Beispiel #1
 constructor() {
   this.called = false;
   this.deferred = defer();
   const og =; = mem((...args) => {
     this.called = true;
     return, args);
const decrypt = (params, opts) => {
	if (!decryptFn) {
		decryptFn = pify(kms.decrypt.bind(kms));

		if (opts.maxAge && opts.maxAge > 0) {
			// If `maxAge` is provided, use memoization
			decryptFn = mem(decryptFn, {maxAge: opts.maxAge});

	return decryptFn(params);
Beispiel #3
function Evaluator (opts) {
  if (!(this instanceof Evaluator)) return new Evaluator(opts)

  opts = opts || {}

  var compare

  if (opts.cache !== false) {
    var _includes = memoize(includes, opts.cacheOpts)
    if (!opts.insensitive) {
      compare = createSensitiveCompare(_includes)
    } else {
      var _lowercase = memoize(lowercase, opts.cacheOpts)
      compare = createInsensitiveCompare(_includes, _lowercase)
  } else {
    compare = opts.insensitive ? createInsensitiveCompare(includes, lowercase) : createSensitiveCompare(includes)

  this.visit_var = compare

  this.visit_and = function (node, vars) {
    return this.evaluate(node.left, vars) && this.evaluate(node.right, vars)

  this.visit_or = function (node, vars) {
    return this.evaluate(node.left, vars) || this.evaluate(node.right, vars)

  this.visit_not = function (node, vars) {
    return !this.evaluate(node.operand, vars)

  this.evaluate = function (node, vars) {
    return node.accept(this, vars)
import { Users } from '../../../models';
import { settings } from '../../../settings';
import memoize from 'mem';

const maxAgeInMS = 1000;

const getUserByUsername = (username) => Users.findOneByUsername(username, { fields: { name: 1 } });
const getNameOfUser = memoize((username) => {
	const user = getUserByUsername(username);
	return user ? : undefined;
}, { maxAge: maxAgeInMS });

export const composeMessageObjectWithUser = function(message, userId) {
	if (message) {
		if (message.starred && Array.isArray(message.starred)) {
			message.starred = message.starred.filter((star) => star._id === userId);
		if (settings.get('UI_Use_Real_Name')) {
			if (message.u && message.u._id) { = getNameOfUser(message.u.username);
			if (message.mentions && message.mentions.length) {
				message.mentions.forEach((mention) => = getNameOfUser(mention.username));
			if (message.reactions && Object.keys(message.reactions).length) {
				Object.keys(message.reactions).forEach((reaction) => {
					const names = message.reactions[reaction];
					message.reactions[reaction].names = names;
Beispiel #5

function getWinLocaleSync() {
	const stdout = execa.sync('wmic', ['os', 'get', 'locale']).stdout;
	const lcidCode = parseInt(stdout.replace('Locale', ''), 16);
	return lcid.from(lcidCode);

module.exports = mem(opts => {
	opts = opts || defaultOpts;
	const envLocale = getEnvLocale();
	let thenable;

	if (envLocale || opts.spawn === false) {
		thenable = Promise.resolve(getLocale(envLocale));
	} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		thenable = getWinLocale();
	} else {
		thenable = getUnixLocale();

	return thenable.then(locale => locale || defaultLocale)
		.catch(() => defaultLocale);

module.exports.sync = mem(opts => {
	opts = opts || defaultOpts;
	const envLocale = getEnvLocale();
	let res;

	if (envLocale || opts.spawn === false) {
		res = getLocale(envLocale);

function cleanWinCmd(x) {
	return x.replace(/^.*\\/, '');

function noop() {}

module.exports = mem(() => {
	const envVar = getEnvVar();

	if (envVar) {
		return Promise.resolve(envVar);

	if (process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'linux') {
		return execa('id', ['-un']).then(x => x.stdout).catch(noop);
	} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		return execa('whoami').then(x => cleanWinCmd(x.stdout)).catch(noop);

	return Promise.resolve();

module.exports.sync = mem(() => {
	const envVar = getEnvVar();

	if (envVar) {
		return envVar;
Beispiel #7
		const fullname = (res.stdout.split(':')[4] || '').replace(/,.*/, '');
		return fullname || Promise.reject();

function fallback() {
	if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
		return pAny([checkPasswd(), checkOsaScript()]);

	if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		// Fullname is usually not set by default in the system on Windows 7+
		return pAny([checkGit(), checkWmic()]);

	return pAny([checkPasswd(), checkGetEnt(), checkGit()]);

function getFullName() {
	return checkEnv()
		.catch(() => {});

module.exports = mem(getFullName, {
	cacheKey() {
		return JSON.stringify(filterObj(process.env, envVars));

function cleanWinCmd(x) {
	return x.replace(/^.*\\/, '');

function noop() {}

module.exports = mem(() => {
	const envVar = getEnvVar();

	if (envVar) {
		return Promise.resolve(envVar);

	if (process.platform === 'darwin' || process.platform === 'linux') {
		return execa('id', ['-un']).then(x => x.stdout).catch(noop);
	} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		return execa('whoami').then(x => cleanWinCmd(x.stdout)).catch(noop);

	return Promise.resolve();

module.exports.sync = mem(() => {
	const envVar = getEnvVar();

	if (envVar) {
		return envVar;
Beispiel #9
import mem from "mem"

let keepEscaped = str => str.startsWith("\\") ? str.slice(1) : ""
let dropComments = str => str.replace(/\\?#.*$|\s+/gm, keepEscaped)
let processExt = mem(raw =>

