAST>', adomain: [''], iurl: '', cid: 'campaign1', crid: 'abcde-12345', w: 300, h: 250}], seat: '19513bcfca8006'}], bidid: '19513bcfca8006', cur: 'USD'};
   const bidResponse = spec.interpretResponse({ body: serverResponse }, ebdrReq);
     requestId: bidRequests[1].bidId,
     vastXml: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm,
     mediaType: 'video',
     creativeId: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].crid,
     cpm: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].price,
     width: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].w,
     height: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].h,
     currency: 'USD',
     netRevenue: true,
     ttl: 3600,
     vastUrl: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].nurl
 it('should return true when the "bidfloor" param is missing', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
   bidRequest.params = {
     zoneid: '99998',
 it('must handle an empty bid size', () => {
   bidRequests[1].mediaTypes = { video: {} };
   const requests = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
   const bidRequest = {};
   bidRequest['23a01e95856577'] = { mediaTypes: VIDEO, w: null, h: null };
 it('must parse bid size from a nested array', () => {
   const width = 640;
   const height = 480;
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
   bidRequest.mediaTypes = { banner: {sizes: [[ width, height ]]} };
   const requests = spec.buildRequests([ bidRequest ]);
   const data = {};
   data['2c5e8a1a84522d'] = { mediaTypes: BANNER, w: width, h: height };
 it('should return valid banner bid responses', () => {
   const ebdrReq = {bids: {}};
   bidRequests.forEach(bid => {
     let _mediaTypes = (bid.mediaTypes && ? VIDEO : BANNER);
     ebdrReq.bids[bid.bidId] = {mediaTypes: _mediaTypes,
       w: _mediaTypes == BANNER ? bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].sizes[0][0] : bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].playerSize[0],
       h: _mediaTypes == BANNER ? bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].sizes[0][1] : bid.mediaTypes[_mediaTypes].playerSize[1]
   const serverResponse = {id: '1d0c4017f02458', seatbid: [{bid: [{id: '2c5e8a1a84522d', impid: '2c5e8a1a84522d', price: 0.81, adid: 'abcde-12345', nurl: '', adm: '<div><img src="" width=350 height=250 /></div>', adomain: [''], iurl: '', cid: 'campaign1', crid: 'abcde-12345', w: 300, h: 250}], seat: '19513bcfca8006'}], bidid: '19513bcfca8006', cur: 'USD', w: 300, h: 250};
   const bidResponse = spec.interpretResponse({ body: serverResponse }, ebdrReq);
     requestId: bidRequests[ 0 ].bidId,
     ad: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].adm,
     mediaType: 'banner',
     creativeId: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].crid,
     cpm: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].price,
     width: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].w,
     height: serverResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].h,
     currency: 'USD',
     netRevenue: true,
     ttl: 3600
 it('should create a single GET', () => {
   bidRequests[0].mediaTypes = { banner: {} };
   bidRequests[1].mediaTypes = { banner: {} };
   const requests = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
 it('should return false when a bid request is not passed', () => {
 it('should return false when no bid params are passed', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
   bidRequest.params = {};
 it('should return true when the required params are passed', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
 it('empty response', () => {
   const serverResponse = {};
   const result = [];
   expect(spec.getUserSyncs(syncOptions, { body: serverResponse })).to.deep.equal(result);
 it('sucess without usersync url', () => {
   const serverResponse = {id: '1d0c4017f02458', seatbid: [{bid: [{id: '2c5e8a1a84522d', impid: '2c5e8a1a84522d', price: 0.81, adid: 'abcde-12345', nurl: '', adm: '<div><img src="" width=350 height=250 /></div>', adomain: [''], iurl: '', cid: 'campaign1', crid: 'abcde-12345', w: 300, h: 250}], seat: '19513bcfca8006'}], bidid: '19513bcfca8006', cur: 'USD', w: 300, h: 250};
   const result = [];
   expect(spec.getUserSyncs(syncOptions, { body: serverResponse })).to.deep.equal(result);
 it('should return no bids if the response is empty', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
   bidRequest.mediaTypes = { banner: {} };
   const bidResponse = spec.interpretResponse({ body: [] }, { bidRequest });
 it('should return no bids if the response is not valid', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[0];
   bidRequest.mediaTypes = { video: {} };
   const bidResponse = spec.interpretResponse({ body: null }, { bidRequest });
 it('should create a GET request for each bid', () => {
   const bidRequest = bidRequests[1];
   const requests = spec.buildRequests([ bidRequest ]);