function createContext(ip, port, checkpointDirectory, outputPath) {

    // If you do not see this printed, that means the StreamingContext has been loaded
    // from the new checkpoint
    print("Creating new context");

    // Create the context with a 1 second batch size
    var conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Javascript Recoverable Network Word Count");
    var ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, new Duration(1000));

    // Create a socket stream on target ip:port and count the
    // words in input stream of \n delimited text (eg. generated by 'nc')
    var lines = ssc.socketTextStream(ip, port);
    var words = lines.flatMap(function (x) {
        return x.split(/\s+/);
    var wordCounts = words.mapToPair(
        function (s, Tuple) {
            return new Tuple(s, 1);
        }, [Tuple]).reduceByKey(function (i1, i2) {
        return i1 + i2;

    wordCounts.foreachRDDWithTime(function (rdd, time) {
        var counts = "Counts sat time " + time + " " + rdd.collect();
        return null;

    return ssc;
var hostname = ((typeof args !== "undefined") && (args.length > 1)) ? args[1] : "localhost";
var port = ((typeof args !== "undefined") && (args.length > 2)) ? 0 + args[2] : 9999;

    // Create the context with a 1 second batch size
    var StorageLevel = require('eclairjs/storage/StorageLevel');
    var conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Javascript Network Word Count");
    var ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, new Duration(2000));

    // Create a JavaReceiverInputDStream on target ip:port and count the
    // words in input stream of \n delimited text (eg. generated by 'nc')
    // Note that no duplication in storage level only for running locally.
    // Replication necessary in distributed scenario for fault tolerance.
    var lines = ssc.socketTextStream(
            hostname, port, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2);
            // "localhost", 9999, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2);
    var words = lines.flatMap(function(x) {
        return x.split(/\s+/);
    var wordCounts = words.mapToPair( function(s, Tuple) {
          return new Tuple(s, 1);
      }, [Tuple]).reduceByKey(function(i1,i2) {
          return i1 + i2;
