Beispiel #1
    it('should lock up funds for 100 blocks (relative lock time)', function () {
      // This example spends to an output that requires a normal signature and
      // also for the transaction seqnum to be at least 100 (enforcing relative
      // locktime - the spend tx must be 100 blocks after the funding tx was
      // confirmed).
      // scriptPubkey: <seqnum> OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_DROP <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
      // scriptSig: <sig>

      let scriptseqnum = 100
      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)
      let scriptPubkey = Script()
      let scriptSig = Script()
        .writeOpcode(Opcode.OP_0) // signature - will be replaced with actual signature
      let txhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let txoutnum = 0
      let txout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)

      let txb, sig, txseqnum

      // tx seqnum too low - tx invalid
      txseqnum = 99
      txb = Txbuilder()
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig, txseqnum)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY).should.equal(false)

      // tx seqnum high enough - tx valid
      txseqnum = 100
      txb = Txbuilder()
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig, txseqnum)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY).should.equal(true)
Beispiel #2
    it('should lock up funds until block 100', function () {
      // This example spends to an output that requires a normal signature and
      // also for the transaction locktime to be at least 100. The sequence
      // number seqnum is set to an arbitrary value less than 0xffffffff, which
      // is necessary to enable CLTV.
      // scriptPubkey: <nlocktime> OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
      // scriptSig: <sig>

      let scriptnlocktime = 100
      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)
      let scriptPubkey = Script()
      let scriptSig = Script()
        .writeOpcode(Opcode.OP_0) // signature - will be replaced with actual signature
      let txb = Txbuilder()
      let txhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let txoutnum = 0
      let txout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)
      let seqnum = 0xf0f0f0f0 // must be less than 0xffffffff for CLTV to work
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig, seqnum)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))

      let sig, txnlocktime

      // tx lock time too low - tx invalid
      txnlocktime = 99
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(false)

      // tx lock time high enough - tx valid
      txnlocktime = 100
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(true)
Beispiel #3
    it('should enable spending funds when sig and value that hashes correctly is in input with a p2sh transaction', function () {
      // This example is almost the same as the previous one, except that the
      // funding transaction is p2sh. It spends to an output that requires both
      // a signature and some secret value secretbuf which correctly hashes to
      // hashbuf. What was the scriptPubkey of the previous example becomes the
      // redeemScript in this one. And the subscripts in the tx sign are the
      // redeemScript.
      // scriptPubkey: OP_SHA256 <hash> OP_EQUALVERIFY <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
      // scriptSig: <sig> <secret>

      let secretbuf = new Buffer('this is a secret string')
      let hashbuf = Hash.sha256(secretbuf)

      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)

      let redeemScript = Script()
      let scriptSig = Script()
        .writeOpcode(Opcode.OP_0) // signature - will be replaced with actual signature
        .writeBuffer(secretbuf) // secret value
      let scriptPubkey = Script()

      let txb = Txbuilder()
      let txhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let txoutnum = 0
      let txout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))
      let sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, redeemScript)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(true)
Beispiel #4
    it('should enable spending funds when sig and value that hashes correctly is in input', function () {
      // This example spends to an output that requires both a signature and some
      // secret value secretbuf which correctly hashes to hashbuf
      // scriptPubkey: OP_SHA256 <hash> OP_EQUALVERIFY <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
      // scriptSig: <sig> <secret>

      let secretbuf = new Buffer('this is a secret string')
      let hashbuf = Hash.sha256(secretbuf)

      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)

      let scriptPubkey = Script()
      let scriptSig = Script()
        .writeOpcode(Opcode.OP_0) // signature - will be replaced with actual signature
        .writeBuffer(secretbuf) // secret value

      let txb = Txbuilder()
      let txhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let txoutnum = 0
      let txout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))
      let sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(true)
Beispiel #5
    it('should validate', function () {
      // Based on Clemens' document:

      // Initial keypair to fund the funding tx, owned by sender
      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)
      let address = Address().fromPubkey(pubkey)
      let scriptPubkey = address.toScript()

      // First multisig address, using Sender and Receiver keys
      let senderPrivkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let senderPubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(senderPrivkey)
      // let senderKeypair = Keypair(senderPrivkey, senderPubkey)
      let receiverPrivkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let receiverPubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(receiverPrivkey)
      // let receiverKeypair = Keypair(receiverPrivkey, receiverPubkey)
      let multisigScript = Script().fromPubkeys(2, [senderPubkey, receiverPubkey])
      let multisigAddress = Address().fromRedeemScript(multisigScript)
      // let multisigScriptPubkey = multisigAddress.toScript()

