async function main () {
  await exportTranslations();
  const zipPath = await tempDir.path({prefix: 'translations', suffix: '.zip'});
  try {
    await downloadTranslations(zipPath);
    const tmpRoot = await tempDir.openDir();
    try {
      await zip.extractAllTo(zipPath, tmpRoot);
      for (const name of await fs.readdir(tmpRoot)) {
        const currentPath = path.join(tmpRoot, name);
        if (!(await fs.stat(currentPath)).isDirectory() || name === ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE) {

        const dstPath = path.resolve(RESOURCES_ROOT, name);
        if (await fs.exists(dstPath)) {
          await fs.rimraf(dstPath);
        await, path.resolve(RESOURCES_ROOT, name), {
          mkdirp: true
        });`Successfully updated resources for the '${name}' language`);
    } finally {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpRoot);
  } finally {
    await fs.rimraf(zipPath);
Beispiel #2
async function unzipFile (zipPath) {
  log.debug(`Unzipping ${zipPath}`);
  try {
    await assertZipArchive(zipPath);
    if (system.isWindows()) {
      await zip.extractAllTo(zipPath, path.dirname(zipPath));
      log.debug("Unzip successful");
    } else {
      await exec('unzip', ['-o', zipPath], {cwd: path.dirname(zipPath)});
      log.debug("Unzip successful");
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error(`Error occurred while unzipping. Original error: ${e.message}`);
Beispiel #3
apkSigningMethods.checkApkKeystoreMatch = async function (keytool, md5re, keystoreHash,
    pkg, apk) {
  let entryHash = null;
  let rsa = /^META-INF\/.*\.[rR][sS][aA]$/;
  let foundKeystoreMatch = false;

  //for (let entry of entries) {
  await zip.readEntries(apk, async ({entry, extractEntryTo}) => {
    entry = entry.fileName;
    if (!rsa.test(entry)) {
    log.debug(`Entry: ${entry}`);
    let entryPath = path.join(this.tmpDir, pkg, 'cert');
    log.debug(`entryPath: ${entryPath}`);
    let entryFile = path.join(entryPath, entry);
    log.debug(`entryFile: ${entryFile}`);
    // ensure /tmp/pkg/cert/ doesn't exist or extract will fail.
    await fs.rimraf(entryPath);
    await extractEntryTo(entryPath);
    // check for match
    log.debug("Printing apk md5.");
    let {stdout} = await exec(keytool, ['-v', '-printcert', '-file', entryFile]);
    entryHash = md5re.exec(stdout);
    entryHash = entryHash ? entryHash[1] : null;
    log.debug(`entryHash MD5: ${entryHash}`);
    log.debug(`keystore MD5: ${keystoreHash}`);
    let matchesKeystore = entryHash && entryHash === keystoreHash;
    log.debug(`Matches keystore? ${matchesKeystore}`);

    // If we have a keystore match, stop iterating
    if (matchesKeystore) {
      foundKeystoreMatch = true;
      return false;
  return foundKeystoreMatch;
 * Get the content of given file or folder from iOS Simulator and return it as base-64 encoded string.
 * Folder content is recursively packed into a zip archive.
 * @param {Object} device - The device object, which represents the device under test.
 *                          This object is expected to have the `udid` property containing the
 *                          valid device ID.
 * @param {string} remotePath - The path to a file or a folder, which exists in the corresponding application
 *                              container on Simulator. Use
 *                              @<app_bundle_id>:<optional_container_type>/<path_to_the_file_or_folder_inside_container>
 *                              format to pull a file or a folder from an application container of the given type.
 *                              Possible container types are 'app', 'data', 'groups', '<A specific App Group container>'.
 *                              The default type is 'app'.
 * @param {boolean} isFile - Whether the destination item is a file or a folder
 * @returns {string} Base-64 encoded content of the file.
async function pullFromSimulator (device, remotePath, isFile) {
  let pathOnServer;
  if (CONTAINER_PATH_PATTERN.test(remotePath)) {
    const [bundleId, dstPath] = await parseContainerPath(remotePath,
      async (appBundle, containerType) => await getAppContainer(device.udid, appBundle, null, containerType));`Parsed bundle identifier '${bundleId}' from '${remotePath}'. ` +
      `Will get the data from '${dstPath}'`);
    pathOnServer = dstPath;
  } else {
    const simRoot = device.getDir();
    pathOnServer = path.posix.join(simRoot, remotePath);
    verifyIsSubPath(pathOnServer, simRoot);`Got the full item path: ${pathOnServer}`);
  if (!await fs.exists(pathOnServer)) {
    log.errorAndThrow(`The remote ${isFile ? 'file' : 'folder'} at '${pathOnServer}' does not exist`);
  const buffer = isFile
    ? await fs.readFile(pathOnServer)
    : await zip.toInMemoryZip(pathOnServer);
  return Buffer.from(buffer).toString('base64');
 * Get the content of given file or folder from the real device under test and return it as base-64 encoded string.
 * Folder content is recursively packed into a zip archive.
 * @param {Object} device - The device object, which represents the device under test.
 *                          This object is expected to have the `udid` property containing the
 *                          valid device ID.
 * @param {string} remotePath - The path to an existing remote file on the device. This variable can be prefixed with
 *                              bundle id, so then the file will be downloaded from the corresponding
 *                              application container instead of the default media folder, for example
 *                              '@com.myapp.bla/RelativePathInContainer/111.png'. The '@' character at the
 *                              beginning of the argument is mandatory in such case.
 * @param {boolean} isFile - Whether the destination item is a file or a folder
 * @return {string} Base-64 encoded content of the remote file
async function pullFromRealDevice (device, remotePath, isFile) {
  await verifyIFusePresence();
  const mntRoot = await tempDir.openDir();
  let isUnmountSuccessful = true;
  try {
    let dstPath = path.resolve(mntRoot, remotePath);
    let ifuseArgs = ['-u', device.udid, mntRoot];
    if (CONTAINER_PATH_PATTERN.test(remotePath)) {
      const [bundleId, pathInContainer] = await parseContainerPath(remotePath, mntRoot);
      dstPath = pathInContainer;`Parsed bundle identifier '${bundleId}' from '${remotePath}'. ` +
        `Will get the data from '${dstPath}'`);
      ifuseArgs = ['-u', device.udid, '--container', bundleId, mntRoot];
    } else {
      verifyIsSubPath(dstPath, mntRoot);
    await mountDevice(device, ifuseArgs);
    isUnmountSuccessful = false;
    try {
      if (!await fs.exists(dstPath)) {
        log.errorAndThrow(`The remote ${isFile ? 'file' : 'folder'} at '${dstPath}' does not exist`);
      const buffer = isFile
        ? await fs.readFile(dstPath)
        : await zip.toInMemoryZip(dstPath);
      return Buffer.from(buffer).toString('base64');
    } finally {
      await exec('umount', [mntRoot]);
      isUnmountSuccessful = true;
  } finally {
    if (isUnmountSuccessful) {
      await fs.rimraf(mntRoot);
    } else {
      log.warn(`Umount has failed, so not removing '${mntRoot}'`);