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A stupid permalink plugin for Assemble.

  • ✓ Customize the permalink of any page.
  • ✓ Generate more than one page using the same template.
  • ✓ Dynamic permalink based on Assemble options or page data.
  • ✓ Read {{permalink}} from all pages.

Build Status


First, install this plugin and save the entry to devDependencies in package.json:

npm install assemble-permalink --save-dev

Second, add 'assemble-permalink' to your assemble.options.plugins.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    assemble: {
      options: {
        pkg: '<%= pkg %>',
        plugins: [ 'assemble-permalink', ... ],

Now, you can use permalink on your pages:

permalink: /somewhere/else/

then you'll have a /somewhere/else/index.html relative to the destination directory.

Multiple Permalinks

You can use a multiline string or an array to generate more than one page using the same template:

permalink: |


  - /location/a/
  - /location/b/

Both examples will generate two pages: /location/a/index.html and /location/b/index.html with content /location/a/ and /location/b/ respectively.

Permalink Template

You can also use template to create a dynamic permalink:

title: somewhere-else
permalink: /<%= %>/<%= title %>/

then you'll have /example-package/somewhere-else/index.html. For more info about this template syntax, see lodash documentation.

The template data come from three ways and in this order (the latter property will overwrite the former property):

  • Assemble options defined in Gruntfile.js.
  • The page object that contains these attributes: dirname, filename, pageName, pagename, basename, src, dest, assets, ext, extname, page, data, filePair.
  • Page's YAML Front Matter.


You can access {{permalink}} on all pages and:

  • it starts with a path separator such as "/"
  • "/index.html" at the end of permalink string will be replaced with "/"

Assemble Options

You can set permalink option for all pages in your Gruntfile.js.

Since grunt also parses lodash template (<%= ... %>), you can use {{ and }} to escape <%= and %>. If you really want {{ and }} in the string, use {{{{ and }}}}.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    assemble: {
      options: {
        pkg: '<%= pkg %>',
        plugins: [ 'assemble-permalink', 'other/plugins/*' ],
        permalink: '/{{ }}/{{ pkg.version }}/{{ title }}/',
      site: {
        options: {
          permalink: '/{{ }}/{{ title }}/'
        files: {
          'site/': [ 'pages/*.hbs' ]

Now, each of your pages in site scope has the permalink option as /<%= %>/<%= title %>/, which is defined in package.json and title can be different in pages.

If you don't want to use global permalink option on some pages, add permalink: or permalink: '' to YAML front matter.

permalink: ''


Callback function

assemble: {
  options: {
    permalinkCallback: function() {
      // parent permalinkCallback function
  blog: {
    options: {
      permalink: '...',
      permalinkCallback: function() {
        // child permalinkCallback function
        var page = this;

Functions in permalink

You can define functions in assemble.options. For example:

assemble: {
  blog: {
    options: {
      moment: require('moment'),
      permalink: '/{{ moment(date).format("YYYY/MM") }}/{{ title }}/'


assemble: {
  blog: {
    options: {
      require: require,
      permalink: '/{{ require("moment")(date).format("YYYY/MM") }}/{{ title }}/'

and then in your pages, set title and moment.js-favored date:

date: 2013-01-01T12:12:12+08:00
title: example

there you'll have 2013/01/example/index.html.

Another example generating the permalink of page having a Unicode title:

assemble: {
  blog: {
    options: {
      chinese2latin: function(chinese) {
        return require('pinyin_index')(chinese, {
          output: function(pinyin_array, replaced) {
            for (var i = 0; i < pinyin_array.length; i++) {
              pinyin_array[i] = pinyin_array[i].join('-');
            return pinyin_array.join('-');
      permalink: '/{{ chinese2latin(title) }}/'

In your page:

title: 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。

which is the same as:

title: 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。
permalink: <%= chinese2latin(title) %>

and you'll get:



Avoid using JavaScript reserved words (e.g. case) as variable name.

If you have variables in your option assemble.options.permalink, in case the variable could not be found on any page, you can set a default value for that variable in assemble.options:

options: {
  title: 'untitled',
  permalink: '/{{ title }}/'

And here is a simple text explaining how the conversion works:

{ title }         -> { title }
{{ title }}       -> <%= title %>
{{{ title }}}     -> { title }
{{{{ title }}}}   -> {{ title }}
{{{{{ title }}}}} -> {{{ title }}}

If you are using Grunt's dynamic expansion, you must set destForPermalink to tell assemble-permalink for the right destination directory.

assemble: {
  products: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'products/',
    src: [ '**/*.html' ],
    dest: 'site/products/',
    destForPermalink: 'site/'

See Also



A stupid permalink plugin for Assemble. Supports one-template-multiple-pages.







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