Beispiel #1
Store.prototype.bindActions = function() {
  var actions =;

  if (actions.length > 1 && actions.length % 2 !== 0) {
    throw new Error("bindActions must take an even number of arguments.");

  var bindAction = function(type, handler) {
    if (!handler) {
      throw new Error("The handler for action type " + type + " is falsy");

    this.__actions__[type] = handler;

  if (actions.length === 1 && _isObject(actions[0])) {
    actions = actions[0];
    for (var key in actions) {
      if (actions.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        bindAction(key, actions[key]);
  } else {
    for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i += 2) {
      var type = actions[i],
          handler = actions[i+1];

      if (!type) {
        throw new Error("Argument " + (i+1) + " to bindActions is a falsy value");

      bindAction(type, handler);
Beispiel #2
      this.handleDragEnd.bind(this, type, null)

    var dragOptions = beginDrag(e),
        { item, dragPreview, dragAnchors, effectsAllowed } = dragOptions;

    if (!effectsAllowed) {
      // Move is a sensible default drag effect.
      // Browser shows a drag preview anyway so we usually don't want "+" icon.
      effectsAllowed = [DropEffects.MOVE];

    invariant(isArray(effectsAllowed) && effectsAllowed.length > 0, 'Expected effectsAllowed to be non-empty array');
    invariant(isObject(item), 'Expected return value of beginDrag to contain "item" object');

    configureDataTransfer(this.getDOMNode(), e.nativeEvent, dragPreview, dragAnchors, effectsAllowed);
    DragDropActionCreators.startDragging(type, item, effectsAllowed);

    // Delay setting own state by a tick so `getDragState(type).isDragging`
    // doesn't return `true` yet. Otherwise browser will capture dragged state
    // as the element screenshot.

    setTimeout(() => {
      if (this.isMounted() && DragDropStore.getDraggedItem() === item) {
          ownDraggedItemType: type