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Space Telemetry

This is the source code for

We'd love to know your ideas and corrections and pull requests.

Below are the instructions for getting a copy of the source code setup for development on your computer. If you run into any issues getting these instructions to work for you, let us know.

Prerequisites for Development


TBD: if you set this up on Linux, please let us know what else you had to do or just write it into this and send a pull request.



Install Xcode and it's command line tools. We also recommend the nicely packaged, though any method of installation should work.


TBD: if you set this up on Windows, please let us know what else you had to do or just write it into this and send a pull request.

Development Setup


Install io.js from: and Foreman to run the application in the same manner as Heroku, more at

    $ npm install foreman --global


  1. Download and install 9.4.x:

  2. Be sure to set your PATH to use the binaries in if using it.

  3. Setup a user and two databases in PostgreSQL (the names can be changed if you like):

     $ createuser --echo --createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt --encrypted space_telemetry_app
     $ createdb --echo --encoding=utf-8 --owner=space_telemetry_app space_telemetry_dev
     $ createdb --echo --encoding=utf-8 --owner=space_telemetry_app space_telemetry_test
  4. Run each of the SQL files found in db in order by file name, for example:

     $ psql --dbname space_telemetry_dev --user space_telemetry_app --file db/ddl-001.sql --password
     $ psql --dbname space_telemetry_dev --user space_telemetry_app --file db/ddl-002.sql --password
     $ psql --dbname space_telemetry_dev --user space_telemetry_app --file db/ddl-003.sql --password
     $ psql --dbname space_telemetry_dev --user space_telemetry_app --file db/ddl-004.sql --password
  5. Run each of the SQL files found in db in order by file name, this time for the test DB, for example:

     $ psql --dbname space_telemetry_test --user space_telemetry_app --file db/ddl-001.sql --password
     $ etc…

Space Telemetry

  1. Checkout the "develop" or "master" branches as you prefer; master is what you see at and develop is what we're working on.

     $ git checkout develop
  2. Copy .env.example to .env and .env.test and change the values as appropriate, e.g., replace MY_USER, MY_PASSWORD, and MY_DATABASE to those you used above.

  3. Install all the libraries and tools:

     $ npm install

Run Locally

Foreman starts web processes on port 5000; this cannot be changed until a bug in the node version of Foreman is fixed: strongloop/node-foreman#69

$ nf start

To automatically recompile the client files whenever you save changes to them, keep the following running (omit the watch flag to compile once and exit):

$ npm run webpack -- --watch

To run all the tests and generate code coverage (reported in detail in coverage/lcov-report/index.html):

$ npm run test

To run tests automatically when you save a change:

$ npm run test-watch

And, to run one test file without coverage and with full traces:

$ npm run test1 /test/path/to/my/test.js --loglevel silent

Making a Great Pull Request

  1. Familiarize yourself with GitHub pull requests:

  2. Fork this repository.

  3. Create a topic branch (in your fork) from the tip of the develop branch, for example if your adding a fancy feature, you'd create your topic branch from develop by running:

     $ git checkout -b add-some-fancy-feature develop
  4. Add tests to test/client or test/server for all your changes and use the coverage report to hunt for any dead code or missing tests.

  5. Write code that passes the jshint and jscs rules:

     $ npm run jscs
     $ npm run jshint
  6. Send a pull request!