      // building, signing, and verifying the funding tx
      let fundingTxb = Txbuilder()
      let fundingInputTxhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let fundingInputTxoutnum = 0
      let fundingInputTxout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)
      fundingTxb.fromPubkeyhash(fundingInputTxhashbuf, fundingInputTxoutnum, fundingInputTxout, pubkey)
      fundingTxb.toAddress(BN(100000), multisigAddress)
      fundingTxb.sign(0, keypair, fundingInputTxout)
      Txverifier.verify(fundingTxb.tx, fundingTxb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(true)

      // TODO: Not finished! Add the other transactions.
'use strict'
let BN = require('fullnode/lib/bn')
let Privkey = require('fullnode/lib/privkey')
let Pubkey = require('fullnode/lib/pubkey')

let privkey = Privkey().fromBN(BN(5))
let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)

privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
var Hash = require('fullnode/lib/hash')
var BN = require('fullnode/lib/bn')
var Privkey = require('fullnode/lib/privkey')
var Pubkey = require('fullnode/lib/pubkey')
var Address = require('fullnode/lib/address')

// First, find a random seed buffer:
var buf = new Buffer('69ee755ffa5a5f7a9692ca0495108c6a7502ef221607b1ead4158badd37314d1', 'hex')

console.log('master seed: ' + buf.toString('hex'))

// Now append numbers to get new seeds, which are hashed to derive private
// keys:
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  var bufi = new Buffer(4)
  var buff = Buffer.concat([buf, bufi])
  console.log('seed for ' + i + ': ' + buff.toString('hex'))
  var hash = Hash.sha256(buff)
  console.log('key for ' + i + ': ' + hash.toString('hex'))
  var bn = BN().fromBuffer(hash)
  var privkey = Privkey().fromBN(bn)
  var pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
  var address = Address().fromPubkey(pubkey)
  console.log('privkey ' + i + ': ' + privkey.toString())
  console.log('pubkey ' + i + ': ' + pubkey.toString())
  console.log('address ' + i + ': ' + address.toString())
Beispiel #8
    it('should lock up funds until block 100 with a p2sh transaction', function () {
      // This example is almost the same as the previous example - it spends to
      // an output that requires a normal signature and also for the
      // transaction locktime to be at least 100. The sequence number seqnum is
      // set to an arbitrary value less than 0xffffffff, which is necessary to
      // enable CLTV. The difference is that it is a p2sh transaction, so much
      // of the logic is in the redeemScript. Also note that the subscript
      // changes when doing tx sign - in the p2sh case, the subscript is the
      // redeemScript, not the scriptPubkey.
      // scriptPubkey: OP_HASH160 <p2shaddress> OP_EQUAL
      // scriptSig: <sig> <redeemScript>
      // redeemScript: <nlocktime> OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG

      let scriptnlocktime = 100
      let privkey = Privkey().fromRandom()
      let pubkey = Pubkey().fromPrivkey(privkey)
      let keypair = Keypair(privkey, pubkey)
      let redeemScript = Script()
      let scriptSig = Script()
        .writeOpcode(Opcode.OP_0) // signature - will be replaced with actual signature
      let scriptPubkey = Script()

      let txb = Txbuilder()
      let txhashbuf = new Buffer(32)
      let txoutnum = 0
      let txout = Txout(BN(500000)).setScript(scriptPubkey)
      let seqnum = 0xf0f0f0f0 // must be less than 0xffffffff for CLTV to work
      txb.fromScript(txhashbuf, txoutnum, txout, scriptSig, seqnum)
      txb.toAddress(BN(100000), Address().fromPrivkey(Privkey().fromRandom()))

      let sig, txnlocktime

      // tx lock time too low - tx invalid
      txnlocktime = 99
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, redeemScript)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(false)

      // tx lock time high enough - tx valid
      txnlocktime = 100
      sig = txb.getSig(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, redeemScript)
      scriptSig.setChunkBuffer(0, sig.toTxFormat())
      Txverifier.verify(txb.tx, txb.utxoutmap, Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | Interp.SCRIPT_VERIFY_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY).should.equal(true)