let escapeMeta = str => str.replace(/[|{}[\]()?+*.\\$^]/g, "\\$&")
let toString = val =>
    if (val == null) return ""
    if (val[Symbol.match]) return val.source

    return typeof val != "string"
        && typeof val[Symbol.iterator] == "function"
        ? Array.from(val, toString).join("|")
        : escapeMeta(`${val}`)

export default mem(flags =>
    let ext = flags.includes("x")
    if (ext) flags = flags.replace("x", "")

    return ({ raw }, ...vals) =>
        if (ext) raw = processExt(raw)

        let pattern = String.raw({ raw },

        return new RegExp(pattern, flags)
Beispiel #10
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker';
import { Subscriptions, Messages } from '../../../models';
import { callbacks } from '../../../callbacks';
import { settings } from '../../../settings';
import { hasAtLeastOnePermission } from '../../../authorization';
import { CachedCollectionManager } from '../../../ui-cached-collection';
import _ from 'underscore';
import mem from 'mem';

export const AutoTranslate = {
	findSubscriptionByRid: mem((rid) => Subscriptions.findOne({ rid })),
	messageIdsToWait: {},
	supportedLanguages: [],

	getLanguage(rid) {
		let subscription = {};
		if (rid) {
			subscription = this.findSubscriptionByRid(rid);
		const language = (subscription && subscription.autoTranslateLanguage) || Meteor.user().language || window.defaultUserLanguage();
		if (language.indexOf('-') !== -1) {
			if (!_.findWhere(this.supportedLanguages, { language })) {
				return language.substr(0, 2);
		return language;

	translateAttachments(attachments, language) {
		for (const attachment of attachments) {
Beispiel #11
import mem from 'mem';

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { ChatSubscription } from '../../app/models';
import { roomTypes } from '../../app/utils';
import { call } from '../../app/ui-utils';

const getRoomById = mem((rid) => call('getRoomById', rid));

FlowRouter.goToRoomById = async (rid) => {
	if (!rid) {
	const subscription = ChatSubscription.findOne({ rid });
	if (subscription) {
		return roomTypes.openRouteLink(subscription.t, subscription, FlowRouter.current().queryParams);

	const room = await getRoomById(rid);
	return roomTypes.openRouteLink(room.t, room, FlowRouter.current().queryParams);
Beispiel #12
const COURSE_URL = APP_BASE + 'courseData.url'
const AREA_URL = APP_BASE + 'areaData.url'

const actions = {
	notifications: notificationActions,

const worker = new LoadDataWorker()

let fetchText = (...args) =>

const memFetchText: typeof fetchText = mem(fetchText)

worker.addEventListener('error', msg =>
	console.warn('[main] received error from load-data worker:', msg),

worker.addEventListener('message', ({data}: {data: string}) => {
	let {type, message}: DispatchMessage = JSON.parse(data)
	if (type === 'dispatch') {
		const action = actions[message.type][message.action](...message.args)
		global._dispatch && global._dispatch(action)

export type DispatchMessage = {
	type: 'dispatch',
Beispiel #13
import fsWriteStreamAtomic from 'fs-write-stream-atomic';
import getRes from 'get-res';
import logSymbols from 'log-symbols';
import mem from 'mem';
import mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import rimraf from 'rimraf';
import screenshotStream from 'screenshot-stream';
import viewportList from 'viewport-list';
import protocolify from 'protocolify';
import arrayUniq from 'array-uniq';
import filenamifyUrl from 'filenamify-url';
import template from 'lodash.template';
import pify from 'pify';
import plur from 'plur';

const getResMem = mem(getRes);
const viewportListMem = mem(viewportList);

let listener;

 * Fetch ten most popular resolutions
 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Object} options
 * @api private

export async function resolution(url, options) {
	for (const item of await getResMem()) {
import { Blaze } from 'meteor/blaze';
import { ChatMessage, ChatSubscription, ChatRoom } from '../../../models';
import { getConfig } from '../config';
import { RoomManager } from './RoomManager';
import { readMessage } from './readMessages';
import { renderMessageBody } from './renderMessageBody';

export const normalizeThreadMessage = mem((message) => {
	if (message.msg) {
		return renderMessageBody(message).replace(/<br\s?\\?>/g, ' ');

	if (message.attachments) {
		const attachment = message.attachments.find((attachment) => attachment.title || attachment.description);

		if (attachment && attachment.description) {
			return s.escapeHTML(attachment.description);

		if (attachment && attachment.title) {
			return s.escapeHTML(attachment.title);
}, { maxAge: 1000 });

export const upsertMessage = ({ msg: { _id, ...msg }, subscription }) => {
	const userId = msg.u && msg.u._id;

	if (subscription && subscription.ignored && subscription.ignored.indexOf(userId) > -1) {
		msg.ignored = true;
Beispiel #15
	}) => React.Node,
	groupBy: GROUP_BY_KEY,
	sortBy: SORT_BY_KEY,
	limitTo: string,
	filterBy: string,

type State = {|
	error: ?string,
	inProgress: boolean,
	didSearch: boolean,
	results: List<CourseType>,
	grouped: List<string | CourseType>,

const memSortAndGroup: typeof sortAndGroup = mem(sortAndGroup, {maxAge: 10000})

export class Querent extends React.Component<Props, State> {
	state = {
		error: '',
		inProgress: false,
		results: List(),
		grouped: List(),
		didSearch: false,

	_isMounted: boolean = false

	componentDidMount() {
		this._isMounted = true